This project provides a C# implementation example of a Pulsar consumer client for the Tuya ecosystem. It demonstrates how to connect to Tuya's message queue service and process messages securely.
- .NET 9.0 or higher
- Tuya account with access credentials (ACCESS_ID and ACCESS_KEY)
<PackageReference Include="DotPulsar" Version="3.4.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Newtonsoft.Json" Version="13.0.1" />
To use this SDK, you need to configure the following parameters:
ACCESS_ID = "your_access_id"
ACCESS_KEY = "your_access_key"
PULSAR_SERVER_URL = "your_server_url"
MQ_ENV = "your_environment" // "event" for production, "event-test" for testing
Choose the appropriate server URL based on your region:
// China
// United States
// Europe
// India
The SDK provides a simple consumer implementation that handles message decryption and processing. To use it:
- Configure your credentials and server URL
- Initialize the Pulsar client
- Create a consumer
- Process incoming messages through the
// Initialize client
await using var client = PulsarClient.Builder()
.ServiceUrl(new Uri(PULSAR_SERVER_URL))
.Authentication(new MyAuthentication(ACCESS_ID, ACCESS_KEY))
// Create consumer
await using var consumer = client.NewConsumer()
Messages are automatically decrypted using either AES-GCM or AES-ECB depending on the encryption mode specified in the message properties. You can implement your business logic in the handleMessage
This SDK implements secure authentication and encryption:
- Token-based authentication using MD5 hashing
- Message encryption using AES-GCM and AES-ECB
- SSL connection to Tuya's servers