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201 lines (155 loc) · 5.8 KB

File metadata and controls

201 lines (155 loc) · 5.8 KB


An opensource community driven reporting platform based on Drupal.

  • DisclosePH is a centralize repository of events (e.g crimes, weather report, natural disaster, accidents, politics, economy, opinion, etc) contributed by the public.
  • DisclosePH is free of use by public.

What this platform trying to solve?

  • This will allow everyone to participate in bringing the news to the rest of the community.
  • This will serve as a platform to fight crimes.
  • Promotes transparency and bayanihan (support to fellow citizen).
  • It will provide data for statistical purposes.
  • Centralize source of information.

To install Drupal

  • Import the database from assets folder.
  • Copy the default.local.settings.php to local.settings.php and update the $database with the correct credentials.
  • CMS login: admin/admin

Note: There is a Drupal 8 branch already.

Local settings:

 * @file
 * Local settings for local environment.
 * Enable aggresive error reporting.
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

 * Use base url for your specific development url.
$base_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

 * Database settings.
$databases = array(
  'default' => array(
    'default' => array(
      'database' => 'YOUR_DATABASE_NAME',
      'username' => 'YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME',
      'host' => 'localhost',
      'port' => '3306',
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'prefix' => '',

 * Disabling cache on local development. This is handy when database
 * import is done, then disable cache altogether on local dev.
$conf['cache'] = 0;
$conf['preprocess_css'] = 0;
$conf['preprocess_js'] = 0;
$conf['block_cache'] = 0;
$conf['theme_debug'] = 1;


  • Drush
  • Gulp
  • PHP CodeSniffer
  • Compass

To install Drush via Pear (on Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt-get install php-pear
$ sudo pear channel-discover
$ sudo pear install drush/drush
$ sudo drush
$ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ~/.drush

If you're on Ubuntu you can try this alternative this Drush installer

PHP Code Linting

To check your PHP for code standards and syntax, run these commands.

  1. composer install # One time only
  2. composer run-script phpcs
  3. composer run-script check-syntax

Check the coding standard here: Drupal coding standard

Theme development

The DisclosePH theme is located here:

  • docroot/sites/all/themes/disclose/

All the JavaScript and CSS sources are placed under the following:

  • docroot/sites/all/themes/disclose/js - JS files
  • docroot/sites/all/themes/disclose/sass - CSS sources written in SASS using Compass framework.

To install Gulp:

$ sudo npm install
$ sudo npm install gulp-cli -g

To compile SASS you need Compass:

$ sudo gem install compass
$ sudo gem install sass

If you dont have Gem installed you need to install Ruby.

If you're using Ubuntu 14.04 you can install it via apt-get:

$ sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration

Working with Gulp

Each time you change files under sites/all/themes/disclose/ you need to run the following:

$ gulp build

To compile without JS and CSS compression (local development only) run:

$ gulp dev

which is the same as the following single command:

$ gulp

To compile CSS source only run:

$ gulp styles

And to compile JS source only:

$ gulp scripts

To optimize all available images:

$ gulp images

To make your development easier you can run a task which will watch your changes and automatically recompile the sources:

$ gulp watch

Working with Github


The current development branch is develop. The release branch is release/version-[number].

Branch Conventions

  • master - For prod releases.
  • develop - For development. All feature branches are fork from develop. (e.g. feature/issue-1)
  • release/version-[number] - For stable releases while the subsequent release is being merged to develop.
  • feature/issue-[number] - Naming convention for feature branchs. The [number] is refer to the Github issue number.
  • hotfix/version-[number]-hotfix-[number] - Naming convention for hotfixes. The version-[number] is the release version while the hotfix-[number] is the number of hotfix attempt.


To close a ticket automatically via your commit: Read this documentation


We use PR to merge the commits. This ensure the quality and consistency of our code. See the doc here. Another doc here.

Creating a New Issue

To file a new issue: Be sure to file your issue under the correct milestone.


To access our dev and staging environment you need first to have an account on Acquia cloud. Once you have an account create an issue here that you are asking for invitation.

Communication Platform

We are using Slack to communicate. Plase create a ticket on here that you are asking for invitation.