使用 GitHub Actions 跟踪 GitHub 趋势项目。
具体教程可以 参考这里。
项目灵感来自 bonfy/github-trending。
- 【2023-10-12】kepano / flexoki - An inky color scheme for prose and code.
- 【2023-10-11】leap-ai / headshots-starter -
- 【2023-10-10】piyushgarg-dev / review-app - Frontend Review Management Application | https://youtu.be/JD3NQsB3TQI
- 【2023-10-10】Weixin-Liang / LLM-scientific-feedback - Can large language models provide useful feedback on research papers? A large-scale empirical analysis.
- 【2023-10-08】bitmagnet-io / bitmagnet - A self-hosted BitTorrent indexer, DHT crawler, content classifier and torrent search engine with web UI, GraphQL API and Servarr stack integration.
- 【2023-10-08】docker / genai-stack - Langchain + Docker + Neo4j
- 【2023-10-07】leesh3288 / CVE-2023-4911 - PoC for CVE-2023-4911
- 【2023-10-07】ferrocene / ferrocene - Source code of Ferrocene, safety-critical Rust toolchain
- 【2023-10-07】leptonai / leptonai - A Pythonic framework to simplify AI service building
- 【2023-10-07】tomaarsen / attention_sinks - Extend existing LLMs way beyond the original training length with constant memory usage, and without retraining
- 【2023-10-07】gethomepage / homepage - A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
- 【2023-10-07】PHP-CS-Fixer / PHP-CS-Fixer - A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues
- 【2023-10-06】mouredev / python-web - Curso para aprender desarrollo frontend Web con Python puro desde cero. Elaborado durante las emisiones en directo desde Twitch de MoureDev.
- 【2023-10-06】akaunting / akaunting - Online Accounting Software
- 【2023-10-06】SerCeMan / fontogen - Hey, Computer, Make Me a Font
- 【2023-10-06】filamentphp / filament - A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
- 【2023-10-05】mit-han-lab / streaming-llm - Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks
- 【2023-10-05】KenneyNL / Starter-Kit-FPS -
- 【2023-10-05】danielgross / localpilot -
- 【2023-10-05】Mayandev / where-is-douban250 - 🐛 一个爬虫程序,整理了腾讯视频、爱奇艺、优酷、哔哩哔哩等视频网站中,能够观看的「豆瓣电影 Top250 榜单」影片。
- 【2023-10-04】phitronio / Batch-4-Introduction-to-C-Programming -
- 【2023-10-04】wasp-lang / wasp - The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
- 【2023-10-03】Mazars-Tech / AD_Miner - AD Miner is an Active Directory audit tool that leverages cypher queries to crunch data from the #Bloodhound graph database to uncover security weaknesses
- 【2023-10-03】jetporch / jetporch - Next generation IT orchestration
- 【2023-10-02】a13xp0p0v / kernel-hardening-checker - A tool for checking the security hardening options of the Linux kernel
- 【2023-10-01】dreamgaussian / dreamgaussian - Generative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient 3D Content Creation
- 【2023-10-01】casey / runestone - Runes: terrible idea or idée terrible?
- 【2023-10-01】WolverinDEV / Valthrun - Valthrun an open source external CS2 read only kernel gameplay enhancer.
- 【2023-10-01】joschan21 / quill - Quill - A Modern SaaS-Platform Built With Next.js 13
- 【2023-10-01】uiua-lang / uiua - A stack-based array programming language
- 【2023-10-12】mahonelau / -kykms - 科亿知识库 KY KMS 是一款基于Elasticsearch的文档型知识库管理系统,提供强大的全文检索与文档分类管理功能
- 【2023-10-09】xuchengsheng / spring-reading - Spring源码分析
- 【2023-10-07】SourceFusionHub / program - By CloudHustlers
- 【2023-10-06】OpenTracksApp / OpenTracks - OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
- 【2023-10-06】LangStream / langstream - LangStream: an Event-Driven Developer Platform for LLM Apps
- 【2023-10-06】elastic / elasticsearch-java - Official Elasticsearch Java Client
- 【2023-10-05】alura-es-cursos / 1952-spring-boot-3-rest-api - Spring Boot 3 : Rest API - Alura
- 【2023-10-05】react-native-google-signin / google-signin - Google Sign-in for your React Native applications
- 【2023-10-05】jbellis / jvector - JVector: the most advanced embedded vector search engine
- 【2023-10-05】backendGeral / ESP-conversor-moneda -
- 【2023-10-05】Alquimistas-AluraLatam / ESP-hotel-alura -
- 【2023-10-04】sanyarnd / java-course-2023 -
- 【2023-10-04】NextAlone / Nagram - The third-party Telegram android app.
- 【2023-10-04】paulgries / LoginCleanArchitecture -
- 【2023-10-04】tsaol / Web3-serverless-analytics-on-aws -
- 【2023-10-03】alura-es-cursos / Spring-Boot-3 - Documente, teste y prepare una API para deploy
- 【2023-10-03】acmerobotics / road-runner-quickstart - FTC quickstart for https://github.com/acmerobotics/road-runner
- 【2023-10-03】janishar / mit-deep-learning-book-pdf - MIT Deep Learning Book in PDF format (complete and parts) by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
- 【2023-10-03】alura-es-cursos / 1979-spring-boot-buenas-practicas-security -
- 【2023-10-02】LWJGL / lwjgl3 - LWJGL is a Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan, bgfx), audio (OpenAL, Opus), parallel computing (OpenCL, CUDA) and XR (OpenVR, LibOVR, OpenXR) applications.
- 【2023-10-01】stripe / stripe-java - Java library for the Stripe API.
- 【2023-10-12】chao325 / QmaoTai - 抢茅台2023最新,京东抢茅台,淘宝抢茅台 QmaoTai
- 【2023-10-12】recommenders-team / recommenders - Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
- 【2023-10-12】eric-ai-lab / MiniGPT-5 - Official implementation of paper "MiniGPT-5: Interleaved Vision-and-Language Generation via Generative Vokens"
- 【2023-10-12】AlaaLab / InstructCV - Codebase for "InstructCV: Instruction-Tuned Text-to-Image Diffusion Models as Vision Generalists"
- 【2023-10-11】okuvshynov / slowllama - Finetune llama2-70b and codellama on MacBook Air without quantization
- 【2023-10-10】cvg / glue-factory - Training library for local feature detection and matching
- 【2023-10-08】hotshotco / Hotshot-XL - ✨ Hotshot-XL: State-of-the-art AI text-to-GIF model trained to work alongside Stable Diffusion XL
- 【2023-10-08】fail2ban / fail2ban - Daemon to ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors
- 【2023-10-08】Flagsmith / flagsmith - Open Source Feature Flagging and Remote Config Service. Host on-prem or use our hosted version at https://flagsmith.com/
- 【2023-10-08】guibacellar / TEx - Telegram Monitor
- 【2023-10-07】JayZeeDesign / microsoft-autogen-experiments -
- 【2023-10-07】abacaj / fine-tune-mistral - Fine-tune mistral-7B on 3090s, a100s, h100s
- 【2023-10-07】zalando / patroni - A template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes
- 【2023-10-06】LinkSoul-AI / AutoAgents - Generate different roles for GPTs to form a collaborative entity for complex tasks.
- 【2023-10-06】airtai / faststream - FastStream is a powerful and easy-to-use Python framework for building asynchronous services interacting with event streams such as Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ and NATS.
- 【2023-10-05】ray-project / ray-llm - RayLLM - LLMs on Ray
- 【2023-10-05】win3zz / CVE-2023-43261 - CVE-2023-43261 - Credential Leakage Through Unprotected System Logs and Weak Password Encryption
- 【2023-10-04】Pennyw0rth / NetExec - The Network Execution Tool
- 【2023-10-04】SociallyIneptWeeb / AICoverGen - A WebUI to create song covers with any RVC v2 trained AI voice from YouTube videos or audio files.
- 【2023-10-03】codespell-project / codespell - check code for common misspellings
- 【2023-10-03】GUNDAM-Labet / GUNDAM - GUNDAM is a data management system that prioritizes data using language models.
- 【2023-10-03】litestar-org / litestar - Production-ready, Light, Flexible and Extensible ASGI API framework | Effortlessly Build Performant APIs
- 【2023-10-03】continue-revolution / sd-webui-animatediff - AnimateDiff for AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion WebUI
- 【2023-10-02】LTTLabsOSS / markbench-tests - Home of test harnesses used in LTT Labs MarkBench
- 【2023-10-02】kwai / DouZero - [ICML 2021] DouZero: Mastering DouDizhu with Self-Play Deep Reinforcement Learning | 斗地主AI
- 【2023-10-02】fineanmol / Hacktoberfest2023 - Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023. Don't forget to spread love and if you like give us a ⭐️
- 【2023-10-02】gsgen3d / gsgen - Text-to-3D using Gaussian Splatting
- 【2023-10-02】facebookresearch / MetaCLIP - Everything about MetaCLIP: curation/training code, metadata, distribution and pre-trained models.
- 【2023-10-01】tryolabs / norfair - Lightweight Python library for adding real-time multi-object tracking to any detector.
- 【2023-10-01】zkMeLabs / zkme-python-seal - This library is built upon SEAL-Python, showcasing the power and potential of Homomorphic Encryption (HE) in the context of the zkMe project.
- 【2023-10-01】explosion / spacy-llm - 🦙 Integrating LLMs into structured NLP pipelines
- 【2023-10-01】xuya227939 / blog - 💡 技术博客
- 【2023-10-12】zenoamaro / react-quill - A Quill component for React.
- 【2023-10-12】Automattic / node-canvas - Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.
- 【2023-10-11】gnat / surreal - 🗿 Mini jQuery alternative. Dependency-free animations. Pairs with htmx. Locality of Behavior. Use one element or arrays transparently. Vanilla querySelector() but better!
- 【2023-10-10】DiamondHunters / NodeInject_Hook_example - A hooking example for NodeInject
- 【2023-10-09】code-423n4 / 2023-10-ens -
- 【2023-10-09】CircuitVerse / CircuitVerse - CircuitVerse Primary Code Base
- 【2023-10-08】christina-de-martinez / babel-plugin-glowup-vibes - the most goated babel plugin
- 【2023-10-08】thinkswell / javascript-mini-projects - Awesome Collection of amazing javascript mini-projects.
- 【2023-10-08】AbhishekSuresh2 / ABHISHEK-SER - ABHISHEK-SER Is A WhatsApp Bot With 300+ Cool Features🎯
- 【2023-10-08】Enraged-Dun-Cookie-Development-Team / Dun-Cookie-Vue - 小刻食堂插件端:自由的兔兔把烙好的饼到处藏,就由小刻把它们都找出来吧!定时收集多端的数据源,包括微博,通讯组,官网,B站等等。
- 【2023-10-08】lxl66566 / ecust-electricity-statistics - 华东理工大学(华理)电费统计
- 【2023-10-07】pqina / filepond - 🌊 A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library
- 【2023-10-06】ishwarrimal / frontend-interview-preps - Everything required to crack frontend interview
- 【2023-10-06】sahandghavidel / mern-estate - Real Estate app using MERN and tailwind css
- 【2023-10-05】tejado / telegram-nearby-map - Discover the location of nearby Telegram users 📡🌍
- 【2023-10-05】meshery / meshery.io - Site for Meshery, the cloud native manager
- 【2023-10-04】novuhq / hacksquad-website - Contribute code, meet community members, participate in workshops, and win more SWAG 🚀
- 【2023-10-04】SyedImtiyaz-1 / PreciousServices - Make your first Pull Request on this Repo. Don't forget to spread love and give us a ⭐️
- 【2023-10-04】jondot / awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
- 【2023-10-04】KudoAI / chatgpt.js - 🤖 A powerful, open source client-side JavaScript library for ChatGPT
- 【2023-10-03】ArchGPT / insomnium - Insomnium is a fast local API testing tool that is privacy-focus and 100% local. For testing GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC. This is a fork of https://github.com/Kong/insomnia
- 【2023-10-01】usebruno / bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
- 【2023-10-01】localtunnel / localtunnel - expose yourself
- 【2023-10-12】wux1an / wxapkg - 微信小程序 .wxapkg 文件扫描 + 解密 + 解包工具
- 【2023-10-11】Azure / azure-container-networking - Azure Container Networking Solutions for Linux and Windows Containers
- 【2023-10-09】openimsdk / open-im-server - IM SDK chat
- 【2023-10-08】openpubkey / openpubkey - Reference implementation of OpenPubkey
- 【2023-10-07】edoardottt / cariddi - Take a list of domains, crawl urls and scan for endpoints, secrets, api keys, file extensions, tokens and more
- 【2023-10-06】ThangLeQuoc / vietnamese-provinces-database - A complete SQL dataset of Vietnamese administrative units, includes Vietnamese provinces, districts and wards
- 【2023-10-06】DataDog / KubeHound - Kubernetes Attack Graph
- 【2023-10-02】Boeing / config-file-validator - Cross Platform tool to validate configuration files
- 【2023-10-02】hybridgroup / gobot - Golang framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
- 【2023-10-01】kubefirst / kubefirst - The Kubefirst Open Source Platform
- 【2023-10-01】a-h / templ - A language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.
- 【2023-10-01】nxtrace / NTrace-core - An open source visual route tracking CLI tool
- 【2023-10-11】reduz / larvita3 - Larvita 3 Game Engine
- 【2023-10-11】Cr4sh / SmmBackdoorNg - Updated version of System Management Mode backdoor for UEFI based platforms: old dog, new tricks
- 【2023-10-11】OpenIPC / firmware - Alternative IP Camera firmware from an open community
- 【2023-10-11】linxinrao / Shamrock - ☘ 基于Xposed实现的Onebot11/12标准QQBot框架
- 【2023-10-09】OpenMathLib / OpenBLAS - OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.
- 【2023-10-08】Actyx / Actyx - Local-First Cooperation based on Event Sourcing
- 【2023-10-07】pinauten / Fugu15_Rootful - Rootful version of Fugu15 with full tweak support (including arm64 tweaks), for arm64e devices on iOS 15.0 - 15.4.1
- 【2023-10-07】RickdeJager / CVE-2023-4911 - CVE-2023-4911 proof of concept
- 【2023-10-06】AxxAxx / AxxSolder - STM32 Based soldering station for JBC cartridges
- 【2023-10-06】ekknod / EC - open-source CS:GO/CS2 cheat
- 【2023-10-05】he4rt / he4rtoberfest-2023 - Repo oficial do He4rtoberfest da He4rt Developers 2023
- 【2023-10-05】skynettx / dosraptor - Original Raptor Call Of The Shadows version 1.2 DOS source code
- 【2023-10-05】xperiments-in / xtouch -
- 【2023-10-04】bucanero / pkgi-psp - A PlayStation Portable (PSP) package download tool
- 【2023-10-04】heysaiyad / Hacktoberfest2023-DSA - Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023.You know the implementation of any DSA related topic/problem then you can contribute it in this repo. Raise Genuine PRs only. Your PRs will be accepted, keep patience. Star this Repo ⭐️
- 【2023-10-04】P-H-C / phc-winner-argon2 - The password hash Argon2, winner of PHC
- 【2023-10-03】raspiduino / arv32-opt - [Tested successfully] Linux on Arduino UNO / atmega328p port of mini-rv32ima. Let's run Linux on the world's worst Linux PC (and beat Dmitry Grinberg)
- 【2023-10-02】jsecurity101 / JonMon -
- 【2023-10-01】alx-se / Resources -
- 【2023-10-01】webmproject / libvpx - Mirror only. Please do not send pull requests.
- 【2023-10-12】Ardour / ardour - Mirror of Ardour Source Code
- 【2023-10-10】defold / defold - Defold is a completely free to use game engine for development of desktop, mobile and web games.
- 【2023-10-09】WopsS / RED4ext - A script extender for REDengine 4 (Cyberpunk 2077).
- 【2023-10-09】Neumi / ethersweep - Open Source, easy to use Ethernet connected stepper motor controller. Built in FreeCAD, KiCAD and Arduino.
- 【2023-10-07】luigifreda / slamplay - slamplay is a collection of powerful tools to start playing and experimenting with SLAM in C++
- 【2023-10-07】RapierXbox / ESP32-Sour-Apple - Uses a Exploit found by @Willy-JL and @ECTO-1A to crash IOS17 devices over bluetooth.
- 【2023-10-07】jinyus / related_post_gen - Data Processing benchmark featuring Rust, Go, Swift, Zig etc.
- 【2023-10-07】Midway91 / HactoberFest2023 - This is for HacktoberFest2023
- 【2023-10-06】TheD1rkMtr / DocPlz - Documents Exfiltration project for fun and educational purposes
- 【2023-10-06】google / graph-mining -
- 【2023-10-06】DHEERAJHARODE / Hacktoberfest2023-Open-source- - Send your valuable codes here
- 【2023-10-06】Source2ZE / CS2Fixes - S2ZE modding experiments
- 【2023-10-06】NVIDIA / MatX - An efficient C++17 GPU numerical computing library with Python-like syntax
- 【2023-10-05】DavidGQK / mython_interpreter -
- 【2023-10-05】iamdestinychild / 30-Days-DSA-Challenge - A 30 days challange for you to learn data structure and algorithm
- 【2023-10-05】Prashant0664 / hacktoberfest - You can upload programming ques and projects here for Hacktoberfest 2023
- 【2023-10-04】ShahjalalShohag / code-library - Templates, algorithms and data structures implemented and collected for programming contests.
- 【2023-10-04】Saikat2407 / DSA_Hacktoberfest2023 - This Repo will Accept all the quality Hacktoberfest 2023 Contribution ⚡️✅🎉
- 【2023-10-03】Norbyte / bg3se - Baldur's Gate 3 Script Extender
- 【2023-10-03】OfficialCodeNoodles / 2D-Minecraft -
- 【2023-10-02】thedmd / imgui-node-editor - Node Editor built using Dear ImGui
- 【2023-10-02】TKazer / CS2_External - CS2 external cheat.
- 【2023-10-02】alliedmodders / hl2sdk - Half-Life 2 SDK Mirrors
- 【2023-10-01】IMXNOOBX / cs2-external-esp - Simple external esp using discord's/gdi overlay to render a box-esp on top of Counter-Strike 2, highlighting your enemies and teammates including their health.
- 【2023-10-01】bruhmoment21 / cs2-sdk - Counter-Strike 2 SDK/Base written in C++.
- 【2023-10-01】WayfireWM / wayfire - A modular and extensible wayland compositor
- 【2023-10-12】StarfireLab / SharpWeb - 一个浏览器数据(密码|历史记录|Cookie|书签|下载记录)的导出工具,支持主流浏览器。
- 【2023-10-12】openmod / openmod - OpenMod .NET Plugin Framework
- 【2023-10-12】neozhu / CleanArchitectureWithBlazorServer - This is a repository for creating a Blazor Server dashboard application following the principles of Clean Architecture
- 【2023-10-10】XuanchenLin / NanUI - NanUI is an open source .NET project for .NET developers who want to create desktop applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- 【2023-10-10】bepu / bepuphysics2 - Pure C# 3D real time physics simulation library, now with a higher version number.
- 【2023-10-10】microsoft / typechat.net -
- 【2023-10-10】Super-Badmen-Viper / NSMusicS - NSMusicS(Nine Songs · Rhythmic World:九歌·韵世),based on dotNET_ C#_ WPF's open-source music software
- 【2023-10-09】aniketrajnish / Unity-Collider-Optimizer - Optimizes mesh and polygon colliders in Unity
- 【2023-10-08】abatsakidis / PDFDeSecure - An easy-to-use PDF Unlocker. Remove copy-protection from PDF files.
- 【2023-10-08】microsoft / OpenAPI.NET - The OpenAPI.NET SDK contains a useful object model for OpenAPI documents in .NET along with common serializers to extract raw OpenAPI JSON and YAML documents from the model.
- 【2023-10-08】attickdoor / XIVComboPlugin - Plugin version of the icon replacement features in dalamud
- 【2023-10-05】ChuchoCoder / chuchobot -
- 【2023-10-05】LuemmelSec / CVE-2023-29357 -
- 【2023-10-05】win-acme / win-acme - A simple ACME client for Windows (for use with Let's Encrypt et al.)
- 【2023-10-04】reactiveui / ReactiveUI - An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
- 【2023-10-04】Sergio0694 / ComputeSharp - A .NET library to run C# code in parallel on the GPU through DX12, D2D1, and dynamically generated HLSL compute and pixel shaders, with the goal of making GPU computing easy to use for all .NET developers! 🚀
- 【2023-10-03】wolfgarbe / PruningRadixTrie - PruningRadixTrie - 1000x faster Radix trie for prefix search & auto-complete
- 【2023-10-03】ai-tradingbot / AI-Trading-Bot - State-of-the-art AI trading bot. Enjoy automated trading with precision
- 【2023-10-03】Kir-Antipov / HotAvalonia - 🔥 Supercharge your Avalonia development experience with hot reload capabilities
- 【2023-10-01】ElevenPaths / FOCA - Tool to find metadata and hidden information in the documents.
- 【2023-10-01】ValveResourceFormat / ValveResourceFormat - 🔬 Valve's Source 2 resource file format parser and decompiler
- 【2023-10-12】DhanushNehru / Ultimate-Web-Development-Resources - A collection of web development resources for most of your development needs
- 【2023-10-11】kohei-kawaguchi / EmpiricalIO -
- 【2023-10-11】DevTownResources / Flipkart_clone-bootcamp - Clone of Flipkart using HTML,CSS and JavaScript
- 【2023-10-11】PacktPublishing / Machine-Learning-Engineering-with-Python-Second-Edition -
- 【2023-10-11】Devalphaspace / Dark-theme-portfolio -
- 【2023-10-10】CanciuCostin / android-spyware - Rails c&c web application for spying Android devices
- 【2023-10-10】yash19sinha / coffee-bean - Welcome to the "Coffee-Bean" Coffee Shop project! We're on a quest to blend coffee and code like never before. Join us for a latte-tude of coding fun. All skill levels are welcome to make this project as espresso-nal as it can be! Grab your digital mugs and join us.
- 【2023-10-09】chuva-inc / exercicios-2023 -
- 【2023-10-08】pdf2htmlEX / pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
- 【2023-10-07】gnat / css-scope-inline - 🌘 Scope your inline style tags in pure vanilla CSS! Only 16 lines. No build. No dependencies.
- 【2023-10-07】anisul-Islam / javascript-documentation -
- 【2023-10-07】dev-AshishRanjan / Hacktoberfest-frontend - Make your first Pull Request for Hacktoberfest 2023 in the Web domain specially Frontend. And give this repo a ⭐
- 【2023-10-07】drshahizan / learn-github - A step-by-step guide to getting started with Git and GitHub for beginners.
- 【2023-10-07】SamarthTech / Web-Development-Projects -
- 【2023-10-07】SyedImtiyaz-1 / Code-Shop - Star the Repo.⭐
- 【2023-10-06】oyepriyansh / DevProfiles - DevProfiles is a platform for developers to easily share their profiles, spotlight your skills, and connect with fellow developers in the community.
- 【2023-10-06】LondheShubham153 / two-tier-flask-app -
- 【2023-10-06】develon2015 / Youtube-dl-REST - Youtube & BiliBili 视频在线解析下载 -- Website for download the Youtube & BiliBili videos.
- 【2023-10-06】ocaml / ocaml.org - The official OCaml website.
- 【2023-10-05】thecyberbuzz / anycode - Only Valid Contribution will be Accepted
- 【2023-10-05】WTMBamenda / wtm-bamenda-website-frontend - Frontend UI of website
- 【2023-10-05】appwrite / templates - Templates for Appwrite Functions ⚡️🌩️
- 【2023-10-04】laviii123 / Btecky - Hacktoberfest 2023
- 【2023-10-04】jimmy-byte / -HactoberFest2023-For_All_Beginers- - Raise Genuine PRs, Your PRs will be accepted, Star This Repo, You aren't allowed to Update README.md
- 【2023-10-04】Karamraj / hacktoberfest2023 - Hacktoberfest 2023 PR Tutorial
- 【2023-10-04】ayushsarode / CardConnect-HacktoberfestEdition23 - "Join us for Hacktoberfest 2023! Beginner-friendly Repository, Start your Open-Source Journey!"
- 【2023-10-04】Nikhil-2002 / development_Hactoberfest23 -
- 【2023-10-03】aileftech / spring-boot-database-admin - A plug-and-play, auto-generated CRUD database admin panel for Spring Boot apps
- 【2023-10-03】Ananyasingh2002 / Hacktoberfest2023 - Join Hacktoberfest 2023: Contribute to open source, learn, and earn rewards. Beginner-friendly. Explore issues, fork, code, and make a global impact. Let's collaborate!
- 【2023-10-03】Jayesh-JainX / Hacktoberfest-23 - HacktoberFest 2023 - Make your first Pull Request and earn a free digital reward kit courtesy of DigitalOcean and our sponsors and partners! hacktoberfest.com/
- 【2023-10-03】NITRR-Open-Source-Community / NOSC-Website -
- 【2023-10-02】NoTextToSpeech / goofy-site - Basic html repo for people to use to make their own nonsensical github website to embed into Discord
- 【2023-10-01】Purple-CSGO / CS2-Config-Presets - 🎉 CFG Presets for many scenarios in Counter-Strike 2
- 【2023-10-01】TheUnblockedHubOfficial / TheUnblockedHub - The Unblocked Hub is the #1 site for all-in-one school entertainment. Accelerate your "learning" with our collection of games, apps, emulators, proxies, and so much more.
- 【2023-10-01】marshadkhn / TinDog - This repo is all about the Tinder for dogs, It's a basic HTML CSS JS BOOTSTRAP web app
- 【2023-10-01】lrusso / VirtualXP - Virtual Machine running in a Web browser
- 【2023-10-12】EarningScripter / FieWin-Fast-Parity-Hack-By-ES -
- 【2023-10-12】CareerDevelopmentHub / Beginner_WeatherAPP - Weather App: A simple, user-friendly application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that fetches and displays weather data for any city from the OpenWeatherMap API. Features include temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
- 【2023-10-11】omicreativedev / ThemeSwitcher - Free website template with theme switcher and page switcher in Javascript
- 【2023-10-11】RajMalik23 / Hacktoberfest -
- 【2023-10-11】samipak458 / Simple-Library-Managment - A simple library management project that is easy to use and helps learners understand the basic concept of JS.
- 【2023-10-11】Hackerspace2023 / HackerSpace - Hackerspace: Our Coding Community Website. 🚀
- 【2023-10-11】rndmcnlly / cmpm-121-demo-1 -
- 【2023-10-11】flavienbwk / book-devops - The "Scaling Institutions With Devops" book.
- 【2023-10-11】g0t4 / course3-jenkins-gs-spring-petclinic - For Course3 Jenkins Getting Started - fork of https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-petclinic
- 【2023-10-10】omicreativedev / hacktoberfest2023 - ⭐ 200 Star Goal 👆🏽 My first time maintaining a repo for #hacktoberfest (YAY!) — Website with Theme Switcher. You can see the deployment below.
- 【2023-10-09】lhndo / LH-Stinger - Fast, Precise, Cartesian, FDM 3D Printer
- 【2023-10-09】Umamaheswari-MS / CVIP-_WebDevelopment -
- 【2023-10-08】FelipeSantos92Dev / react-tds-2023-alunos - Repositório para os alunos do segundo semestre do curso técnico em desenvolvimento de sistemas - SENAI
- 【2023-10-08】thomasjbradley / groundhogdayroundup.ca - Groundhog Day is the best day of the year! This website celebrates my love.
- 【2023-10-08】UMLCloudComputing / UniPath.io - UniPath.io is a full-stack web application that allows users to create, plan, and share their class schedules for their entire degree program.
- 【2023-10-08】Aanchi-glitch2744 / JavaScriptGames-Hacktoberfest2023 - A Repository for cool JavaScript Games. Raise Genuine PRs, Your PRs will be accepted, Star This Repo, You aren't allowed to Update README.md. The objective of CssTime Folder is to create the design using pure html elements and css and js if needed. Images are not allowed
- 【2023-10-08】Kalvium-Program / to-do-app-boilerplate -
- 【2023-10-08】I2PC / docs - Documentation for the xmipp world
- 【2023-10-07】ACM-CIET / ACM_Hacking-Wizards - Contribute to this begineer friendly open source repository and be an ACM Hacking Wizard
- 【2023-10-07】arncv / Intima - Bridging the Gap in Sexual Education
- 【2023-10-07】ADVindiancoder / ADV-Certificate-Verification -
- 【2023-10-07】mrrfv / open-android-backup - Back up your device without vendor lock-ins, using insecure software or root. Supports encryption and compression out of the box. Works cross-platform.
- 【2023-10-07】samratghosh291 / Musicia - A web based music player app.
- 【2023-10-07】lazyjinchuriki / pokedex - A Pokedex website made in HTML5, CSS, Vanilla Javascript
- 【2023-10-06】Prajwal0225 / My-Favorite-SuperHero - 🦸♂️ My Fav Superhero: Discover superhero images in a click! Search your heroes or get random image.
- 【2023-10-06】bwang-kf / silver-foobar -
- 【2023-10-06】naveen3011 / WebD_project - Contribute in this repository by raising genuine PR. Get verified, merged and earn the free swags from Hacktoberfest 2023
- 【2023-10-06】waite0603 / Resume-vCard-Collection - About Responsive Personal Portfolio Website Using HTML CSS and JavaScript with Light & Dark Theme Toggle, Web前端静态个人简历,网页个人简历模版,HTML&CSS制作个人简历, 个人作品集网站
- 【2023-10-06】nbuntsch / exercice-bootstrap-4-layout-responsive-avance -
- 【2023-10-06】riz4d / Hacktoberfest23 - Hactoberfest 2023 open source contribution
- 【2023-10-05】debrajrout / Dev.HFest - This repository has been created as part of the Hacktoberfest event, where open-source enthusiasts come together to contribute to various projects and learn from each other.
- 【2023-10-05】TryGhost / Source - The default theme for Ghost
- 【2023-10-05】Alitindrawan24 / Binary-Calculator - Binary Calculator
- 【2023-10-05】Cybernix-Phoenix-NSEC / HF-AnimalShelter -
- 【2023-10-04】parag477 / Amazing-Webdev-Components - Make your first Pull Request on Hacktoberfest 2023. Don't forget to spread love and if you like don't forget to give us a star⭐️
- 【2023-10-02】tgulegacy / web-technologies-2023-1 -
- 【2023-10-01】ghuntley / noyaml - A silly emotional rant about the state of devops tooling/the infrastructure sector in 2018. #noyaml.com
- 【2023-10-12】abc123info / BlueTeamTools - 蓝队分析研判工具箱,自带的反编译工具对红队也有帮助,有建议欢迎给我留言
- 【2023-10-12】geeeeeeeek / code_products - python系统设计, python毕业设计推荐,python/vue课程设计,java毕业设计
- 【2023-10-11】jackaduma / awesome_LLMs_interview_notes - LLMs interview notes and answers:该仓库主要记录大模型(LLMs)算法工程师相关的面试题和参考答案
- 【2023-10-11】chao325 / MaoTai_GUIT - JD京东抢购、京东抢茅台Windows端、开箱即用无需配置环境。开发在即(开源协议采用Apache License)抢茅台外挂,茅台脚本
- 【2023-10-11】LearningOS / rust-based-os-comp2023 - 2023秋冬季开源操作系统训练营
- 【2023-10-11】amusi / ICCV2023-Papers-with-Code - ICCV 2023 论文和开源项目合集
- 【2023-10-11】teivah / sre-roadmap - An Opinionated Roadmap to Become an SRE (Concepts > Tools)
- 【2023-10-11】JonathonLuiten / Dynamic3DGaussians -
- 【2023-10-10】github / how-engineering-communicates - A community version of the "common API" for how the GitHub Engineering organization communicates
- 【2023-10-10】grananqvist / Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-Trading - Quant/Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning
- 【2023-10-10】Lenvia / job-pre - 面试准备:算法+后端+编程题
- 【2023-10-09】brcyrr / OSCP - #cheat sheet for OSCP
- 【2023-10-09】xxxxxxxx666 / WeChatDevTools - 只需放置一个dll 简单方便的hook微信强制打开小程序 devtool
- 【2023-10-09】andyzoujm / representation-engineering - Representation Engineering: A Top-Down Approach to AI Transparency
- 【2023-10-08】arpit20adlakha / Data-Structure-Algorithms-LLD-HLD - A Data Structure Algorithms Low Level Design and High Level Design collection of resources.
- 【2023-10-08】mouredev / mouredev - Hola 👋 Soy Brais Moure 💻 Freelance full-stack dev 📲 iOS & Android engineer
♥️ Swift & Kotlin 📖 YouTube, Twitch, Discord & Elgato partner 👥 Microsoft MVP & GDG 👾 Geek & Friki - 【2023-10-07】kavaan / clean-architecture-solution-template - You don't always need to start over; consider utilizing the existing infrastructure!
- 【2023-10-07】s2underground / GhostNet - GhostNet
- 【2023-10-07】nerdyrodent / AVeryComfyNerd - ComfyUI related stuff and things
- 【2023-10-07】microsoft / ToRA - ToRA is a series of Tool-integrated Reasoning LLM Agents designed to solve challenging mathematical reasoning problems by interacting with tools.
- 【2023-10-06】daveshap / ChatGPT_Custom_Instructions - Repo of custom instructions that you can use for ChatGPT
- 【2023-10-06】Coder-World04 / Complete-System-Design - This repository contains everything you need to become proficient in System Design
- 【2023-10-06】stepci / awesome-api-clients - List of awesome API clients. Postman and Insomnia alternatives
- 【2023-10-06】intuitibits / shortcuts - Shortcuts for displaying Wi-Fi and cellular connection details on iOS 17 or higher.
- 【2023-10-06】Xposed-Modules-Repo / Hook.JiuWu.Xp - HookVip
- 【2023-10-05】Universidade-Livre / Learn4Elixir - Aprenda Elixir em 4 Pull Requests!
- 【2023-10-05】nasa / spaceapps -
- 【2023-10-04】systemdesignfightclub / SDFC -
- 【2023-10-04】OtacilioN / awesome-hacktoberfest - A curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest 2023 repositories, guides and resources
- 【2023-10-04】free-educa / free-livros - Educação é um direito de todos
- 【2023-10-04】0xsyr0 / vx-underground-wordlist - Wordlist to crack .zip-file password
- 【2023-10-04】Ftindy / IPTV-URL -
- 【2023-10-03】incidrthreat / iceriver_oc -
- 【2023-10-03】kdeldycke / awesome-engineering-team-management - 👔 How to transition from software development to engineering management
- 【2023-10-02】Furkan-Gulsen / AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-Certification-My-Notes - In the process of obtaining the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certificate, I took notes of the topics I encountered from more than 10 sources and more than 2000+ questions and I share them in this repo.
- 【2023-10-02】zero-to-mastery / Hacktoberfest-2023 - Get started with Hacktoberfest 2023 with 3 awesome ZTM projects
- 【2023-10-01】microsoft / prompts-for-edu -
- 【2023-10-01】Floorp-Projects / Floorp - The source code of version 10 or later of Floorp Browser, the most Advanced and Fastest Firefox derivative 🦊