IssueBus is a web application based on REST API that records issues customers/developers have experienced with a software product, and it enables support, engineers, and managers to track/assign those problems until they have been successfully resolved by the developers teams.
The api supports these features:
- Track the versions of each project .
- Get full descripition of a bug example (running OS, Project version, send attachments related to the bug, ...)
- Track the status level of each bug for each project.
- Track the severity of each bug.
- Assign the projects to the users by the administrator.
- Assign the bug for a group of users by the administrator.
- Each and every product has versions, which are stored in database for easy maintenance.
- Search is based on status, priority and operating system it mean this product provides efficient search techniques.
- Provides fully authenticated system with username and password encryption.
- Improve customer satisfaction with bug free software.
- Increases overall productivity.
- Improve communications between the team working on a project.
- Reduce cost and time required to track and resolve bugs.
- Allow users to signin to the website.
- Allow only admin to register a new user.
- Support Google/Github OAuth.
- Create a project and store/track each versions inside DB for easy maintenance.
- Assign the project to a group of users.
- List all the tickets for every project.
- Allow users to submit tickets .
- Assign the ticket to user/ a group of users.
- Modify the ticket status/severity.
- Allow users to comment on tickets.
- Allow users to attach documents/images related to the submitted ticket.
- Preview the full history/edits for each ticket.
- Allow users to perform full text search.
- Allow users to filter tickets based on:
- Owner.
- Project.
- Severity.
- Specific date range.
- Status.
- Priority.
- Assigned Users.
- Type.
I used to document the API. Here is a link to the API Documentation (v1) :
- ProjectModel
- IssueModel
- RoleModel
- UserModel
- AttachmentModel
- CommentModel
- ProjectRouter
- VersionRouter
- IssueRouter
- RoleRouter
- UserRouter
- CommentRouter
- UploadRouter
- ProjectCtrl
- VersionCtrl
- IssueCtrl
- RoleCtrl
- UserCtrl
- CommentCtrl
- UploadCtrl
- ProjectView
- IssueView
- UserView
- CommentView
- Allow only admins to register new users.
- Allow only admins to create/edit/delete projects.
- Allow only comment author to edit/delete his comment.
- Allow only admin to assign users to tickets.
- Upload Users' photos to Cloud instead of local storage.
- Use statastics charts (view phase)
- Use UUID to generate random Ids instead of node default objectId
- Enable TLS/SSL.
- Validate the input of users
- Use Secured Session Cookies.
- Prevent Brute-Force attack againsts forms.
Prevent CSRF attack.Since there are no cookies there is no CSRF(I HOPE). - Use HelmetJs for basic security defaults.
- Add Rate Limiting (Maybe)?.