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Vincent Berenz edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 20 revisions



To get a feeling of what Playful is, take a look at the overview.

Hello world !

To run the hello world program, find the readme in the "hello_world" folder

How-to run one of the tutorial

The tutorial consists of 10 "sub-tutorials", enumerated from tutorial1 to tutorial10. To each corresponds a playful script that can be executed.

  1. install playful via pip
  2. clone this tutorial. In this tutorial, we refer to the directory you clone the tutorial as <HOME>.
  3. in a terminal: go to any of the tutorial folder (e.g.: 'cd <HOME>/playful_tutorial/tutorials/tutorial9')
  4. in the terminal: run the executable passing "execute" as parameter ('playful execute'). Press 'q' to exit

How to go through all tutorials

The tutorials have been designed to cover all the functionalities playful has to offer, introduced one by one. To each tutorial corresponds an example program that can be executed.

  • Visit the tutorial wiki pages, they will display code and information
  • On your machine, run the playful executable for each tutorial, as explained in the section above

How to start

We invite you to first try to run the tutorial9 (using the procedure described above) to get an idea where this tutorial goes.


You may then visit tutorial 1

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