Monitors and notifies about Steam game discounts.
Usage: gamemonitor [OPTIONS] --appid <APPID> --threshold <THRESHOLD> --delay <DELAY> [FEEDTYPE]
[FEEDTYPE] Way to notify about discounts [default: log] [possible values: log, telegram]
-a, --appid <APPID> App ID on Steam. Usually it's the last number contained in Store URL of the game
--cc <CC> Country code. Use this to get country-specific price [default: ]
-t, --threshold <THRESHOLD> Minimal discount that will trigger the monitor
-d, --delay <DELAY> How many seconds to wait between check. Should be no less than 2 secs. You may use `s', `m', `h', `d' suffixes to specify time in seconds, minutes, hours or days. Default unit: seconds
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Build a container:
docker build . -t gamemonitor
Launch it with:
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --env-file=.env gamemonitor
argument is optional. If you choose telegram
method, then the project directory should also contain an .env
file with the following enviroment variables specified:
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN=<Telegram bot token>
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<ID of a chat with the bot>
Build from source:
cargo build --release
Launch it with:
cargo run