Use fzf-lua to browse nvim-orgmode
This plugin is currently alpha-quality software and may have some rough edges. If you encounter any, please file an issue.
Those plugins each have their own requirements; see their respective READMEs for details.
Using lazy.nvim:
lazy = false, -- lazy loading is handled internally
dependencies = {
keys = {
-- example keybindings
{ "<leader>og", function() require("fzf-org").orgmode() end, desc = "org-browse" },
{ "<leader>of", function() require("fzf-org").files() end, desc = "org-files" },
{ "<leader>or", function() require("fzf-org").refile_to_file() end, desc = "org-refile" },
config = function()
require("fzf-org").setup { ... } -- see below
This plugin provides the following functions (where fzo
is require("fzf-org")
fzo.all_headlines() -- Browse all org headlines
fzo.files() -- Browse all org files
fzo.headlines() -- Browse org headlines in current file
fzo.subheadlines() -- Browse org headlines under current headline/file
fzo.refile() -- Refile to headline
fzo.refile_to_file() -- Refile to org file
fzo.refile_to_headline() -- Refile to headline in current file
All of these functions are implemented by passing different options to fzo.orgmode()
whose default behavior (called without any options) is the same as fzo.all_headlines()
The structure and default values of these options may experience breaking changes while this plugin undergoes development.
Default options (do not copy and paste these directly):
-- Default options for fzo.orgmode() (all other options inherit from this)
orgmode = {
whence = false, -- where we should have started from; false means don't care
where = "*", -- where to search (options: "*" (all org files), "%" (current file), "." (current headline))
what = "headline", -- what to search for
color_icons = true, -- whether to colorize entries
bullet_icons = { "◉", "○", "✸", "✿" }, -- how to display bullets
todo_icons = { -- how to display TODO
default = " ",
TODO = "[ ]",
NEXT = "[➔]",
WAITING = "[…]",
PROGRESS = "[~]",
DONE = "[✓]",
ABANDONED = "[⨯]",
show_tags = true, -- whether to display tags
-- Other fzf-lua options (see its documentation)
prompt = "Orgmode ❯ ",
headers = { "actions" },
actions = {
-- Also inherits from fzf.actions.files, e.g., file_edit, file_split, etc.
["ctrl-y"] = { actions.yank_link, actions.resume },
-- Function-specific options; these inherit from orgmode options (above)
-- fzo.all_headlines()
all_headlines = {
-- Same default behavior as fzo.orgmode().
-- You can add options here to configure the behavior of fzo.all_headlines()
-- without affecting other functions' inherited options.
-- fzo.files()
files = {
where = "*",
what = "file",
prompt = "Org files ❯ ",
-- fzo.headlines()
headlines = {
whence = "file",
where = "%",
what = "headline",
prompt = "Org headlines ❯ ",
-- fzo.subheadlines()
subheadlines = {
whence = "file",
where = ".",
what = "headline",
prompt = "Org headlines ❯ ",
-- fzo.refile()
refile = {
whence = "headline",
where = "*",
what = "headline",
prompt = "Refile to ❯ ",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.refile_headline,
-- fzo.refile_to_file()
refile_to_file = {
whence = "headline",
where = "*",
what = "file",
prompt = "Refile to ❯ ",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.refile_headline,
-- fzo.refile_to_headline()
refile_to_headline = {
whence = "headline",
where = "*",
what = "headline",
prompt = "Refile to ❯ ",
actions = {
["default"] = actions.refile_headline,
where the actions
variable is require("fzf-org.actions")
This plugin defines the following actions:
actions.yank_link -- copy the org link to the clipboard, using the
actions.refile_headline -- refile to the selected file/headline (requires whence = "headline")
All the functions are actually implemented via fzo.orgmode()
, the base provider,
using different specializations of its options.
You can override these options on a per-call basis, e.g.,
-- This behaves like fzo.files(), except with a different prompt:
where = "*",
what = "file",
prompt = "🔍 ",
If you would like to contribute, please see