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Pablo review (#26)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* adding some tests and reviewing the code of the genericFrax strategy

* removing unused variable

* simplifying some contracts

* adding some common elements in the generic lender contracts

* changing error messages on compound lender

* fixing lint n the strat

* adding some more tests

* fixing broken tests

* adding script for CI and unit tests
  • Loading branch information
sogipec authored May 10, 2022
1 parent 9b0710d commit 1270127
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Showing 25 changed files with 813 additions and 1,131 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,3 +65,9 @@ jobs:
# This is required separately from yarn test because it generates the typechain definitions
- name: Compile
run: yarn compile
- name: Run unit tests
run: yarn test
CI: true
35 changes: 1 addition & 34 deletions .solcover.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,40 +2,7 @@ module.exports = {
norpc: true,
testCommand: 'yarn test',
compileCommand: 'yarn compile:hardhat',
skipFiles: [
skipFiles: ['mock', 'external', 'interfaces', 'utils'],
providerOptions: {
default_balance_ether: '10000000000000000000000000',
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,44 +7,51 @@ import "./GenericAaveUpgradeable.sol";

/// @title GenericAaveFraxStaker
/// @author Angle Core Team
/// @notice Allow to stake aFRAX on FRAX contracts to earn their incentives
/// @notice `GenericAaveUpgradeable` implementation for FRAX where aFRAX obtained from Aave are staked on a FRAX contract
/// to earn FXS incentives
contract GenericAaveFraxStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
using Address for address;

// // ========================== Protocol Addresses ==========================
// ============================= Protocol Addresses ============================

AggregatorV3Interface private constant oracleFXS =
IFraxUnifiedFarmTemplate private constant aFraxStakingContract =
uint256 private constant FRAX_IDX = 0;

// ==================== Parameters =============================
// ================================ Variables ==================================

// hash representing the position on Frax staker
/// @notice Hash representing the position on Frax staker
bytes32 public kekId;
// used to track the current liquidity (staked + interests)
/// @notice Used to track the current liquidity (staked + interests) from Aave
uint256 public lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome;
// Last liquidity recorded on Frax staking contract
/// @notice Tracks the amount of FRAX controlled by the protocol and lent as aFRAX on Frax staking contract
/// This quantity increases due to the Aave native yield
uint256 private lastLiquidity;
// Last time a staker has been created
/// @notice Last time a staker has been created
uint256 public lastCreatedStake;

// ================================ Parameters =================================

/// @notice Minimum amount of aFRAX to stake
uint256 private constant minStakingAmount = 1000 * 1e18; // 100 aFrax
/// @notice Staking duration
uint256 public stakingPeriod;

// ==================================== Errors =================================

error NoLockedLiquidity();
error TooSmallStakingPeriod();
error StakingPeriodTooSmall();
error UnstakedTooSoon();

// ============================= Constructor =============================
// ============================= Constructor ===================================

/// @notice Initializer of the `GenericAave`
/// @param _strategy Reference to the strategy using this lender
/// @param governorList List of addresses with governor privilege
/// @param keeperList List of addresses with keeper privilege
/// @param guardian Address of the guardian
/// @notice Wrapper built on top of the `initializeAave` method to initialize the contract
/// @param _stakingPeriod Amount of time aFRAX must remain staked
/// @dev This function also initialized some FRAX related parameters like the staking period
function initialize(
address _strategy,
string memory name,
Expand All @@ -60,40 +67,40 @@ contract GenericAaveFraxStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome = _lendingPool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(address(want));

// ========================= External Functions ===========================
// =========================== External Function ===============================

/// @notice Permisionless function to claim rewards, reward tokens are directly sent to the contract and keeper/governance
/// can handle them via a `sweep` or a `sellRewards` call
function claimRewardsExternal() external returns (uint256[] memory) {
return aFraxStakingContract.getReward(address(this));

// ========================= Governance Functions ===========================
// =========================== Governance Functions ============================

/// @notice Function to update the staking period
/// @notice Updates the staking period on the aFRAX staking contract
function setLockTime(uint256 _stakingPeriod) external onlyRole(GUARDIAN_ROLE) {
if (_stakingPeriod < aFraxStakingContract.lock_time_min()) revert StakingPeriodTooSmall();
stakingPeriod = _stakingPeriod;

/// @notice Function to set a proxy on the staking contract to have a delegation on their boosting
/// @dev We can have a multiplier if we ask for someone with boosting power
/// @notice Sets a proxy on the staking contract to obtain a delegation from an address with a boost
/// @dev Contract can have a multiplier on its FXS rewards if granted by someone with boosting power
/// @dev Can only be called after Frax governance called `aFraxStakingContract.toggleValidVeFXSProxy(proxy)`
/// and proxy called `aFraxStakingContract.proxyToggleStaker(address(this))`
function setProxyBoost(address proxy) external onlyRole(GUARDIAN_ROLE) {

// ========================= Virtual Functions ===========================
// ============================ Virtual Functions ==============================

/// @notice Allow the lender to stake its aTokens in the external staking contract
/// @param amount Amount of aToken wanted to be stake
/// @dev If there is an existent locker already on Frax staking contract (keckId != null) --> then add to it
/// otherwise (first time w deposit or last action was a withdraw) we need to create a new locker
/// @notice Implementation of the `_stake` function to stake aFRAX in the FRAX staking contract
/// @dev If there is an existent locker already on Frax staking contract (keckId != null), then this function adds to it
/// otherwise (if it's the first time we deposit or if last action was a withdraw) we need to create a new locker
/// @dev Currently there is no additional reward to stake more than the minimum period as there is no multiplier
function _stake(uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256 stakedAmount) {
uint256 pastReserveNormalizedIncome = lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome;
lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome = _lendingPool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(address(want));
uint256 newReserveNormalizedIncome = _lendingPool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(address(want));
lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome = newReserveNormalizedIncome;

IERC20(address(_aToken)).safeApprove(address(aFraxStakingContract), amount);
if (kekId == bytes32(0)) {
Expand All @@ -102,33 +109,33 @@ contract GenericAaveFraxStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
kekId = aFraxStakingContract.stakeLocked(amount, stakingPeriod);
} else {
aFraxStakingContract.lockAdditional(kekId, amount);
lastLiquidity = (lastLiquidity * lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome) / pastReserveNormalizedIncome + amount;
// Updating the `lastLiquidity` value
lastLiquidity = (lastLiquidity * newReserveNormalizedIncome) / pastReserveNormalizedIncome + amount;

stakedAmount = amount;

/// @notice Allow the lender to unstake its aTokens from the external staking contract
/// @param amount Amount of aToken wanted to be unstake
/// @dev If minimum staking period is not finished the function will revert
/// @dev We suppose there is no loss on staking contract --> only if the funds get hacked
/// @notice Implementation of the `_unstake` function
/// @dev If the minimum staking period is not finished, the function will revert
/// @dev This implementation assumes that there cannot any loss when staking on FRAX
function _unstake(uint256 amount) internal override returns (uint256 freedAmount) {
if (kekId == bytes32(0)) return 0;
if (block.timestamp - lastCreatedStake < stakingPeriod) revert UnstakedTooSoon();

lastAaveReserveNormalizedIncome = _lendingPool.getReserveNormalizedIncome(address(want));
lastCreatedStake = block.timestamp;

freedAmount = aFraxStakingContract.withdrawLocked(kekId, address(this));

if (amount + minStakingAmount < freedAmount) {
// too much has been withdrawn we must create back a locker
lastLiquidity = freedAmount - amount;
IERC20(address(_aToken)).safeApprove(address(aFraxStakingContract), lastLiquidity);
kekId = aFraxStakingContract.stakeLocked(lastLiquidity, stakingPeriod);

// - 1 because there values are rounded when transfering aTokens so we may end up with
// with a little bit less, instead of making multiple call just play it safe and withdraw 1 in all cases
// If too much has been withdrawn, we must create back a locker
lastCreatedStake = block.timestamp;
uint256 amountFRAXControlled = freedAmount - amount;
lastLiquidity = amountFRAXControlled;
IERC20(address(_aToken)).safeApprove(address(aFraxStakingContract), amountFRAXControlled);
kekId = aFraxStakingContract.stakeLocked(amountFRAXControlled, stakingPeriod);

// We need to round down the `freedAmount` value because values can be rounded down when transfering aTokens
// and we may stake slightly less than desired: to play it safe in all cases and avoid multiple calls, we
// systematically round down
freedAmount = amount - 1;
} else {
lastLiquidity = 0;
Expand All @@ -146,14 +153,14 @@ contract GenericAaveFraxStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
/// @notice Get stakingAPR after staking an additional `amount`
/// @param amount Virtual amount to be staked
function _stakingApr(uint256 amount) internal view override returns (uint256 apr) {
// These computations are made possible only because there will be only one staker
// These computations are made possible only because there can only be one staker in the contract
(uint256 oldCombinedWeight, uint256 newVefxsMultiplier, uint256 newCombinedWeight) = aFraxStakingContract

uint256 newBalance;
// if we didn't stake we need and we don't have anything to give, then stakingApr can only be 0
// If we didn't stake anything and we don't have anything to give, then stakingApr can only be 0
if (lastLiquidity == 0 && amount == 0) return 0;
// if we didn't stake we need an extra info on the multiplier per staking period
// If we didn't stake we need an extra info on the multiplier per staking period
// otherwise we reverse engineer the function
else if (lastLiquidity == 0) {
newBalance = amount;
Expand All @@ -165,26 +172,27 @@ contract GenericAaveFraxStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
newCombinedWeight = (newBalance * newCombinedWeight) / lastLiquidity;

// if we arrive up until here the totalCombinedWeight can only be non null
// If we arrive up until here the `totalCombinedWeight` can only be non null
uint256 totalCombinedWeight = aFraxStakingContract.totalCombinedWeight() +
newCombinedWeight -

uint256 rewardRate = (newCombinedWeight * aFraxStakingContract.rewardRates(FRAX_IDX) * 1 ether) /
(totalCombinedWeight * 1 ether);
uint256 rewardRate = (newCombinedWeight * aFraxStakingContract.rewardRates(FRAX_IDX)) / totalCombinedWeight;

// APRs are in 1e18 and 95% of estimated APR to avoid overestimations
apr = (_estimatedFXSToWant(rewardRate) * _SECONDS_IN_YEAR * 9500 * 1 ether) / 10000 / newBalance;
// APRs are in 1e18 and a 5% penalty on the FXS price is taken to avoid overestimations
apr = (_estimatedFXSToWant(rewardRate * _SECONDS_IN_YEAR) * 9500 * 1 ether) / 10000 / newBalance;

// ========================= Internal Functions ===========================
// ============================ Internal Functions =============================

/// @notice Estimate the amount of `want` we will get out by swapping it for FXS
/// @notice Estimates the amount of `want` we will get out by swapping it for FXS
/// @param amount Amount of FXS we want to exchange (in base 18)
/// @return swappedAmount Amount of `want` we are getting but in a gloabl base 18
/// @dev Uses Chainlink spot price. Return value will be in base 18
/// @return swappedAmount Amount of `want` we are getting but in a global base 18
/// @dev Uses Chainlink spot price
/// @dev This implementation assumes that 1 FRAX = 1 USD, as it does not do any FRAX -> USD conversion
function _estimatedFXSToWant(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) {
(, int256 fxsPriceUSD, , , ) = oracleFXS.latestRoundData(); // fxsPriceUSD is in base 8
(, int256 fxsPriceUSD, , , ) = oracleFXS.latestRoundData();
// fxsPriceUSD is in base 8
return (uint256(fxsPriceUSD) * amount) / 1e8;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,12 @@ import "./GenericAaveUpgradeable.sol";
/// @title GenericAaveNoStaker
/// @author Angle Core Team
/// @notice Only deposit onto Aave lendingPool with no staking
/// @dev In this implementation, we just have to override the base functions with constant amounts as nothing is
/// staked in an external contract
contract GenericAaveNoStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
// ============================= Constructor =============================
// ================================ Constructor ================================

/// @notice Initializer of the `GenericAave`
/// @param _strategy Reference to the strategy using this lender
/// @param governorList List of addresses with governor privilege
/// @param keeperList List of addresses with keeper privilege
/// @param guardian Address of the guardian
/// @notice Wrapper on top of the `initializeAave` method
function initialize(
address _strategy,
string memory name,
Expand All @@ -26,20 +24,21 @@ contract GenericAaveNoStaker is GenericAaveUpgradeable {
initializeAave(_strategy, name, _isIncentivised, governorList, guardian, keeperList);

// ========================= Virtual Functions ===========================
// =========================== Virtual Functions ===============================

function _stake(uint256) internal override returns (uint256) {}

function _unstake(uint256 amount) internal pure override returns (uint256) {
return amount;

/// @notice Get current staked Frax balance (counting interest receive since last update)
/// @notice Gets current staked balance (e.g 0 if nothing is staked)
function _stakedBalance() internal pure override returns (uint256) {
return 0;

/// @notice Get stakingAPR after staking an additional `amount`
/// @notice Get stakingAPR after staking an additional `amount`: in this case since nothing
/// is staked, it simply returns 0
function _stakingApr(uint256) internal pure override returns (uint256) {
return 0;
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