diff --git a/docs/index.bs b/docs/index.bs
index c0b3f441..4979e20b 100644
--- a/docs/index.bs
+++ b/docs/index.bs
@@ -1571,8 +1571,14 @@ spec: storage; urlPrefix: https://storage.spec.whatwg.org/
sequence<RouterCondition> _or;
+ typedef (RouterSourceDict or RouterSourceEnum) RouterSource;
+ dictionary RouterSourceDict {
+ DOMString cacheName;
+ };
enum RunningStatus { "running", "not-running" };
- enum RouterSource { "cache", "fetch-event", "network" };
+ enum RouterSourceEnum { "cache", "fetch-event", "network" };
@@ -1588,7 +1594,7 @@ spec: storage; urlPrefix: https://storage.spec.whatwg.org/
1. For each |rule| of |rules|:
1. If running [=Verify Router Condition=] algorithm with |rule|["{{RouterRule/condition}}"] and |serviceWorker| returns false, [=throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Append |rule| to |routerRules|.
- 1. If |routerRules| [=list/contains=] a {{RouterRule}} whose {{RouterRule/source}} is "{{RouterSource/fetch-event}}" and |serviceWorker|'s [=set of event types to handle=] does not [=set/contain=] {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/fetch!!event}}, [=throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
+ 1. If |routerRules| [=list/contains=] a {{RouterRule}} whose {{RouterRule/source}} is "{{RouterSourceEnum/fetch-event}}" and |serviceWorker|'s [=set of event types to handle=] does not [=set/contain=] {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/fetch!!event}}, [=throw=] a {{TypeError}}.
1. Set |serviceWorker|'s [=service worker/list of router rules=] to |routerRules|.
@@ -3136,15 +3142,18 @@ spec: storage; urlPrefix: https://storage.spec.whatwg.org/
1. Let |activeWorker| be |registration|'s active worker.
1. If |activeWorker|'s [=service worker/list of router rules=] is [=list/is not empty=]:
1. Let |source| be the result of running [=Get Router Source=] algorithm with |registration|'s active worker and |request|.
- 1. If |source| is {{RouterSource/"network"}}, return null.
- 1. Else if |source| is {{RouterSource/"cache"}}, then:
- 1. Let |requestResponses| be the result of running [=Query Cache=] with |request|.
- 1. If |requestResponses| is an empty [=list=], return null.
- 1. Else:
- 1. Let |requestResponse| be the first element of |requestResponses|.
- 1. Let |response| be |requestResponse|'s response.
- 1. If |client| is not null, |response|'s [=response/type=] is "`opaque`", and [=cross-origin resource policy check=] with |request|'s [=request/origin=], |client|, "", and |response|'s [=filtered response/internal response=] returns blocked, then return null.
- 1. Return |response|.
+ 1. If |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"network"}}, return null.
+ 1. Else if |source| is {{RouterSourceEnum/"cache"}}, or |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] [=map/exists=], then:
+ 1. [=map/For each=] |cacheName| → |cache| of the [=relevant name to cache map=]:
+ 1. If |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] [=map/exists=] and |source|["{{RouterSourceDict/cacheName}}"] does not match |cacheName|, [=continue=].
+ 1. Let |requestResponses| be the result of running [=Query Cache=] with |request|, a new {{CacheQueryOptions}}, and |cache|.
+ 1. If |requestResponses| is an empty [=list=], return null.
+ 1. Else:
+ 1. Let |requestResponse| be the first element of |requestResponses|.
+ 1. Let |response| be |requestResponse|'s response.
+ 1. If |client| is not null, |response|'s [=response/type=] is "`opaque`", and [=cross-origin resource policy check=] with |request|'s [=request/origin=], |client|, "", and |response|'s [=filtered response/internal response=] returns blocked, then return null.
+ 1. Return |response|.
+ 1. Return null.
1. If |request| is a non-subresource request, |request| is a [=navigation request=], |registration|'s [=navigation preload enabled flag=] is set, |request|'s [=request/method=] is \`GET
\`, |registration|'s [=active worker=]'s [=set of event types to handle=] [=set/contains=] fetch
, and |registration|'s [=active worker=]'s [=all fetch listeners are empty flag=] is not set then:
Note: If the above is true except |registration|'s [=active worker=]'s set of event types to handle **does not** contain fetch
, then the user agent may wish to show a console warning, as the developer's intent isn't clear.