+ {{ $emoji.emojify("I :heart: :coffee:!") }}
+## Composables
+You can use the useEmoji,useEmojify and useUnemojify composable to access nuxt-emoji anywhere.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+emoji.emojify("I :heart: :coffee:!") // 'I ❤️ ☕️!'
+// or use the useEmojify composable
+emoji.unemojify('The 🦄 is a fictitious animal.') // 'The :unicorn: is a fictitious animal.'
+// or use the useUnemojify composable
+## API
+### emoji.emojify(input, options?)
+Parse all markdown-encoded emojis in a string.
+1. **`input`** (`string`): The input string containing the markdown-encoding emojis.
+1. **`options`** _(optional)_:
+ - **`fallback`** (`string`; default: `""`): The string to fallback to if an emoji was not found.
+ - **`format`** (`() => (emoji: string, part: string, string: string) => string`; default: `value => value`): Add a middleware layer to modify each matched emoji after parsing.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+console.log(emoji.emojify('The :unicorn: is a fictitious animal.'))
+// 'The 🦄 is a fictitious animal.'
+### emoji.find(emoji)
+Get the name and character of an emoji.
+1. **`emoji`** (`string`): The emoji to get the data of.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// { name: 'unicorn', emoji: '🦄' }
+### emoji.get(name)
+Get an emoji from an emoji name.
+1. **`name`** (`string`): The name of the emoji to get.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// '🦄'
+### emoji.has(emoji)
+Check if this library supports a specific emoji.
+1. **`emoji`** (`string`): The emoji to check.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// true
+### emoji.random()
+Get a random emoji.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// { name: 'unicorn', emoji: '🦄' }
+### emoji.replace(input, replacement)
-[npm-downloads-src]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/my-module.svg?style=flat&colorA=020420&colorB=00DC82
-[npm-downloads-href]: https://npm.chart.dev/my-module
+Replace the emojis in a string.
-[license-src]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/my-module.svg?style=flat&colorA=020420&colorB=00DC82
-[license-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/my-module
+- **`input`** (`string`): The input string.
+- **`replacement`** (`string | (emoji: string, index: number, string: string) => string`): The character to replace the emoji with.
+ Can be either a string or a callback that returns a string.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+console.log(emoji.replace('The 🦄 is a fictitious animal.', 'unicorn'))
+// 'The unicorn is a fictitious animal.'
+### emoji.search(keyword)
+Search for emojis containing the provided name in their name.
+1. **`keyword`** (`string`): The keyword to search for.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// [ { name: 'honeybee', emoji: '🐝' }, { name: 'honey_pot', emoji: '🍯' } ]
+### emoji.strip(input, options?)
+Remove all of the emojis from a string.
+1. **`input`** (`string`): The input string to strip the emojis from.
+1. **`options`** _(optional)_:
+ - **`preserveSpaces`** (`boolean`): Whether to keep the extra space after a stripped emoji.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+console.log(emoji.strip('🦄 The unicorn is a fictitious animal.'))
+// 'The unicorn is a fictitious animal.'
+ emoji.strip('🦄 The unicorn is a fictitious animal.', {
+ preserveSpaces: true,
+ }),
+// ' The unicorn is a fictitious animal.'
+### emoji.unemojify(input)
+Convert all emojis in a string to their markdown-encoded counterparts.
+1. **`input`** (`string`): The input string containing the emojis.
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+console.log(emoji.unemojify('The 🦄 is a fictitious animal.'))
+// 'The :unicorn: is a fictitious animal.'
+### emoji.which(emoji, options?)
+Get an emoji name from an emoji.
+1. **`emoji`** (`string`): The emoji to get the name of.
+1. **`options`** _(optional)_:
+ - **`markdown`** (`boolean`; default: `false`): Whether to return a `":emoji:"` string instead of `"emoji"`
+const emoji = useEmoji()
+// 'unicorn'
+## Development
+# Install dependencies
+npm install
+# Generate type stubs
+npm run dev:prepare
+# Develop with the playground
+npm run dev
+# Build the playground
+npm run dev:build
+# Run ESLint
+npm run lint
+# Run Vitest
+npm run test
+npm run test:watch
+# Release new version
+npm run release
-[nuxt-src]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Nuxt-020420?logo=nuxt.js
-[nuxt-href]: https://nuxt.com
+[npm-version-src]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/nuxt-emoji/latest.svg?style=flat&colorA=18181B&colorB=28CF8D
+[npm-version-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/nuxt-emoji
+[npm-downloads-src]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/nuxt-emoji.svg?style=flat&colorA=18181B&colorB=28CF8D
+[npm-downloads-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/nuxt-emoji
+[license-src]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/nuxt-emoji.svg?style=flat&colorA=18181B&colorB=28CF8D
+[license-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/nuxt-emoji
+[nuxt-src]: https://img.shields.io/badge/Nuxt-18181B?logo=nuxt.js
+[nuxt-href]: https://nuxt.com
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 2093d5e..7065115 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
- "name": "my-module",
+ "name": "nuxt-emoji",
"version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "My new Nuxt module",
- "repository": "your-org/my-module",
+ "description": "Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for nuxt module. 💖",
+ "repository": "xingxing-collective/nuxt-emoji",
"license": "MIT",
+ "keywords": [
+ "emoji",
+ "node-emoji",
+ "emoticons",
+ "emoticon",
+ "emojis",
+ "smiley",
+ "smileys",
+ "smilies",
+ "nuxt",
+ "nuxt-module"
+ ],
"type": "module",
"exports": {
".": {
diff --git a/playground/app.vue b/playground/app.vue
index 58eaea6..f2d12d4 100644
--- a/playground/app.vue
+++ b/playground/app.vue
@@ -5,8 +5,12 @@