Website for good citizens to report overusage of water.
CST336 - Internet Programming Final Individual Project
Languages Used
- Html
- Css
- JavaScript
- jQuery
#User Story Good citizens will be able to report any sightings of the over usage of water anonymously. The user filing a report does not have an account and does not have to pay a fee to submit a sighting. The good citizen will begin by searching for a water agency in their area to confirm their claim will be acted on. The good citizen, will begin their environmental stewardship by entering a short form that will include the address of the sighting, the type of claim, and whether the sighting is a business or residential home. Once the reporter of the claim submits report, they are able to submit another entry if they wish. The water agencies that are signed up on the H2O website will serve as the administrator of the webpage and will be able to resolve the reported claims, delete any claims, see the number of claims by zip code and the percentage of claims that have been resolved. The administrator will also be able to add water agencies to the system.
#ER Diagram