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endor edited this page Mar 26, 2013 · 4 revisions

We are hard at work to make the trip happen and can't promise to be able to take more participants with us. But at least we want to keep track of everyone who's interested. And if it won't work out this time, let's make it next year ;-)

  1. Tobiase Christensen
  2. Pete Fecteau (for 2014 trip)

Tobias Christensen

twitter, github

Who are you?

I'm a 32 year old Danish guy, currently living in Berlin. I lived in Silicon Valley for a couple of years and worked for a company that went from startup to corporation. After it became a corporation I decided it was time to try something else, so I moved to Berlin and I'm currently freelancing, mostly doing backend stuff.

Why are you supporting the project?

Over the past couple of years I've heard many interesting tales of what's going on in the tech scene of Eastern Africa and I even have a friend who moved there a couple of years ago. From what he tells me it sounds both chaotic and amazing at the same time, I'd really like to experience that myself. Also I love to travel and experience different cultures, unfortunately Africa is uncharted territory for me, I'd like to change that.

What are your expectations?

I hope to get some real insights into how things work in Eastern Africa, obviously things work in a different way there than in Europe/US. I believe a key ingredient in working together with people from different cultures is to understand their culture.

What are your fears?

None, I'm certain that regardless of what happens it'll be an awesome experience!

What should be the goal of the AfricaHackTrip?

To learn from each other, share ideas, & plant some seeds for further collaboration.

What would you like to contribute?

Anything I can

Pete Fecteau

twitter, github

Who are you?

I'm an artist and designer living with my wife Caitlin in San Francisco. I attended Plymouth State University in New Hampshire and Kendall College of Art & Design in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As an eagle scout I developed a deep appreciation for socially conscientious projects. I worked with The Salvation Army in Grand Rapids as a web and social media manager. I moved to San Francisco in 2010 to accept an inaugural fellowship with Code for America, a world-recognized non-profit that works to bring open-source culture to American government. I currently works as a prototype engineer for Granicus, a provider of government-related software. I fantasize about owning an entire litter of puppies.

Why are you supporting the project?

The Africa Hack Trip is a great way for me to spread my new love of open-source. I love meeting new people in new places and the trip affords me an excellent way to tap into all these passions. My experience with Code for America really got me thinking about ways to envolve the rest of the world in creating a place where we can think and share in new, creative ways. I can't wait to see what come out of the hack-a-thons and better yet, the friends I'm sure to make.

What are your expectations?

I'm trying to stay open-minded. Expecting the best while not expecting anything specific. I just want to get involved in what's being built out there, helping out any way I can. I know designers are in short supply in the open-source community so I'm excited to be an asset.

What are your fears?

Malaria, nobody wants that mess.

What should be the goal of the AfricaHackTrip?

I think it would be great to see one or more of the apps find funding and take off as a real endeavor. Making connections and building a network will make the trip sustainable for future iterations and will be a big part of the success.

What would you like to contribute?

I've been shopping around an app and applied to the latest Knight News Challenge ( I'll be working on building this out and possibly recruiting some help where I sense an interest. The product is designed specifically for urban areas in developing countries and it's a great place to do "market research".