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635 lines (550 loc) · 22.4 KB

File metadata and controls

635 lines (550 loc) · 22.4 KB

Vim Config

I actually use neovim, but I have it aliased to vim in my shell config. For the graphical version, I don’t use gvim but instead I have created a wrapper called gvim that launches a terminal with neovim in it.

I keep a .vimrc containing all the configurations that work with vim, i.e. that don’t depend on neovim. To configure additional neovim features, I use ~/.config/nvim/init.vim (defined here), and source ~/.vimrc from within that file.

I use vim as my MANPAGER by setting the MANPAGER variable to this wrapper script around vim. The script sets the g:haris_man variable to indicate that the current instance of vim is used as a MANPAGER. Based on this variable, I omit certain features from the MANPAGER to make it load faster.

NOTE: If you are tangling this config for the first time, make sure you run the setup script as well!.

General config

set shell=fish
syntax on
set number relativenumber
set statusline=\ %f\ %h%w%m%r\ %=%(%l,%c%V\ %=\ %P%)\
set nocompatible                " required
filetype plugin indent on        " required
syntax enable

set noautoread
set exrc
set showcmd
set breakindent
set clipboard^=unnamed
set maxmempattern=2000

set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
set softtabstop=0
set smarttab
set autoindent

set foldmethod=syntax nofoldenable

set textwidth=80 colorcolumn=81
set virtualedit=all
set splitright splitbelow

set ignorecase smartcase incsearch

set mouse=a

if has('gui_running')
  set guioptions -=T guioptions -=m
if !has('nvim')
  set noesckeys

let g:sh_fold_enabled = 3
let g:is_bash = 1

colorscheme customtheme

if !exists('g:haris_man') | match RedundantSpaces /\s\+$/ | endif

" Special buffers and syntax highlighting

augroup custom_syntax
autocmd BufEnter * if &syntax == '' && expand('%:e') == '' | set ft=sh | endif

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.spacemacs set syntax=lisp
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead .octave* set syntax=octave | set filetype=octave
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.m set filetype=octave
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.snippets set filetype=snippets
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.py set foldmethod=indent
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.fish set ft=fish
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead PKGBUILD set ft=sh
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * if &filetype == 'make' | set noexpandtab | endif

autocmd FileType cpp set keywordprg=cppman
autocmd FileType sh set foldmethod=syntax
autocmd FileType nroff set filetype=troff
autocmd FileType groff set filetype=troff
" autocmd FileType python set keywordprg=:Pydoc
augroup END


" Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
hi clear

" Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
if exists("syntax_on")
  syntax reset

let colors_name = "customtheme"

if has('gui_running') | let s:k  = '#1e1e1e' | else | let s:k  =  0 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:r  = '#ff5555' | else | let s:r  =  1 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:g  = '#54d1bc' | else | let s:g  =  2 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:y  = '#f2b374' | else | let s:y  =  3 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:b  = '#6980fa' | else | let s:b  =  4 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:m  = '#d098ff' | else | let s:m  =  5 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:c  = '#8cceff' | else | let s:c  =  6 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:w  = '#92aab7' | else | let s:w  =  7 | endif

if has('gui_running') | let s:K  = '#6b746b' | else | let s:K  =  8 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:R  = '#ff8c8c' | else | let s:R  =  9 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:G  = '#98eb98' | else | let s:G  = 10 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:Y  = '#e0d97b' | else | let s:Y  = 11 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:B  = '#99a3ff' | else | let s:B  = 12 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:M  = '#f298c3' | else | let s:M  = 13 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:C  = '#a6d9ff' | else | let s:C  = 14 | endif
if has('gui_running') | let s:W  = '#dddddd' | else | let s:W  = 15 | endif

if has('gui_running') | let s:x  = '#303030' | else | let s:x  = 16 | endif         " color 16

let s:n  = 'none'

if has('gui_running')
  let s:vmode = 'gui'
  let s:vmode = 'cterm'

" Remove pipe symbols
set fillchars+=vert:\ 

exe "hi Normal          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:W."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi Statement       ".s:vmode."fg=".s:B."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi Type            ".s:vmode."fg=".s:b."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi Comment         ".s:vmode."fg=".s:g."                                                 "
exe "hi Constant        ".s:vmode."fg=".s:y."                                                 "
exe "hi PreProc         ".s:vmode."fg=".s:m."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi Identifier      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:C."                           ".s:vmode."=none      "
exe "hi LineNr          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:w."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi CursorLineNr    ".s:vmode."fg=".s:G."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi Special         ".s:vmode."fg=".s:M."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi Todo            ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:R."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi MatchParen      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:m."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."=underline "
exe "hi Folded          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:w."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:x."                         "
exe "hi FoldColumn      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:b."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:x."                         "
exe "hi Conceal         ".s:vmode."fg=".s:C."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:x."                         "
exe "hi Error           ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:r."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "

exe "hi ColorColumn     ".s:vmode."fg=".s:W."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:x."                         "
exe "hi SignColumn                              ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi VertSplit       ".s:vmode."fg=".s:K."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:K."                         "

exe "hi Search          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:Y."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi StatusLine      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:B."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi StatusLineNC    ".s:vmode."fg=".s:B."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                         "
exe "hi Visual          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:m."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "

exe "hi vimCommentTitle ".s:vmode."fg=".s:G."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "

" VimDiff
exe "hi DiffDelete      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:R."   ".s:vmode."bg=none""    ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi DiffAdd         ".s:vmode."fg=".s:G."   ".s:vmode."bg=none""    ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi DiffChange      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:M."   ".s:vmode."bg=none""    ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi DiffText        ".s:vmode."fg=".s:M."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:x."   ".s:vmode."=bold      "

" YouCompleteMe
exe "hi Pmenu           ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:m."                         "
exe "hi PmenuSel        ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:B."                         "
exe "hi PmenuSbar       ".s:vmode."fg=".s:k."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:m."                         "

" gitgutter
exe "hi GitGutterAdd    ".s:vmode."fg=".s:G."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi GitGutterDelete ".s:vmode."fg=".s:R."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "
exe "hi GitGutterChange ".s:vmode."fg=".s:m."                           ".s:vmode."=bold      "

" vim-easymotion
exe "hi EasyMotionTarget    ".s:vmode."fg=".s:B."                       ".s:vmode."=bold      "

" vim-which-key
highlight default link WhichKey           _WhichKey
highlight default link WhichKeySeperator  _WhichKeySeperator
highlight default link WhichKeyGroup      _WhichKeyGroup
highlight default link WhichKeyDesc       _WhichKeyDesc
highlight default link WhichKeyFloating   _WhichKeyFloating
exe "hi _WhichKey          ".s:vmode."fg=".s:y."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                      "
exe "hi _WhichKeySeparator ".s:vmode."fg=".s:M."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                      "
exe "hi _WhichKeyFloating  ".s:vmode."fg=".s:M."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                      "
exe "hi _WhichKeyGroup     ".s:vmode."fg=".s:m."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                      "
exe "hi _WhichKeyDesc      ".s:vmode."fg=".s:B."   ".s:vmode."bg=".s:k."                      "

" custom
exe "hi RedundantSpaces                            ".s:vmode."bg=".s:r."                      "

" vim: tw=95 cc=96


source ~/.vimrc

set inccommand=split

command! Src so ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
" For sourcing a local .nvimrc file
command! So so .nvimrc

if exists('g:started_by_firenvim') && g:started_by_firenvim

  set laststatus=0 nonumber noruler noshowcmd relativenumber!
  noremap <CR> :wq<CR>
  inoremap <CR> <C-o>:wq<CR>

  fu! AutoResize()
    if expand('%') !~ '.*overleaf.*'
      autocmd TextChanged,TextChangedI,TextChangedP * silent let &lines=line('$')
      autocmd! TextChanged,TextChangedI,TextChangedP *

  autocmd BufNewFile,BufEnter,BufRead * call AutoResize()

  let g:firenvim_config = {
      \ 'globalSettings': {
        \ 'alt': 'all',
      \  },
      \ 'localSettings': {
          \ '.*': {
        \ 'cmdline': 'firenvim',
        \ 'priority': 0,
        \ 'selector': 'textarea',
        \ 'takeover': 'always',
      \ },
    \ }
  \ }

  let fc = g:firenvim_config['localSettings']

  let fc['.*'] = {'takeover': 'never'}
  let fc['localhost:.*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }
  let fc['facebook.*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }
  let fc['mail\.google.*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }
  let fc['*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }
  let fc['*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }
  let fc['*'] = { 'takeover': 'never' }

  au BufEnter localhost* silent set ft=python
  au BufEnter* silent set ft=markdown


source ~/.config/nvim/init.tmp.vim

let g:python3_host_prog = '/bin/python3'

File types


setlocal shiftwidth=3
setlocal tabstop=3

Plugin setup

if !empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
  call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

  if !exists('g:haris_man')
    Plug 'tpope/vim-abolish'
    Plug 'preservim/nerdcommenter'
    Plug 'sirver/ultisnips'
    Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
    Plug 'Rykka/InstantRst', { 'for': 'rst' }
    Plug 'Rykka/riv.vim', { 'for': 'rst' }
    Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
    Plug 'alx741/vinfo', { 'on': ['Vinfo'] }
    Plug 'KabbAmine/vCoolor.vim', { 'on': ['VCoolor'] }
    Plug 'ap/vim-css-color'

    " Syntax highlighting
    Plug 'dag/vim-fish', { 'for': 'fish' }
    Plug 'vim-scripts/bats.vim', { 'for': 'bats' }
    Plug 'vifm/vifm.vim', { 'for': ['vifm'] }
    Plug 'kovetskiy/sxhkd-vim', { 'for': ['sxhkd'] }
    Plug 'itspriddle/vim-shellcheck'
    Plug 'Gavinok/vim-troff', { 'for': ['groff'] }

    " IDE
    " Plug 'ycm-core/YouCompleteMe'     " Deprecated: don't use vim much for coding these days
    Plug 'ervandew/supertab'            " Fixes problem with YCM and UltiSnips
    Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
    Plug 'preservim/tagbar'             " NOTE: requires ctags installed
    Plug 'dyng/ctrlsf.vim'                " NOTE: requires ack installed
    Plug 'derekwyatt/vim-fswitch'
    Plug 'derekwyatt/vim-protodef'
    Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
    Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
    " Python
    Plug 'fs111/pydoc.vim'

    Plug 'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', { 'do': 'cd app && yarn install' }

    " Misc
    if has('nvim')
      Plug 'glacambre/firenvim', { 'do': { _ -> firenvim#install(0) } }
  " Always loaded
  Plug 'vim-utils/vim-man', { 'for': 'man'}
  Plug 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'

  call plug#end()

Custom key mappings

let mapleader = "\<Space>"

nnoremap        Y            y$
nnoremap        vv            V
nnoremap        V            v$
nnoremap        <M-.>        :<up><CR>

" Navigation
map             <C-c>        "+y
noremap         <M-t>         :silent !term<CR>
noremap         <M-j>       <C-e>
noremap         <M-k>       <C-y>

nmap            <leader>w    :w<CR>

" Window navigation
noremap         <C-j>       <C-W>j
noremap         <C-k>       <C-W>k
noremap         <C-h>       <C-W>h
noremap         <C-l>       <C-W>l
noremap         <M-tab>     <C-w><C-w>

noremap         Q           :q<CR>

" Alt+/ runs :noh
noremap         <M-/>       :noh<CR>

""" Insertions

" Header under/overline
noremap     <leader>h yyp0Vr
noremap     <leader>H yyP0Vr
" Line separator -- depends on NERDCommenter
noremap        <leader>S 60i#�
" Create a nice Unicode box around the current line of text, and comment out
nmap <leader>b <leader>B#<esc>
" Same as above, but lets you specify a comment delimiter
nmap <leader>B I <esc>yyPhVr━jphVr━A┛<esc>kr┃kr┓I ┏<esc>j0i ┃<esc>jI ┗<esc>h<C-v>kkI

" Commands

cnoreabbrev W w
" Subvert is part of Abolish plugin
cnoreabbrev S Subvert
command! Src so ~/.vimrc
command! Chx !chmod u+x %
command! RmWs %s/\s\+$//               " remove trailing whitespaces
" display highlight group of current text
command! WhichHi :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")

" Run the current buffer as a script
nmap <leader>r :w \| !%:p<CR>
nmap <leader>m :!make<CR>
nmap <leader>c :w \| !cmake -S . -B _build && cmake --build _build<CR>
nmap <leader>f :silent !gvim '%:p' & disown<CR>

" NERDTree
noremap        <leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>

" GVim - toggle menubar
function ToggleMenubar()
if &go=~#'m'
  set go-=m
  set go+=m
noremap        <M-m> :call ToggleMenubar()<CR>

Plugin configs


if !exists('g:ycm_semantic_triggers')
  let g:ycm_semantic_triggers = {}

" Make YCM work with UltiSnips
let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<C-n>']
let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<C-p>']
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = '<C-n>'

let g:ycm_auto_hover = ''
nmap <leader>D <plug>(YCMHover)

let g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui = 0
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1
let g:ycm_confirm_extra_conf = 0
let g:ycm_min_num_of_chars_for_completion = 1

" Otherwise completion is very very slow
set completeopt=menu,menuone

" Make autocompletion work with css
let g:ycm_semantic_triggers['css'] = [ 're!^', 're!^\s+', ': ' ]
let g:ycm_semantic_triggers['scss'] = [ 're!^', 're!^\s+', ': ' ]

" Alt+Tab inserts a tab character
inoremap <M-tab> <tab>


let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger = "<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger = "<tab>"
let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger = "<s-tab>"

let g:UltiSnipsSnippetsDir = "~/.vim/snips"
let g:UltiSnipsSnippetDirectories = [ '/home/haris/.vim/snips']


let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType    = '<tab>'
let g:SuperTabCrMapping                = 0


let g:jedi#popup_on_dot = 0
let g:jedi#auto_vim_configuration = 1
let g:jedi#show_call_signatures = 1
let g:jedi#usages_command = ""
let g:jedi#rename_command = "<leader>R"


nmap \      <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
nmap <M-w>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w)
nmap <M-W>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-W)
nmap <M-e>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-e)
nmap <M-E>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-E)
nmap <M-f>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f)
nmap <M-F>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-F)
nmap <M-T>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-T)
nmap <M-a>  <Plug>(easymotion-jumptoanywhere)

vmap \      <Plug>(easymotion-prefix)
vmap <M-w>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-w)
vmap <M-W>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-W)
vmap <M-e>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-e)
vmap <M-E>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-E)
vmap <M-f>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-f)
vmap <M-F>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-F)
vmap <M-t>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-t)
vmap <M-T>  <Plug>(easymotion-bd-T)
vmap <M-a>  <Plug>(easymotion-jumptoanywhere)


let NERDTreeShowBookmarks   = 1             " Show the bookmarks table
let NERDTreeShowHidden      = 1             " Show hidden files
let NERDTreeShowLineNumbers = 0             " Hide line numbers
let NERDTreeMinimalMenu     = 1             " Use the minimal menu (m)
let NERDTreeWinPos          = 'left'         " Panel opens on the left side
let NERDTreeWinSize         = 31            " Set panel width to 31 columns


let g:tagbar_autofocus   = 1                 " Focus the panel when opening
let g:tagbar_autoshowtag = 1                " Highlight the active tag
let g:tagbar_position = 'botright vertical' " Make vertical and place right
nmap <F8> :TagbarToggle<CR>
set tags=.tags


let g:ctrlsf_backend = 'ack'                             " Use the ack tool as the backend
let g:ctrlsf_auto_close = { "normal":0, "compact":0 }     " Auto close the results panel when opening a file
let g:ctrlsf_auto_focus = { "at":"start" }                " Immediately switch focus to the search window
let g:ctrlsf_auto_preview = 0                            " Don't open the preview window automatically
let g:ctrlsf_case_sensitive = 'smart'                    " Use the smart case sensitivity search scheme
let g:ctrlsf_default_view = 'normal'                    " Normal mode, not compact mode
let g:ctrlsf_regex_pattern = 0                            " Use absoulte search by default
let g:ctrlsf_position = 'right'                            " Position of the search window
let g:ctrlsf_winsize = '46'                                " Width or height of search window
let g:ctrlsf_default_root = 'cwd'                        " Search from the current working directory

" (Ctrl-F + f) Open search prompt (Normal Mode)
nmap <C-F>f <Plug>CtrlSFPrompt
" (Ctrl-F + f) Open search prompt with selection (Visual Mode)
xmap <C-F>f <Plug>CtrlSFVwordPath
" (Ctrl-F + F) Perform search with selection (Visual Mode)
xmap <C-F>F <Plug>CtrlSFVwordExec
" (Ctrl-F + n) Open search prompt with current word (Normal Mode)
nmap <C-F>n <Plug>CtrlSFCwordPath
" (Ctrl-F + o )Open CtrlSF window (Normal Mode)
nnoremap <C-F>o :CtrlSFOpen<CR>
" (Ctrl-F + t) Toggle CtrlSF window (Normal Mode)
nnoremap <C-F>t :CtrlSFToggle<CR>
" (Ctrl-F + t) Toggle CtrlSF window (Insert Mode)
inoremap <C-F>t <Esc>:CtrlSFToggle<CR>


au! BufEnter *.cpp let b:fswitchdst = 'hpp,h'
au! BufEnter *.h let b:fswitchdst = 'cpp,c'
nmap <silent> <Leader>of :FSHere<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>ol :FSSplitRight<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oh :FSSplitLeft<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>ok :FSSplitAbove<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oj :FSSplitBelow<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oL :FSRight<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oH :FSLeft<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oK :FSAbove<cr>
nmap <silent> <Leader>oJ :FSBelow<cr>


" Pull in prototypes
nmap <buffer> <silent> <leader> ,PP
" Pull in prototypes without namespace definition
nmap <buffer> <silent> <leader> ,PN


let g:NERDCreateDefaultMappings  = 1
let g:NERDCompactSexyComs        = 0
let g:NERDSpaceDelims            = 1
let g:NERDTrimTrailingWhitespace = 1

function! NERDCommenter_after()
map <leader>cl <plug>NERDCommenterToggle
map <leader>cc yyP:call NERDComment('', 'Comment')<CR>j
map <leader>ci <plug>NERDCommenterInsert
map <leader>C <plug>NERDCommenterToEOL


xmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)
nmap ga <Plug>(EasyAlign)


nmap <leader>/ :FZF<CR>
nmap <leader>? :Rg<CR>


let g:riv_disable_folding = 0
let g:riv_fold_level = 1
let g:riv_fold_auto_update = 0
let g:riv_auto_fold_force = 0
let g:riv_auto_format_table = 0


let g:ft_man_folding_enable = 1
let g:man_hardwrap = 0


let g:pydoc_open_cmd = 'vsplit'

Markdown Preview

let g:mkdp_auto_close = 0


let g:vcoolor_map='<M-c>'
let g:vcoolor_disable_mappings = 1

Local configs

if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.private"))
source ~/.vimrc.private
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.tmp"))
source ~/.vimrc.tmp


:header-args+: :tangle no


# Install vim-plug
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
gvim neovim fzf
# Dependencies for YouCompleteMe
go nodejs npm jdk-openjdk

Additional setup

We must purge all the directories from ~/.config/nvim and replace them with symlinks to directories under ~/.vim so that vim and neovim can share all the configs.


mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf  "${dirs[@]/#/~/.config/nvim/}"
ln -sf -t ~/.config/nvim/ "${dirs[@]/#/~/.vim/}"

The ~/.vimrc.tmp file is optionally used, but we have to create it to avoid errors.

mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
touch ~/.vimrc.tmp ~/.config/nvim/init.tmp.vim

This script sets up the YouCompleteMe plugin:

vim '+PlugInstall'
cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe && python --all