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A library in one file constantly innovating to be better than Commando

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Constantly innovating to be better than official Commando


First, you should download the index.js out of this page.

Then, you import the library in your bot file with:

const bettercmd = require("./index.js")

Setting up your bot

Now, keep in mind that I will call Discord.Client instance "client" in my code, so don't just copy and paste if client is named differently.

First, you should consider adding this into your code:

bettercmd.client = client

This will port the client instance to the commands system so commands using the client instance can work properly. Secondly, you must add the handler or bot will not respond to messages. Also, you want to put the handler last in your code. Here's how you add a handler:

//or you can customize the handler:
bettercmd.handler(client, {
  bots: boolean, //whether bots can use commands or not
  dm: boolean //whether users can use your bot in DMs or not

(both bots and dm are false by default)

You can also add the edit handler to handle message editing.

//or you can customize the handler, just like the main handler:
bettercmd.handleredit(client, {
  bots: boolean, //whether bots can use commands or not
  dm: boolean //whether users can use your bot in DMs or not

Adding commands

To start, you can load the 3 example commands by using the function bettercmd.loadExamples(). It will load the help, ping and eval commands.

To directly access the 3 example commands, use bettercmd.exampleCommands. It's an object with 3 commands you can use to get better understanding of how commands are structured.

If you start the bot now and try to use any commands, you may or may not guess the prefix. It's !. But what if you want to change it? There is a solution. Just use the bettercmd.changePrefix(newprefix) in order to change the prefix. Because of the special prefix system, you can't directly change it from bettercmd.prefix or it will break.

At this point, you probably are thinking "How do I add more commands?". It's actually simple.

You should use this example to add commands:

bettercmd.Command({name: "test", description: "A test", usage: "Test", category: "No category", admin: false, aliases: ["dummy"], execute: async(msg, args, author, client) => {

These are the command properties:

name* - the name for the command. Only present in Command function, not in the actual

description* - the description of the command which is seen in the example help command.

usage* - the usage of the command which is seen in the example help command.

admin - whether the command is admin-only.

permissions - an array of required permissions to execute the command.

hidden - whether to forcibly hide the command from the example help command, even from admins.

aliases - an array of alternate names for the command.

category - a category the command belongs in. Must be on bettercmd.categories.

cooldown - the cooldown of the command. Follow this pattern and replace ms there with the cooldown - {time: ms,worksFor: {}}

nsfw - whether to make this command only accessible from the NSFW channels.

execute(msg, args, author, bot)* - will call this function when executing the command.

* - required

If right now you try to change the admin property to true, the bot will send you the message about how you can't use this command. That's because you haven't added yourself to the admins array. Here's how you do it: bettercmd.addAdmin(id).

To make the command only available in NSFW channels, set nsfw in options to true.

If you made a mistake, you can always remove the mistake from admins: bettercmd.remAdmin(id).

You can see who's admin by accessing bettercmd.admins.

Also, if you didn't like the message it gave you when you weren't an admin, you can change it by accessing bettercmd.adminMessage. The same goes for bettercmd.errorMessage which will be sent when you have an error in your execute function and bettercmd.nsfwMessage which will be sent if a NSFW command is executed in non-NSFW channel. New messages were added in v1.1 - botNoPermMessage and userNoPermMessage, which are self-explanatory. It will replace {PERMS} with the missing permissions.

To access all the commands you have right now, use bettercmd.commands.

To access the prefix, use bettercmd.prefix.

Custom prefixes

To set the prefix for a user:

  1. Skip steps 2-5 if you have set up the custom prefixes already
  2. Create a file in the folder with your bot with any name, however extension must be .json
  3. Set bettercmd.userFilename to the name of your file, minus the JSON extension.
  4. Enable prefixes by using the bettercmd.enableUserPrefixes() function
  5. Use bettercmd.setUserPrefix(id, prefix) to set the prefix

You can also reset the prefix with bettercmd.resetUserPrefix(id)

You can do the same thing with guilds, the only difference is you have to replace all "user" with "guild"


Cooldowns are quite simple. cooldown is a property of a command with type object in which you have to provide the time property (cooldown in ms) and worksFor, which is just an empty object, but is required in order for the cooldown to work.

Example commands

help: If no arguments, shows the list of all commands and categories. If an argument is provided, shows the following category/command.

ping: Shows the bot's latency.

eval: Evaluate JS code. Admin-only. Here are the aliases:

message - msg

bot - client instance

channel - the channel this command was called in

commands - list of available commands

Blocking people

Do you have some sort of rules in your bot and some break it so you have to restrict the access? Just block them using bettercmd.block(id). Blocked someone by mistake? Unblock them by using bettercmd.unblock(id).

Requiring permissions

If you are making a moderation command, adding your own tests isn't very convenient. But you may not do that now, because of the property permissions you can assign to your commands. It's just an array of permissions. It will both check if the bot and if the user have required permission(s). Use botNoPermMessage and userNoPermMessage to customize messages when bot/user doesn't have required permissions. It will replace {PERMS} with the missing permissions.


Want to have one or several aliases for your command? Simple, just assign the property aliases to the command! Aliases must be an array containing all the aliases that the command can use.

Emulating commands

To emulate commands, use bettercmd.emulate(content, channel). But you have to provide a real Discord channel, as it just emits the message event.

Export to !eval

While you were using the !eval command, you probably have noticed that variables come from the library file, not your bot file(s). To fix that, just set bettercmd.evalExport to whatever you want to export to the !eval command. It can be accessed in the !eval command as _export.


To make a paginator, use the function bettercmd.paginator. There are 4 arguments. The first is the channel, the second is the author, the third is the array of pages, the fourth is the timeout in ms.


A library in one file constantly innovating to be better than Commando






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