This repository is intended to use with the official Hacking Lab Live CD.
Official docker images from this repository can be found on
This is a short step by step guide on how to get your MISP instance running.
Please keep in mind that only the offical Hacking Lab Live CD is officially supported.
Use the following commands to get the required repository from GitHub.
cd /home/hacker/
git clone
Start the docker container with the following command.
cd /home/hacker/misp-docker-image
docker-compose up
After a few minutes four instances of MISP should be available. The hostnames are:
These four instances have different purposes and will be used for different labs.
Please wait until you are able to see the Hacking-Lab icon.
The admin user is present on all instances.
User: [email protected]
Password: compass
The compass for all other users is also compass
For example:
User: [email protected]
Password: compass
The X in the email address has to be replaced with the lab number (for example 1).