From 39a6dc97d25845d84b0f8c4d2a8690c8516d0a1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Misty <> Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 08:59:05 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E7=BE=A4=E5=8F=8B=E6=9B=B4=E6=96=B0?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- htmwg.js | 1068 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 512 insertions(+), 556 deletions(-) diff --git a/htmwg.js b/htmwg.js index 156419b..34fc142 100644 --- a/htmwg.js +++ b/htmwg.js @@ -1,557 +1,513 @@ -/** - * - *htmwg - *Author: Mist - *Date: 2024-06-02 - * cron 0 9,18 * * * 海天美味馆.js - * 微信小程序 海天美味馆 ck有效期不清楚 完成签到 抽奖 日常任务 积分换实物 - * 抓域名cmallapi.haday.cn下 Authorization&uuid - * export htmwg= Authorization&uuid 多账号换行或者#分隔 - */ -// ============================================================================================================ -const $ = new Env('vx海天美味馆') -const got = require('got') //青龙发包依赖 -const axios = require('axios') -const env_name = 'htmwg' //环境变量名字 -const env = process.env[env_name] || '' //或 process.env.zippoCookie, node读取变量方法. 后面的 || 表示如果前面结果为false或者空字符串或者null或者undifined, 就取后面的值 -const Notify = 1//是否通知, 1通知, 0不通知. 默认通知 -const debug = 0//是否调试, 1调试, 0不调试. 默认不调试 -let scriptVersionNow = "1.0.4";//脚本版本号 -let msg = ""; -// ==================================异步顺序============================================================================== -!(async () => { - await getNotice(); //远程通知 - await getVersion("yang7758258/ohhh154@main/htmwg.js"); - await main();//主函数 - await SendMsg(msg); //发送通知 - -})() - .catch((e) => $.logErr(e)) - .finally(() => $.done()); -//==================================脚本入口函数main()============================================================== -async function main() { - if (env == '') { - //没有设置变量,直接退出 - console.log(`没有填写变量,请查看脚本说明: ${env_name}`) - return - } - let user_ck = env.split('\n')//多账号分割,这里默认是换行(\n)分割,其他情况自己实现 - let index = 1 //用来给账号标记序号, 从1开始 - //循环遍历每个账号 - for (let ck of user_ck) { - if (!ck) continue //跳过空行 - //默认用&分割多变量 - let ck_info = ck.split('&') - let Authorization = ck_info[0] - let uuid = ck_info[1] - //let aesUnionid = ck_info[3] - //let sectoken = ck_info[4] - //用一个对象代表账号, 里面存放账号信息 - let user = { - index: index, - Authorization, - uuid, - //aesOpenid, - //aesUnionid, - //sectoken, - } - index = index + 1 //每次用完序号+1 - //开始账号任务 - await userTask(user) - //每个账号之间等1~5秒随机时间 - let rnd_time = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4000) + 1000 - console.log(`账号[${user.index}]随机等待${rnd_time / 1000}秒...`) - await $.wait(rnd_time) - } -} -// ======================================开始任务=================================================================================== -async function userTask(user) { - //任务逻辑都放这里了, 与脚本入口分开, 方便分类控制并模块化 - console.log(`\n============= 账号[${user.index}]开始任务 =============`) - //debugLog(`【debug】 这是你的账号数组:\n ${user}`); - await SignTask(user) - await wait(2) - await liulanjifen(user) - await wait(2) - await lingjihuijihui(user) - await wait(2) - await jifenduijihui(user) - await wait(2) - await jifenduijihui(user) - await wait(2) - await liulanjihui1(user) - await drawTask(user) - await wait(2) - await drawTask(user) - await wait(2) - await drawTask(user) - await wait(2) - await jifen(user) - - -} -// ============================================================================================================================= -//用户签到 -async function SignTask(user) { - //user: 用户参数, 里面存放ck和账户信息啥的. 进阶可以用类(class)的方法的代替, 效率更高 - //养成良好习惯, 每个方法里面都用try catch包起来, 这样出错了也不影响下一个步骤进行 - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'post', - url: '', - headers: { - 'Host': '', - 'Content-Type': 'application/json', - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'Referer': '', - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - body: `{"activity_code":"202404","fill_date":""}`, - }; - - let r = await httpPost(urlObject,`签到`) - //console.log(r); - if (r?.activity_code == 2024) { - //打印签到结果 - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊当前用户[${r.member_id}]` + `签到成功,已签到[${result.sign_day_num}]天🎉`); - }if(r?.code == 1019) { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]签到失败:[${r.message}]❌`) - }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]签到失败,可能已经签到❌`) - - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -// ============================================================================================ -//存放任务taskid - -// ============================================================================================ -//每日抽奖接口 -async function drawTask(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'get', - fn: 'drawTask', - url: '', - headers: { - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - //form: {"isReward":false} Got - }; - const result = await httpGet(urlObject,`抽奖`) - //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - //解构返回 - if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('lucky_record_vo')) { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖获得:[${result.lucky_record_vo.prize_name}]🎉`) - } if (result?.code == "1007") { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖失败:[${result.message}]❌`) - }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖失败❌`) - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} - -// 积分兑机会 -async function jifenduijihui(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'get', - fn: 'jifenduijihui', - url: "", - headers: { - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - //form: {"isReward":false} Got - }; - const result = await httpGet(urlObject,`兑机会`) - //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - if (result?.member_id) { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]积分兑抽奖` + `🕊任务成功,当前机会:[${result.opportunity_num}]🎉`) - } if (result?.code == "E300"){ - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊积分兑抽奖 兑换失败:[${result.message}]❌`) - }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊积分兑抽奖 兑换失败❌`) - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -// 每日领机会 -async function lingjihuijihui(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'put', - fn: 'lingjihuijihui', - url: "", - headers: { - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - form: {} - }; - const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) - console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - if (result) { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 领取成功🎉`) - } if (result?.code == "700"){ - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 失败:[${result.message}]❌`) - }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 领取失败❌`) - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -//浏览加机会1 -async function liulanjihui1(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'get', - fn: 'liulanjihui', - url: "", - headers: { - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - //form: {} - }; - const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) - //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - if (result?.code == "200") { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊浏览页面+抽奖机会 领取成功🎉`) - } else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊浏览页面+抽奖机会 任务失败❌`) - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -//浏览页面加积分 -async function liulanjifen(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'get', - fn: 'liulanjifen', - url: "", - headers: { - 'uuid': user.uuid, - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest - //form: {} - }; - const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) - //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - if (result?.code == "200") { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊浏览页面+积分 领取成功🎉`) - } else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊浏览页面+积分 浏览任务失败❌`) - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -// //关注加积分 -// async function guanzhu(user,action) { -// try { -// let urlObject = { -// method: 'post', -// fn: 'guanzhu', -// url: `${action}`, -// headers: { -// 'Content-Type': 'application/json', -// 'uuid': user.uuid, -// 'X-Haday-Token': user.Authorization, -// 'Referer': '', -// 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', -// }, -// //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest -// form: {"likeUserId":"2f03a8263da24c7dafb6afc703eadf2c"} -// }; -// const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) -// //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); -// if (result?.code == "200") { -// DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊关注[${action}]成功🎉`) -// } else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊任务失败❌`) -// } catch (e) { -// //打印错误信息 -// console.log(e) -// } -// } -//查询接口 -async function jifen(user) { - try { - let urlObject = { - method: 'get', - fn: 'jifen', - url: "", - headers: { - 'uuid': user.uuid, - 'Authorization': user.Authorization, - 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', - }, - }; - const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) - //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); - if (result?.grade_point == "0") { - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]当前总积分💰:[${result.consum_point}]🎉`) - } else{ - //打印请求错误信息 - DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]积分查询失败`) - } - } catch (e) { - //打印错误信息 - console.log(e) - } -} -/** - * =========================================================发送消息============================================= - */ -async function SendMsg(message) { - if (!message) return; - if (Notify > 0) { - if ($.isNode()) { - var notify = require("./sendNotify"); - //let text = '仅完成积分签到\n@auth:Mist\n@date:2024-05-29\n注: 本脚本仅用于个人学习和交流请勿用于非法用途。用户应当遵守所有适用的法律和规定。在任何情况下,脚本的开发者或贡献者均不对任何直接或间接使用本脚本而产生的结果负责。' - await notify.sendNotify($.name, message); - } else { - // $.msg(message); - $.msg($.name, '', message) - } - } else { - console.log(message); - } -} - -/** - * =====================================================双平台log输出========================================== - */ -function DoubleLog(data) { - if ($.isNode()) { - if (data) { - console.log(`${data}`); - msg += `\n${data}`; - } - } else { - console.log(`${data}`); - msg += `\n${data}`; - } - -} -/** -* ======================================================等待 X 秒============================================ -*/ -function wait(n) { - return new Promise(function (resolve) { - setTimeout(resolve, n * 1000); - }); -} -// ==========================================================时间戳===================================================== -function getTimestamp() { - return new Date().getTime(); -} -// ====================================================httpget=========================================== -async function httpGet(getUrlObject, tip, timeout = 3) { - return new Promise((resolve) => { - let url = getUrlObject; - if (!tip) { - let tmp = arguments.callee.toString(); - let re = /function\s*(\w*)/i; - let matches = re.exec(tmp); - tip = matches[1]; - } - if (debug) { - console.log(`\n 【debug】=============== 这是 ${tip} 请求 url ===============`); - console.log(url); - } - - $.get( - url, - async (err, resp, data) => { - try { - if (debug) { - console.log(`\n\n 【debug】===============这是 ${tip} 返回data==============`); - console.log(data); - console.log(`\n 【debug】=============这是 ${tip} json解析后数据============`); - console.log(JSON.parse(data)); - } - let result = JSON.parse(data); - if (result == undefined) { - return; - } else { - resolve(result); - } - - } catch (e) { - //console.log(err, resp); - console.log(`\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!`); - msg = `\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!` - console.log("服务器卡爆啦"); - } finally { - resolve(); - } - }, - timeout - ); - }); -} - -// ============================================================httppost=============================================== -async function httpPost(postUrlObject, tip, timeout = 3) { - return new Promise((resolve) => { - let url = postUrlObject; - if (!tip) { - let tmp = arguments.callee.toString(); - let re = /function\s*(\w*)/i; - let matches = re.exec(tmp); - tip = matches[1]; - } - if (debug) { - console.log(`\n 【debug】=============== 这是 ${tip} 请求 url ===============`); - console.log(url); - } - - $.post( - url, - async (err, resp, data) => { - try { - if (debug) { - console.log(`\n\n 【debug】===============这是 ${tip} 返回data==============`); - console.log(data); - console.log(`\n 【debug】=============这是 ${tip} json解析后数据============`); - console.log(JSON.parse(data)); - } - let result = JSON.parse(data); - if (result == undefined) { - return; - } else { - resolve(result); - } - - } catch (e) { - //console.log(err, resp); - console.log(`\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!`); - msg = `\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!` - console.log("服务器卡爆啦"); - } finally { - resolve(); - } - }, - timeout - ); - }); -} -//===============================================网络请求httpRequest========================================= -function httpRequest(options, timeout = 1 * 1000) { - method = options.method ? options.method.toLowerCase() : options.body ? "post" : "get"; - return new Promise(resolve => { - setTimeout(() => { - $[method](options, (err, resp, data) => { - try { - if (err) { - console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); - $.logErr(err); - } else { - try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { } - } - } catch (e) { - console.log(e); - $.logErr(e, resp); - } finally { - resolve(data); - } - }) - }, timeout) - }) -} -//==============================================Debug模式=============================================== -function debugLog(...args) { - if (debug) { - console.log(...args); - } -} -//===============================================获取远程通知======================================== -async function getNotice() { - try { - const urls = [ - "", - - ]; - let notice = null; - for (const url of urls) { - const options = { url, headers: { "User-Agent": "" }, }; - const result = await httpRequest(options); - if (result && "notice" in result) { - notice = result.notice.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"); - break; - } - } - if (notice) { $.DoubleLog(notice); } - } catch (e) { - console.log(e); - } -} -//==============================================获取远程版本================================================= -function getVersion(scriptUrl, timeout = 3 * 1000) { - return new Promise((resolve) => { - const options = { url: `${scriptUrl}` }; - $.get(options, (err, resp, data) => { - try { - const regex = /scriptVersionNow\s*=\s*(["'`])([\d.]+)\1/; - const match = data.match(regex); - const scriptVersionLatest = match ? match[2] : ""; - console.log(`\n====== 当前版本:${scriptVersionNow} 📌 最新版本:${scriptVersionLatest} ======`); - } catch (e) { - $.logErr(e, resp); - } - resolve(); - }, timeout); - }); -} -//=================================GOT=========================================================== -async function request(opt) { - const DEFAULT_RETRY = 3 //请求出错重试三次 - var resp = null, count = 0 - var fn = opt.fn || opt.url - opt.method = opt?.method?.toUpperCase() || 'GET' - while (count++ < DEFAULT_RETRY) { - try { - var err = null - const errcodes = ['ECONNRESET', 'EADDRINUSE', 'ENOTFOUND', 'EAI_AGAIN'] - await got(opt).then(t => { - resp = t - }, e => { - err = e - resp = e.response - }) - if (err) { - if ( == 'TimeoutError') { - console.log(`[${fn}]请求超时(${err.code}),重试第${count}次`) - } else if (errcodes.includes(err.code)) { - console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${err.code}),重试第${count}次`) - } else { - let statusCode = resp?.statusCode || -1 - console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${err.message}), 返回[${statusCode}]`) - break - } - } else { - break - } - } catch (e) { - console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${e.message}),重试第${count}次`) - }; - } - let { statusCode = -1, headers = null, body = null } = resp - if (body) try { body = JSON.parse(body) } catch { }; - return { statusCode, headers, result: body } -} -//=============================================================================================================================================== -//================================================固定API=============================================================================================== -function Env(t, e) { class s { constructor(t) { this.env = t } send(t, e = "GET") { t = "string" == typeof t ? { url: t } : t; let s = this.get; return ("POST" === e && (s =, new Promise((e, a) => {, t, (t, s, r) => { t ? a(t) : e(s) }) })) } get(t) { return, t) } post(t) { return, t, "POST") } } return new (class { constructor(t, e) { this.userList = []; this.userIdx = 0; ( = t), (this.http = new s(this)), ( = null), (this.dataFile = "box.dat"), (this.logs = []), (this.isMute = !1), (this.isNeedRewrite = !1), (this.logSeparator = "\n"), (this.encoding = "utf-8"), (this.startTime = new Date().getTime()), Object.assign(this, e), this.log("", `🔔${},开始!`) } getEnv() { return "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["surge-version"] ? "Surge" : "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["stash-version"] ? "Stash" : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? "Node.js" : "undefined" != typeof $task ? "Quantumult X" : "undefined" != typeof $loon ? "Loon" : "undefined" != typeof $rocket ? "Shadowrocket" : void 0 } isNode() { return "Node.js" === this.getEnv() } isQuanX() { return "Quantumult X" === this.getEnv() } isSurge() { return "Surge" === this.getEnv() } isLoon() { return "Loon" === this.getEnv() } isShadowrocket() { return "Shadowrocket" === this.getEnv() } isStash() { return "Stash" === this.getEnv() } toObj(t, e = null) { try { return JSON.parse(t) } catch { return e } } toStr(t, e = null) { try { return JSON.stringify(t) } catch { return e } } getjson(t, e) { let s = e; const a = this.getdata(t); if (a) try { s = JSON.parse(this.getdata(t)) } catch { } return s } setjson(t, e) { try { return this.setdata(JSON.stringify(t), e) } catch { return !1 } } getScript(t) { return new Promise((e) => { this.get({ url: t }, (t, s, a) => e(a)) }) } runScript(t, e) { return new Promise((s) => { let a = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi"); a = a ? a.replace(/\n/g, "").trim() : a; let r = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout"); (r = r ? 1 * r : 20), (r = e && e.timeout ? e.timeout : r); const [i, o] = a.split("@"), n = { url: `http://${o}/v1/scripting/evaluate`, body: { script_text: t, mock_type: "cron", timeout: r }, headers: { "X-Key": i, Accept: "*/*" }, timeout: r, };, (t, e, a) => s(a)) }).catch((t) => this.logErr(t)) } loaddata() { if (!this.isNode()) return {}; { (this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs")), (this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path")); const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), s = this.fs.existsSync(t), a = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e); if (!s && !a) return {}; { const a = s ? t : e; try { return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(a)) } catch (t) { return {} } } } } writedata() { if (this.isNode()) { (this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs")), (this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path")); const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), s = this.fs.existsSync(t), a = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e), r = JSON.stringify(; s ? this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r) : a ? this.fs.writeFileSync(e, r) : this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r) } } lodash_get(t, e, s) { const a = e.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").split("."); let r = t; for (const t of a) if (((r = Object(r)[t]), void 0 === r)) return s; return r } lodash_set(t, e, s) { return Object(t) !== t ? t : (Array.isArray(e) || (e = e.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), (e.slice(0, -1).reduce((t, s, a) => Object(t[s]) === t[s] ? t[s] : (t[s] = Math.abs(e[a + 1]) >> 0 == +e[a + 1] ? [] : {}), t)[e[e.length - 1]] = s), t) } getdata(t) { let e = this.getval(t); if (/^@/.test(t)) { const [, s, a] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(t), r = s ? this.getval(s) : ""; if (r) try { const t = JSON.parse(r); e = t ? this.lodash_get(t, a, "") : e } catch (t) { e = "" } } return e } setdata(t, e) { let s = !1; if (/^@/.test(e)) { const [, a, r] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(e), i = this.getval(a), o = a ? ("null" === i ? null : i || "{}") : "{}"; try { const e = JSON.parse(o); this.lodash_set(e, r, t), (s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(e), a)) } catch (e) { const i = {}; this.lodash_set(i, r, t), (s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(i), a)) } } else s = this.setval(t, e); return s } getval(t) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": return $; case "Quantumult X": return $prefs.valueForKey(t); case "Node.js": return ( = this.loaddata()),[t]; default: return ( &&[t]) || null } } setval(t, e) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": return $persistentStore.write(t, e); case "Quantumult X": return $prefs.setValueForKey(t, e); case "Node.js": return (( = this.loaddata()), ([e] = t), this.writedata(), !0); default: return ( &&[e]) || null } } initGotEnv(t) { ( = ? : require("got")), (this.cktough = this.cktough ? this.cktough : require("tough-cookie")), (this.ckjar = this.ckjar ? this.ckjar : new this.cktough.CookieJar()), t && ((t.headers = t.headers ? t.headers : {}), void 0 === t.headers.Cookie && void 0 === t.cookieJar && (t.cookieJar = this.ckjar)) } get(t, e = () => { }) { switch ((t.headers && (delete t.headers["Content-Type"], delete t.headers["Content-Length"], delete t.headers["content-type"], delete t.headers["content-length"]), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.headers = t.headers || {}), Object.assign(t.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient.get(t, (t, s, a) => { !t && s && ((s.body = a), (s.statusCode = s.status ? s.status : s.statusCode), (s.status = s.statusCode)), e(t, s, a) }); break; case "Quantumult X": this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.opts = t.opts || {}), Object.assign(t.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(t).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, } = t; e(null, { status: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, }, i, o) }, (t) => e((t && t.error) || "UndefinedError")); break; case "Node.js": let s = require("iconv-lite"); this.initGotEnv(t),"redirect", (t, e) => { try { if (t.headers["set-cookie"]) { const s = t.headers["set-cookie"].map(this.cktough.Cookie.parse).toString(); s && this.ckjar.setCookieSync(s, null), (e.cookieJar = this.ckjar) } } catch (t) { this.logErr(t) } }).then((t) => { const { statusCode: a, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, } = t, n = s.decode(o, this.encoding); e(null, { status: a, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, body: n, }, n) }, (t) => { const { message: a, response: r } = t; e(a, r, r && s.decode(r.rawBody, this.encoding)) }) } } post(t, e = () => { }) { const s = t.method ? t.method.toLocaleLowerCase() : "post"; switch ((t.body && t.headers && !t.headers["Content-Type"] && !t.headers["content-type"] && (t.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), t.headers && (delete t.headers["Content-Length"], delete t.headers["content-length"]), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.headers = t.headers || {}), Object.assign(t.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient[s](t, (t, s, a) => { !t && s && ((s.body = a), (s.statusCode = s.status ? s.status : s.statusCode), (s.status = s.statusCode)), e(t, s, a) }); break; case "Quantumult X": (t.method = s), this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.opts = t.opts || {}), Object.assign(t.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(t).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, } = t; e(null, { status: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, }, i, o) }, (t) => e((t && t.error) || "UndefinedError")); break; case "Node.js": let a = require("iconv-lite"); this.initGotEnv(t); const { url: r, ...i } = t;[s](r, i).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, } = t, n = a.decode(o, this.encoding); e(null, { status: s, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, body: n }, n) }, (t) => { const { message: s, response: r } = t; e(s, r, r && a.decode(r.rawBody, this.encoding)) }) } } time(t, e = null) { const s = e ? new Date(e) : new Date(); let a = { "M+": s.getMonth() + 1, "d+": s.getDate(), "H+": s.getHours(), "m+": s.getMinutes(), "s+": s.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((s.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: s.getMilliseconds(), }; /(y+)/.test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, (s.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); for (let e in a) new RegExp("(" + e + ")").test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? a[e] : ("00" + a[e]).substr(("" + a[e]).length))); return t } queryStr(t) { let e = ""; for (const s in t) { let a = t[s]; null != a && "" !== a && ("object" == typeof a && (a = JSON.stringify(a)), (e += `${s}=${a}&`)) } return (e = e.substring(0, e.length - 1)), e } msg(e = t, s = "", a = "", r) { const i = (t) => { switch (typeof t) { case void 0: return t; case "string": switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Stash": default: return { url: t }; case "Loon": case "Shadowrocket": return t; case "Quantumult X": return { "open-url": t }; case "Node.js": return }case "object": switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: { let e = t.url || t.openUrl || t["open-url"]; return { url: e } } case "Loon": { let e = t.openUrl || t.url || t["open-url"], s = t.mediaUrl || t["media-url"]; return { openUrl: e, mediaUrl: s } } case "Quantumult X": { let e = t["open-url"] || t.url || t.openUrl, s = t["media-url"] || t.mediaUrl, a = t["update-pasteboard"] || t.updatePasteboard; return { "open-url": e, "media-url": s, "update-pasteboard": a, } } case "Node.js": return }default: return } }; if (!this.isMute) switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: $, s, a, i(r)); break; case "Quantumult X": $notify(e, s, a, i(r)); break; case "Node.js": }if (!this.isMuteLog) { let t = ["", "==============📣系统通知📣==============",]; t.push(e), s && t.push(s), a && t.push(a), console.log(t.join("\n")), (this.logs = this.logs.concat(t)) } } log(...t) { t.length > 0 && (this.logs = [...this.logs, ...t]), console.log(t.join(this.logSeparator)) } logErr(t, e) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": case "Quantumult X": default: this.log("", `❗️${},错误!`, t); break; case "Node.js": this.log("", `❗️${},错误!`, t.stack) } } wait(t) { return new Promise((e) => setTimeout(e, t)) } DoubleLog(d) { if (this.isNode()) { if (d) { console.log(`${d}`); msg += `\n ${d}` } } else { console.log(`${d}`); msg += `\n ${d}` } } async SendMsg(m) { if (!m) return; if (Notify > 0) { if (this.isNode()) { var notify = require("./sendNotify"); await notify.sendNotify(, m) } else { this.msg(, "", m) } } else { console.log(m) } } done(t = {}) { const e = new Date().getTime(), s = (e - this.startTime) / 1e3; switch ((this.log("", `🔔${},结束!🕛${s}秒`), this.log(), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": case "Quantumult X": default: $done(t); break; case "Node.js": process.exit(1) } } })(t, e) } +/** + * + *htmwg + *Author: Mist + *Date: 2024-06-02 + * cron 0 9,18 * * * 海天美味馆.js + * 微信小程序 海天美味馆 ck有效期不清楚 完成签到 抽奖 日常任务 积分换实物 + * 抓域名cmallapi.haday.cn下 Authorization&uuid + * export htmwg= Authorization&uuid 多账号换行或者#分隔 + */ +// ============================================================================================================ +const $ = new Env('vx海天美味馆') +const got = require('got') //青龙发包依赖 +const axios = require('axios') +const env_name = 'htmwg' //环境变量名字 +const env = process.env[env_name] || '' //或 process.env.zippoCookie, node读取变量方法. 后面的 || 表示如果前面结果为false或者空字符串或者null或者undifined, 就取后面的值 +const Notify = 1//是否通知, 1通知, 0不通知. 默认通知 +const debug = 0//是否调试, 1调试, 0不调试. 默认不调试 +let scriptVersionNow = "1.0.4";//脚本版本号 +let msg = ""; +// ==================================异步顺序============================================================================== +!(async () => { + await getNotice(); //远程通知 + await getVersion("yang7758258/ohhh154@main/htmwg.js"); + await main();//主函数 + await SendMsg(msg); //发送通知 + +})() + .catch((e) => $.logErr(e)) + .finally(() => $.done()); +//==================================脚本入口函数main()============================================================== +async function main() { + if (env == '') { + //没有设置变量,直接退出 + console.log(`没有填写变量,请查看脚本说明: ${env_name}`) + return + } + let user_ck = env.split('\n')//多账号分割,这里默认是换行(\n)分割,其他情况自己实现 + let index = 1 //用来给账号标记序号, 从1开始 + //循环遍历每个账号 + for (let ck of user_ck) { + if (!ck) continue //跳过空行 + //默认用&分割多变量 + let ck_info = ck.split('&') + let Authorization = ck_info[0] + let uuid = ck_info[1] + //let aesUnionid = ck_info[3] + //let sectoken = ck_info[4] + //用一个对象代表账号, 里面存放账号信息 + let user = { + index: index, + Authorization, + uuid, + //aesOpenid, + //aesUnionid, + //sectoken, + } + index = index + 1 //每次用完序号+1 + //开始账号任务 + await userTask(user) + //每个账号之间等1~5秒随机时间 + let rnd_time = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4000) + 1000 + console.log(`账号[${user.index}]随机等待${rnd_time / 1000}秒...`) + await $.wait(rnd_time) + } +} +// ======================================开始任务=================================================================================== +async function userTask(user) { + //任务逻辑都放这里了, 与脚本入口分开, 方便分类控制并模块化 + console.log(`\n============= 账号[${user.index}]开始任务 =============`) + //debugLog(`【debug】 这是你的账号数组:\n ${user}`); + await SignTask(user) + await wait(2) + await jifenduijihui(user) + await wait(2) + await jifenduijihui(user) + await wait(2) + await lingjihuijihui(user) + await wait(2) + await drawTask(user) + await wait(2) + await drawTask(user) + await wait(2) + await drawTask(user) + await wait(2) + await jifen(user) + + +} +// ============================================================================================================================= +//用户签到 +async function SignTask(user) { + //user: 用户参数, 里面存放ck和账户信息啥的. 进阶可以用类(class)的方法的代替, 效率更高 + //养成良好习惯, 每个方法里面都用try catch包起来, 这样出错了也不影响下一个步骤进行 + try { + // 获取当前年份和月份 + const currentDate = new Date(); + const year = currentDate.getFullYear(); // 获取年份 + const month = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'); // 获取月份并确保两位数 + + let urlObject = { + method: 'post', + url: '', + headers: { + 'Host': '', + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Authorization': user.Authorization, + 'Referer': '', + 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', + }, + //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest + body: JSON.stringify({ + "activity_code": year + month, + "fill_date": "" + }), + }; + + let r = await httpPost(urlObject,`签到`) + //console.log(r); + if (r?.activity_code == 2024) { + //打印签到结果 + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊当前用户[${r.member_id}]` + `签到成功,已签到[${result.sign_day_num}]天🎉`); + }if(r?.code == 1019) { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]签到失败:[${r.message}]❌`) + }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]签到失败,可能已经签到❌`) + + } catch (e) { + //打印错误信息 + console.log(e) + } +} +// ============================================================================================ +//存放任务taskid + +// ============================================================================================ +//每日抽奖接口 +async function drawTask(user) { + try { + let urlObject = { + method: 'get', + fn: 'drawTask', + url: '', + headers: { + 'Authorization': user.Authorization, + 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', + }, + //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest + //form: {"isReward":false} Got + }; + const result = await httpGet(urlObject,`抽奖`) + //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); + //解构返回 + if (result && result.hasOwnProperty('lucky_record_vo')) { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖获得:[${result.lucky_record_vo.prize_name}]🎉`) + } if (result?.code == "1007") { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖失败:[${result.message}]❌`) + }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]` + `🕊抽奖失败❌`) + } catch (e) { + //打印错误信息 + console.log(e) + } +} + +// 积分兑机会 +async function jifenduijihui(user) { + try { + let urlObject = { + method: 'get', + fn: 'jifenduijihui', + url: "", + headers: { + 'Authorization': user.Authorization, + 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', + }, + //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest + //form: {"isReward":false} Got + }; + const result = await httpGet(urlObject,`兑换`) + //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); + if (result?.member_id) { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]积分兑抽奖` + `🕊任务成功,当前机会:[${result.opportunity_num}]🎉`) + } if (result?.code == "E300"){ + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊积分兑抽奖 兑换失败:[${result.message}]❌`) + }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊积分兑抽奖 兑换失败❌`) + } catch (e) { + //打印错误信息 + console.log(e) + } +} +// 每日领机会 +async function lingjihuijihui(user) { + try { + let urlObject = { + method: 'put', + fn: 'lingjihuijihui', + url: "", + headers: { + 'Authorization': user.Authorization, + 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', + }, + //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest + form: {} + }; + const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) + console.log(statusCode, headers, result); + if (result) { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 领取成功🎉`) + } if (result?.code == "700"){ + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 失败:[${result.message}]❌`) + }else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊每日领机会 领取失败❌`) + } catch (e) { + //打印错误信息 + console.log(e) + } +} +// //关注加积分 +// async function guanzhu(user,action) { +// try { +// let urlObject = { +// method: 'post', +// fn: 'guanzhu', +// url: `${action}`, +// headers: { +// 'Content-Type': 'application/json', +// 'uuid': user.uuid, +// 'X-Haday-Token': user.Authorization, +// 'Referer': '', +// 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', +// }, +// //body: `{"isReward":false}` 请求体,get方法没有请求体 httpRequest +// form: {"likeUserId":"2f03a8263da24c7dafb6afc703eadf2c"} +// }; +// const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) +// //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); +// if (result?.code == "200") { +// DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊关注[${action}]成功🎉`) +// } else DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]🕊任务失败❌`) +// } catch (e) { +// //打印错误信息 +// console.log(e) +// } +// } +//查询接口 +async function jifen(user) { + try { + let urlObject = { + method: 'get', + fn: 'jifen', + url: "", + headers: { + 'uuid': user.uuid, + 'Authorization': user.Authorization, + 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI MiniProgramEnv/Windows WindowsWechat/WMPF WindowsWechat(0x63090a13) XWEB/9129', + }, + }; + const { statusCode, headers, result } = await request(urlObject) + //console.log(statusCode, headers, result); + if (result?.grade_point == "0") { + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]当前总积分💰:[${result.consum_point}]🎉`) + } else{ + //打印请求错误信息 + DoubleLog(`🌸账号[${user.index}]积分查询失败`) + } + } catch (e) { + //打印错误信息 + console.log(e) + } +} +/** + * =========================================================发送消息============================================= + */ +async function SendMsg(message) { + if (!message) return; + if (Notify > 0) { + if ($.isNode()) { + var notify = require("./sendNotify"); + //let text = '仅完成积分签到\n@auth:Mist\n@date:2024-05-29\n注: 本脚本仅用于个人学习和交流请勿用于非法用途。用户应当遵守所有适用的法律和规定。在任何情况下,脚本的开发者或贡献者均不对任何直接或间接使用本脚本而产生的结果负责。' + await notify.sendNotify($.name, message); + } else { + // $.msg(message); + $.msg($.name, '', message) + } + } else { + console.log(message); + } +} + +/** + * =====================================================双平台log输出========================================== + */ +function DoubleLog(data) { + if ($.isNode()) { + if (data) { + console.log(`${data}`); + msg += `\n${data}`; + } + } else { + console.log(`${data}`); + msg += `\n${data}`; + } + +} +/** +* ======================================================等待 X 秒============================================ +*/ +function wait(n) { + return new Promise(function (resolve) { + setTimeout(resolve, n * 1000); + }); +} +// ==========================================================时间戳===================================================== +function getTimestamp() { + return new Date().getTime(); +} +// ====================================================httpget=========================================== +async function httpGet(getUrlObject, tip, timeout = 3) { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + let url = getUrlObject; + if (!tip) { + let tmp = arguments.callee.toString(); + let re = /function\s*(\w*)/i; + let matches = re.exec(tmp); + tip = matches[1]; + } + if (debug) { + console.log(`\n 【debug】=============== 这是 ${tip} 请求 url ===============`); + console.log(url); + } + + $.get( + url, + async (err, resp, data) => { + try { + if (debug) { + console.log(`\n\n 【debug】===============这是 ${tip} 返回data==============`); + console.log(data); + console.log(`\n 【debug】=============这是 ${tip} json解析后数据============`); + console.log(JSON.parse(data)); + } + let result = JSON.parse(data); + if (result == undefined) { + return; + } else { + resolve(result); + } + + } catch (e) { + //console.log(err, resp); + console.log(`\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!`); + msg = `\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!` + console.log("服务器卡爆啦"); + } finally { + resolve(); + } + }, + timeout + ); + }); +} + +// ============================================================httppost=============================================== +async function httpPost(postUrlObject, tip, timeout = 3) { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + let url = postUrlObject; + if (!tip) { + let tmp = arguments.callee.toString(); + let re = /function\s*(\w*)/i; + let matches = re.exec(tmp); + tip = matches[1]; + } + if (debug) { + console.log(`\n 【debug】=============== 这是 ${tip} 请求 url ===============`); + console.log(url); + } + + $.post( + url, + async (err, resp, data) => { + try { + if (debug) { + console.log(`\n\n 【debug】===============这是 ${tip} 返回data==============`); + console.log(data); + console.log(`\n 【debug】=============这是 ${tip} json解析后数据============`); + console.log(JSON.parse(data)); + } + let result = JSON.parse(data); + if (result == undefined) { + return; + } else { + resolve(result); + } + + } catch (e) { + //console.log(err, resp); + console.log(`\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!`); + msg = `\n ${tip} 失败了!请稍后尝试!!` + console.log("服务器卡爆啦"); + } finally { + resolve(); + } + }, + timeout + ); + }); +} +//===============================================网络请求httpRequest========================================= +function httpRequest(options, timeout = 1 * 1000) { + method = options.method ? options.method.toLowerCase() : options.body ? "post" : "get"; + return new Promise(resolve => { + setTimeout(() => { + $[method](options, (err, resp, data) => { + try { + if (err) { + console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); + $.logErr(err); + } else { + try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { } + } + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + $.logErr(e, resp); + } finally { + resolve(data); + } + }) + }, timeout) + }) +} +//==============================================Debug模式=============================================== +function debugLog(...args) { + if (debug) { + console.log(...args); + } +} +//===============================================获取远程通知======================================== +async function getNotice() { + try { + const urls = [ + "", + + ]; + let notice = null; + for (const url of urls) { + const options = { url, headers: { "User-Agent": "" }, }; + const result = await httpRequest(options); + if (result && "notice" in result) { + notice = result.notice.replace(/\\n/g, "\n"); + break; + } + } + if (notice) { $.DoubleLog(notice); } + } catch (e) { + console.log(e); + } +} +//==============================================获取远程版本================================================= +function getVersion(scriptUrl, timeout = 3 * 1000) { + return new Promise((resolve) => { + const options = { url: `${scriptUrl}` }; + $.get(options, (err, resp, data) => { + try { + const regex = /scriptVersionNow\s*=\s*(["'`])([\d.]+)\1/; + const match = data.match(regex); + const scriptVersionLatest = match ? match[2] : ""; + console.log(`\n====== 当前版本:${scriptVersionNow} 📌 最新版本:${scriptVersionLatest} ======`); + } catch (e) { + $.logErr(e, resp); + } + resolve(); + }, timeout); + }); +} +//=================================GOT=========================================================== +async function request(opt) { + const DEFAULT_RETRY = 3 //请求出错重试三次 + var resp = null, count = 0 + var fn = opt.fn || opt.url + opt.method = opt?.method?.toUpperCase() || 'GET' + while (count++ < DEFAULT_RETRY) { + try { + var err = null + const errcodes = ['ECONNRESET', 'EADDRINUSE', 'ENOTFOUND', 'EAI_AGAIN'] + await got(opt).then(t => { + resp = t + }, e => { + err = e + resp = e.response + }) + if (err) { + if ( == 'TimeoutError') { + console.log(`[${fn}]请求超时(${err.code}),重试第${count}次`) + } else if (errcodes.includes(err.code)) { + console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${err.code}),重试第${count}次`) + } else { + let statusCode = resp?.statusCode || -1 + console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${err.message}), 返回[${statusCode}]`) + break + } + } else { + break + } + } catch (e) { + console.log(`[${fn}]请求错误(${e.message}),重试第${count}次`) + }; + } + let { statusCode = -1, headers = null, body = null } = resp + if (body) try { body = JSON.parse(body) } catch { }; + return { statusCode, headers, result: body } +} +//=============================================================================================================================================== +//================================================固定API=============================================================================================== +function Env(t, e) { class s { constructor(t) { this.env = t } send(t, e = "GET") { t = "string" == typeof t ? { url: t } : t; let s = this.get; return ("POST" === e && (s =, new Promise((e, a) => {, t, (t, s, r) => { t ? a(t) : e(s) }) })) } get(t) { return, t) } post(t) { return, t, "POST") } } return new (class { constructor(t, e) { this.userList = []; this.userIdx = 0; ( = t), (this.http = new s(this)), ( = null), (this.dataFile = "box.dat"), (this.logs = []), (this.isMute = !1), (this.isNeedRewrite = !1), (this.logSeparator = "\n"), (this.encoding = "utf-8"), (this.startTime = new Date().getTime()), Object.assign(this, e), this.log("", `🔔${},开始!`) } getEnv() { return "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["surge-version"] ? "Surge" : "undefined" != typeof $environment && $environment["stash-version"] ? "Stash" : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? "Node.js" : "undefined" != typeof $task ? "Quantumult X" : "undefined" != typeof $loon ? "Loon" : "undefined" != typeof $rocket ? "Shadowrocket" : void 0 } isNode() { return "Node.js" === this.getEnv() } isQuanX() { return "Quantumult X" === this.getEnv() } isSurge() { return "Surge" === this.getEnv() } isLoon() { return "Loon" === this.getEnv() } isShadowrocket() { return "Shadowrocket" === this.getEnv() } isStash() { return "Stash" === this.getEnv() } toObj(t, e = null) { try { return JSON.parse(t) } catch { return e } } toStr(t, e = null) { try { return JSON.stringify(t) } catch { return e } } getjson(t, e) { let s = e; const a = this.getdata(t); if (a) try { s = JSON.parse(this.getdata(t)) } catch { } return s } setjson(t, e) { try { return this.setdata(JSON.stringify(t), e) } catch { return !1 } } getScript(t) { return new Promise((e) => { this.get({ url: t }, (t, s, a) => e(a)) }) } runScript(t, e) { return new Promise((s) => { let a = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi"); a = a ? a.replace(/\n/g, "").trim() : a; let r = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout"); (r = r ? 1 * r : 20), (r = e && e.timeout ? e.timeout : r); const [i, o] = a.split("@"), n = { url: `http://${o}/v1/scripting/evaluate`, body: { script_text: t, mock_type: "cron", timeout: r }, headers: { "X-Key": i, Accept: "*/*" }, timeout: r, };, (t, e, a) => s(a)) }).catch((t) => this.logErr(t)) } loaddata() { if (!this.isNode()) return {}; { (this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs")), (this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path")); const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), s = this.fs.existsSync(t), a = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e); if (!s && !a) return {}; { const a = s ? t : e; try { return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(a)) } catch (t) { return {} } } } } writedata() { if (this.isNode()) { (this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs")), (this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path")); const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile), e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile), s = this.fs.existsSync(t), a = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e), r = JSON.stringify(; s ? this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r) : a ? this.fs.writeFileSync(e, r) : this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r) } } lodash_get(t, e, s) { const a = e.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").split("."); let r = t; for (const t of a) if (((r = Object(r)[t]), void 0 === r)) return s; return r } lodash_set(t, e, s) { return Object(t) !== t ? t : (Array.isArray(e) || (e = e.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), (e.slice(0, -1).reduce((t, s, a) => Object(t[s]) === t[s] ? t[s] : (t[s] = Math.abs(e[a + 1]) >> 0 == +e[a + 1] ? [] : {}), t)[e[e.length - 1]] = s), t) } getdata(t) { let e = this.getval(t); if (/^@/.test(t)) { const [, s, a] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(t), r = s ? this.getval(s) : ""; if (r) try { const t = JSON.parse(r); e = t ? this.lodash_get(t, a, "") : e } catch (t) { e = "" } } return e } setdata(t, e) { let s = !1; if (/^@/.test(e)) { const [, a, r] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(e), i = this.getval(a), o = a ? ("null" === i ? null : i || "{}") : "{}"; try { const e = JSON.parse(o); this.lodash_set(e, r, t), (s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(e), a)) } catch (e) { const i = {}; this.lodash_set(i, r, t), (s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(i), a)) } } else s = this.setval(t, e); return s } getval(t) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": return $; case "Quantumult X": return $prefs.valueForKey(t); case "Node.js": return ( = this.loaddata()),[t]; default: return ( &&[t]) || null } } setval(t, e) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": return $persistentStore.write(t, e); case "Quantumult X": return $prefs.setValueForKey(t, e); case "Node.js": return (( = this.loaddata()), ([e] = t), this.writedata(), !0); default: return ( &&[e]) || null } } initGotEnv(t) { ( = ? : require("got")), (this.cktough = this.cktough ? this.cktough : require("tough-cookie")), (this.ckjar = this.ckjar ? this.ckjar : new this.cktough.CookieJar()), t && ((t.headers = t.headers ? t.headers : {}), void 0 === t.headers.Cookie && void 0 === t.cookieJar && (t.cookieJar = this.ckjar)) } get(t, e = () => { }) { switch ((t.headers && (delete t.headers["Content-Type"], delete t.headers["Content-Length"], delete t.headers["content-type"], delete t.headers["content-length"]), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.headers = t.headers || {}), Object.assign(t.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient.get(t, (t, s, a) => { !t && s && ((s.body = a), (s.statusCode = s.status ? s.status : s.statusCode), (s.status = s.statusCode)), e(t, s, a) }); break; case "Quantumult X": this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.opts = t.opts || {}), Object.assign(t.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(t).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, } = t; e(null, { status: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, }, i, o) }, (t) => e((t && t.error) || "UndefinedError")); break; case "Node.js": let s = require("iconv-lite"); this.initGotEnv(t),"redirect", (t, e) => { try { if (t.headers["set-cookie"]) { const s = t.headers["set-cookie"].map(this.cktough.Cookie.parse).toString(); s && this.ckjar.setCookieSync(s, null), (e.cookieJar = this.ckjar) } } catch (t) { this.logErr(t) } }).then((t) => { const { statusCode: a, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, } = t, n = s.decode(o, this.encoding); e(null, { status: a, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, body: n, }, n) }, (t) => { const { message: a, response: r } = t; e(a, r, r && s.decode(r.rawBody, this.encoding)) }) } } post(t, e = () => { }) { const s = t.method ? t.method.toLocaleLowerCase() : "post"; switch ((t.body && t.headers && !t.headers["Content-Type"] && !t.headers["content-type"] && (t.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), t.headers && (delete t.headers["Content-Length"], delete t.headers["content-length"]), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.headers = t.headers || {}), Object.assign(t.headers, { "X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1 })), $httpClient[s](t, (t, s, a) => { !t && s && ((s.body = a), (s.statusCode = s.status ? s.status : s.statusCode), (s.status = s.statusCode)), e(t, s, a) }); break; case "Quantumult X": (t.method = s), this.isNeedRewrite && ((t.opts = t.opts || {}), Object.assign(t.opts, { hints: !1 })), $task.fetch(t).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, } = t; e(null, { status: s, statusCode: a, headers: r, body: i, bodyBytes: o, }, i, o) }, (t) => e((t && t.error) || "UndefinedError")); break; case "Node.js": let a = require("iconv-lite"); this.initGotEnv(t); const { url: r, ...i } = t;[s](r, i).then((t) => { const { statusCode: s, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, } = t, n = a.decode(o, this.encoding); e(null, { status: s, statusCode: r, headers: i, rawBody: o, body: n }, n) }, (t) => { const { message: s, response: r } = t; e(s, r, r && a.decode(r.rawBody, this.encoding)) }) } } time(t, e = null) { const s = e ? new Date(e) : new Date(); let a = { "M+": s.getMonth() + 1, "d+": s.getDate(), "H+": s.getHours(), "m+": s.getMinutes(), "s+": s.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((s.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: s.getMilliseconds(), }; /(y+)/.test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, (s.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))); for (let e in a) new RegExp("(" + e + ")").test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? a[e] : ("00" + a[e]).substr(("" + a[e]).length))); return t } queryStr(t) { let e = ""; for (const s in t) { let a = t[s]; null != a && "" !== a && ("object" == typeof a && (a = JSON.stringify(a)), (e += `${s}=${a}&`)) } return (e = e.substring(0, e.length - 1)), e } msg(e = t, s = "", a = "", r) { const i = (t) => { switch (typeof t) { case void 0: return t; case "string": switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Stash": default: return { url: t }; case "Loon": case "Shadowrocket": return t; case "Quantumult X": return { "open-url": t }; case "Node.js": return }case "object": switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: { let e = t.url || t.openUrl || t["open-url"]; return { url: e } } case "Loon": { let e = t.openUrl || t.url || t["open-url"], s = t.mediaUrl || t["media-url"]; return { openUrl: e, mediaUrl: s } } case "Quantumult X": { let e = t["open-url"] || t.url || t.openUrl, s = t["media-url"] || t.mediaUrl, a = t["update-pasteboard"] || t.updatePasteboard; return { "open-url": e, "media-url": s, "update-pasteboard": a, } } case "Node.js": return }default: return } }; if (!this.isMute) switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": default: $, s, a, i(r)); break; case "Quantumult X": $notify(e, s, a, i(r)); break; case "Node.js": }if (!this.isMuteLog) { let t = ["", "==============📣系统通知📣==============",]; t.push(e), s && t.push(s), a && t.push(a), console.log(t.join("\n")), (this.logs = this.logs.concat(t)) } } log(...t) { t.length > 0 && (this.logs = [...this.logs, ...t]), console.log(t.join(this.logSeparator)) } logErr(t, e) { switch (this.getEnv()) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": case "Quantumult X": default: this.log("", `❗️${},错误!`, t); break; case "Node.js": this.log("", `❗️${},错误!`, t.stack) } } wait(t) { return new Promise((e) => setTimeout(e, t)) } DoubleLog(d) { if (this.isNode()) { if (d) { console.log(`${d}`); msg += `\n ${d}` } } else { console.log(`${d}`); msg += `\n ${d}` } } async SendMsg(m) { if (!m) return; if (Notify > 0) { if (this.isNode()) { var notify = require("./sendNotify"); await notify.sendNotify(, m) } else { this.msg(, "", m) } } else { console.log(m) } } done(t = {}) { const e = new Date().getTime(), s = (e - this.startTime) / 1e3; switch ((this.log("", `🔔${},结束!🕛${s}秒`), this.log(), this.getEnv())) { case "Surge": case "Loon": case "Stash": case "Shadowrocket": case "Quantumult X": default: $done(t); break; case "Node.js": process.exit(1) } } })(t, e) } //Env rewrite:smallfawn Update-time:23-6-30 newAdd:DoubleLog & SendMsg \ No newline at end of file