- Direct message (1vs1)
- Group chat
- Send image
- Login Google/Github
- 🚀 Next.js 14 (App router)
- ⚛️ React 18
- 📘 Typescript
- 🎨 TailwindCSS - Class sorting, merging and linting
- 🔒 Next-auth - Easy authentication library for Next.js (GitHub provider)
- 🐶 Husky & Lint Staged - Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
- 🔹 Icons - From Lucide
- 🌑 Dark mode - With next-themes
- 🗺️ NextUI - For fast build web ui
- Using
git clone
git clone [https://github.com/Skolaczk/next-starter my-project-name](https://github.com/vanhoaltw/next-chat.git)
NEXT_PUBLIC_SITE_URL="" ## not required for development
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION_ID="" ## not required for development
NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_ID="" ## required for next-auth
NEXT_PUBLIC_GITHUB_SECRET="" ## required for next-auth
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ID="" ## required for next-auth
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_SECRET="" ## required for next-auth
NEXTAUTH_SECRET="" ## required for next-auth
NEXTAUTH_URL="" ## Only required for localhost
PUSHER_APP_ID="" ## get here https://dashboard.pusher.com/apps/1753342/keys
PUSHER_APP_SECRET="" ## get here https://dashboard.pusher.com/apps/1753342/keys
NEXT_PUBLIC_PUSHER_APP_KEY="" ## https://dashboard.pusher.com/apps/1753342/keys
DB_URI="" ## Mongodb url
NEXT_PUBLIC_IMGBB_KEY="" ## get here https://api.imgbb.com/
You can start the server using this command:
npm run dev
and open http://localhost:3000/ to see this app.
If you liked the project, I will appreciate if you leave a star. 🌟😊
Made by Anudeep Avula