#Runtime Lifecycle & API
The runtime has the following lifecycle states:
Starting - the initial state when squbs comes up.
Initializing - Unicomplex started. Services starting. Cubes starting. Waiting for init reports.
Active - Ready to do work and take service calls.
Failed - Cubes did not start properly.
Stopping - GracefulStop message received at Unicomplex. Terminating cubes, actors, and unbinding services.
Stopped - squbs runtime stopped. Unicomplex terminated. ActorSystem terminated.
##Lifecycle Hooks
Most actors don't care when they are started or shut down. However, there may be a category of actors that require execution certain initializations before they get to the state of accepting general traffic. Similarly, certain actors also care about being notified before shutting down allowing them to properly clean up before sending them a poison pill. Lifecycle hooks are here for this very reason.
You can make your actor register lifecycle events by sending ObtainLifecycleEvents(states: LifecycleState*)
to Unicomplex()
Then once the system state changed, your actor will receive the lifecycle state.
You can also obtain the current state by sending SystemState
to Unicomplex()
. You'll get the response as one of the states above. All system state objects extend org.squbs.unicomplex.LifecycleState
and are all part of the org.squbs.unicomplex
package listed as followings:
case object Starting extends LifecycleState
case object Initializing extends LifecycleState
case object Active extends LifecycleState
case object Failed extends LifecycleState
case object Stopping extends LifecycleState
case object Stopped extends LifecycleState
##Startup Hooks
An actor wishing to participate in initialization must indicate so in the squbs metadata META-INF/squbs-meta.conf as follows:
cube-name = org.squbs.bottlecube
cube-version = "0.0.2"
squbs-actors = [
class-name = org.squbs.bottlecube.LyricsDispatcher
name = lyrics
with-router = false # Optional, defaults to false
init-required = true # Tells squbs we need to wait for this actor to signal they have fully started. Default: false
Any actor with init-required set to true needs to send a Initialized(report) message to the cube supervisor, the parent actor of these well known actors. The report being of type Try[Option[String]] allows the actor to report both initialization success and failure with the proper exception. The squbs runtime is moves to the Active state once all cubes are successfully initialized. This also means each actor with init-required set to true submitted an Initialized(report) with success. If any one cube reports an initialization error via the Initialization(report), the squbs runtime will be in Failed state instead.
##Shutdown Hooks
We provide the trait org.squbs.lifecycle.GracefulStopHelper
to let users achieve a graceful stop in their own actors' code.
You cam mix this trait in your actor in the following way.
class MyActor extends Actor with GracefulStopHelper {
The trait provides some helper methods to support graceful stop of an actor in Squbs framework.
* Duration that the actor needs to finish the graceful stop.
* Override it for customized timeout and it will be registered to the reaper
* Default to 5 seconds
* @return Duration
def stopTimeout: FiniteDuration =
FiniteDuration(config.getMilliseconds("default-stop-timeout"), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
You can override the method to indicate how long approximately this actor needs to perform a graceful stop.
Once the actor is started, it will send the stopTimeout
to its parent actor in StopTimeout(stopTimeout)
You can have the behavior in the parent actor to handle this message if you care about it.
If you mixed this trait in your actors' code, you should have a behavior in the receive
method to handle the GracefulStop
message, because only in this case you can hook your code to perform a graceful stop
(You cannot add custom behavior towards PoisonPill
In addition, you need to deal with the actor structure in your cube, since the cube supervisors will only propagate
the GracefulStop
message to all its children who mixed this trait.
We also provides the following 2 default strategies in the trait.
* Default gracefully stop behavior for leaf level actors
* (Actors only receive the msg as input and send out a result)
* towards the `GracefulStop` message
* Simply stop itself
protected final def defaultLeafActorStop: Unit = {
log.debug(s"Stopping self")
context stop self
* Default gracefully stop behavior for middle level actors
* (Actors rely on the results of other actors to finish their tasks)
* towards the `GracefulStop` message
* Simply propagate the `GracefulStop` message to all actors
* that should be stop ahead of this actor
* If some actors failed to respond to the `GracefulStop` message,
* It will send `PoisonPill` again
* After all the actors get terminated it stops itself
protected final def defaultMidActorStop(dependencies: Iterable[ActorRef],
timeout: FiniteDuration = stopTimeout / 2): Unit = {
def stopDependencies(msg: Any) = {
Future.sequence(dependencies.map(gracefulStop(_, timeout, msg)))
// all dependencies has been terminated successfully
// stop self
case Success(result) => log.debug(s"All dependencies was stopped. Stopping self")
if (context != null) context stop self
// some dependencies are not terminated in the timeout
// send them PoisonPill again
case Failure(e) => log.warning(s"Graceful stop failed with $e in $timeout")
stopDependencies(PoisonPill).onComplete(_ => {
// don't care at this time
if (context != null) context stop self
By overriding the def shutdown(jarConfig: Seq[(String, Config)]) {}
method in org.squbs.lifecycle.ExtensionLifecycle
you can add your custom behavior to shut down an extension. Please notice that this method of all extensions will be executed
after the actor system gets terminated. If any extension throws exceptions during shutdown, JVM will exit with -1.