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Releases: yezz123/fastapi-class

Add More Classifiers & Fix Typo ✨

10 Oct 00:51
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What's Changed

  • Add More Classifiers & Fix Typo ✨ by @yezz123 in #3

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0

FastAPI-Class 1.0.0 ✨

07 Oct 01:09
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Classes and Decorators to use FastAPI with class based routing. In particular this allows you to
construct an instance of a class and have methods of that instance be route handlers for FastAPI & Python 3.8.

  • Older Versions of Python:
    • Unfortunately this does not work with async routes with Python versions less than 3.8 due to bugs in inspect.iscoroutinefunction. Specifically with older versions of Python iscoroutinefunction incorrectly returns false so async routes aren't await'd. We therefore only support Python versions >= 3.8.

Example 🐢

from ping import pong
# Some fictional ping pong class
from fastapi_class import Routable, get, delete

def parse_arg() -> argparse.Namespace:
   """parse command line arguments."""

class UserRoutes(Routable):
   """Inherits from Routable."""

   # Note injection here by simply passing values to the constructor. Other injection frameworks also
   # supported as there's nothing special about this __init__ method.
   def __init__(self, pong: pong) -> None:
      """Constructor. The pong is injected here."""
      self.__pong = pong

   def get_user_by_name(name: str) -> User:
      # Use our injected pong instance.
      return self.__pong.get_user_by_name(name)

   def delete_user(name: str) -> None:

def main():
    args = parse_args()
    # Configure the pomg per command line arguments
    pong = pong(args.url, args.user, args.password)
    # Simple intuitive injection
    user_routes = UserRoutes(pong)

    app = FastAPI()
    # router member inherited from Routable and configured per the annotations.