ESP8266 python library, a wrapper for AT commands (Hayes command set) using UART serial. Could be running on PC/raspberry pi easily.
pip install
- python2.7 or 3.X(not tested)
- pySerial
RX -> TX VCC -> 3.3v
GPIO2 CH_PD -> 3.3v
GND -> ground TX -> RX
# initialize
# After initialization you could use the default password '11111111' to connect
# to wifi '' and connect port 8080 on through telnet/nc.
from esp8266 import ESP8266
esp01 = ESP8266(port="/dev/ttyAMA0", baudrate=115200)
# response on data receiving
def on_data(data, link_id):
print '@@@@@@ data arrived:'
print 'link id:', link_id
print data
esp01.send("pong! \n", link_id)
# send data
esp01.send("hello world \n", '0')
- WSGI api