panelgroup | name | title | layout | description | imageurl |
Bitcoin Panels |
Mempool Space |
Mempool Space Script |
default |
Summary of data for upcoming blocks with estimated fee rates and the fee band across blocks |
../images/mempoolspace.png |
This script prepares an image showing statistics about upcoming blocks in the mempool. Information about the size of the block, number of transactions, and fee ranges are provided. It's useful to have this information when preparing a layer 1 transaction to set fees based on your time preference. It is based on the appearance of the mempool space viewer at the publicly accessible website. If you have your own MyNodeBTC instance, or another popular node package running mempool service locally, you can configure that instance instead for more privacy.
The script is installed at ~/nodeyez/scripts/
To manage and configure this script, use the nodeyez-config tool
sudo nodeyez-config
To manually configure this script, edit the ~/nodeyez/config/mempoolspace.json
Fields are defined below
field name | description |
attributionColor | The text color for the source attribution line expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default `#4cbae6 |
backgroundColor | The background color of the image expressed as a hexadecimal color specifier. Default #000000 |
blockEdgeColor | The color to use for the outline of block shapes expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #202020 |
blockFaceColor | The color to use for the unfilled portion of the block face expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #606060 |
blockSatRangeColors | A array of one or more block sat level definitions to influence block color rendering by median sat/vB. The structure of a blockSatRangeColors definition is defined below. |
blockSideColor | The color to use for the side of the block expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #404040 |
blockTopColor | The color to use for the top of the block expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #606060 |
feeHistogramUrl | The url for the mempool fee histogram data. If you are running your own service on MyNodeBTC, then use Default |
feeRecommendationsUrl | The url for the mempool fees recommendation. If you are running your own service on MyNodeBTC, then use Default |
height | The height, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 320 |
histogramSatRangeColors | An array of one or more histogram sat level definitions to show fee level histogram by sat/vB of transactions in the mempool. The structure is defined below. |
interval | The amount of time, in seconds, the script should wait before data gathering and image creation again. Default 300 |
mempoolBlocksUrl | The url for the mempool blocks information. If you are running your own service on MyNodeBTC, then use Default |
renderDirection | The direction to render the image. Supported values are: lefttoright, righttoleft. Default righttoleft |
renderMaximumBlocks | The maximum number (1-6) of upcoming blocks to render which will influence the size of the blocks drawn. Default 3 |
textColor | The color of the text expressed as a Hexadecimal color specifier. Default #ffffff |
useTor | Indicates whether remote calls should use tor socks proxy for privacy. Default true |
width | The width, in pixels, to generate the image. Default 480 |
field name | description |
satMin | The minimum sat/vbyte value to apply this colorset |
satMax | The maximum sat/vbyte value to apply this colorset |
blockColor | The color to use for the face of the block when the sat/vbyte is within range of satMin-satMax |
textColor | The color to use for the text of the block when the sat/vbyte is within range of satMin-satMax |
Default definition based on
blockSatColorRanges = [
{"satMin": 0.0, "satMax": 10.0, "blockColor": "#40c040", "textColor": "#ffffff"},
{"satMin": 10.0, "satMax": 30.0, "blockColor": "#9ea90b", "textColor": "#ffffff"},
{"satMin": 30.0, "satMax": 60.0, "blockColor": "#d1ac08", "textColor": "#ffffff"},
{"satMin": 60.0, "satMax": 100.0, "blockColor": "#f4511e", "textColor": "#ffffff"},
{"satMin": 100.0, "satMax": 150.0, "blockColor": "#b71c1c", "textColor": "#ffffff"},
{"satMin": 150.0, "satMax": 9999.0, "blockColor": "#4a148c", "textColor": "#ffffff"}
field name | description |
satMin | The minimum sat/vbyte value to apply this colorset |
satMax | The maximum sat/vbyte value to apply this colorset |
fillColor | The color to use for the graph portion when the sat/vbyte is within range of satMin-satMax |
Default definition based on
histogramSatLevels: [
{"satMin": 0.0, "satMax": 2.0, "fillColor": "#d81b60"},
{"satMin": 2.0, "satMax": 3.0, "fillColor": "#8e24aa"},
{"satMin": 3.0, "satMax": 4.0, "fillColor": "#5e35b1"},
{"satMin": 4.0, "satMax": 5.0, "fillColor": "#3949ab"},
{"satMin": 5.0, "satMax": 6.0, "fillColor": "#1e88e5"},
{"satMin": 6.0, "satMax": 8.0, "fillColor": "#039be5"},
{"satMin": 8.0, "satMax": 10.0, "fillColor": "#00acc1"},
{"satMin": 10.0, "satMax": 12.0, "fillColor": "#00897b"},
{"satMin": 12.0, "satMax": 15.0, "fillColor": "#43a047"},
{"satMin": 15.0, "satMax": 20.0, "fillColor": "#7cb342"},
{"satMin": 20.0, "satMax": 30.0, "fillColor": "#c0ca33"},
{"satMin": 30.0, "satMax": 40.0, "fillColor": "#fdd835"},
{"satMin": 40.0, "satMax": 50.0, "fillColor": "#ffb300"},
{"satMin": 50.0, "satMax": 60.0, "fillColor": "#fb8c00"},
{"satMin": 60.0, "satMax": 70.0, "fillColor": "#f4511e"},
{"satMin": 70.0, "satMax": 80.0, "fillColor": "#6d4c41"},
{"satMin": 80.0, "satMax": 90.0, "fillColor": "#757575"},
{"satMin": 90.0, "satMax": 100.0, "fillColor": "#546e7a"},
{"satMin": 100.0, "satMax": 125.0, "fillColor": "#b71c1c"},
{"satMin": 125.0, "satMax": 150.0, "fillColor": "#880e4f"},
{"satMin": 150.0, "satMax": 9999.0, "fillColor": "#4a148c"}
Ensure the virtual environment is activated
source ~/.pyenv/nodeyez/bin/activate
Change to the scripts folder
cd ~/nodeyez/scripts
Run it
Press CTRL+C to stop the process
To enable the script to run at startup, as the privileged user run the following
sudo systemctl enable nodeyez-mempoolspace.service
sudo systemctl start nodeyez-mempoolspace.service
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