diff --git a/crowd/crowd.php b/crowd/crowd.php
index be7fea6..f1a7815 100644
--- a/crowd/crowd.php
+++ b/crowd/crowd.php
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
class plgAuthenticationCrowd extends JPlugin
+ const LOGGER_CATEGORY = 'crowd';
* Constructor
@@ -30,9 +32,8 @@ class plgAuthenticationCrowd extends JPlugin
function plgAuthenticationCrowd(& $subject, $config) {
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
- JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'debug.crowd.log'));
- JLog::add('crowd 0.01 Start logging');
- //JLog::add('crowd config params: ' . $this->params);
+ JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'debug.crowd.log'), JLog::DEBUG, array(self::LOGGER_CATEGORY));
+ JLog::add('crowd 0.01 Start logging', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
// see rules.php
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ protected function checkDeleteUser($credentials)
JLog::add('check if we have to delete user ' . $credentials['username']);
$id = intval(JUserHelper::getUserId($credentials['username']));
if ($id < 1) {
- JLog::add('user not known to joomla, do nothing');
+ JLog::add('user not known to joomla, do nothing', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
return; // no such user in joomla, nothing to do for us
@@ -63,23 +64,23 @@ protected function checkDeleteUser($credentials)
$server = $this->params->get('crowd_url');
$appname = $this->params->get('crowd_app_name');
$apppass = $this->params->get('crowd_password');
- JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: connecting to url ' . $server);
+ JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: connecting to url ' . $server, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$authcode = base64_encode($appname . ":" . $apppass);
// JLog::add('auth code [' . $authcode . ']');
// request cookie config from crowd
$request_url = $server . '/rest/usermanagement/1/user?username=' . $credentials['username'];
- $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
+ $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $authcode);
$http = new JHttp;
- JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url);
- JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true));
+ JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$result = $http->get($request_url, $request_header);
- JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true));
+ JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$obj = json_decode($result->body);
- JLog::add('msg: ' . $obj->reason);
+ JLog::add('msg: ' . $obj->reason, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if ($obj->reason != 'USER_NOT_FOUND') {
- JLog::add('crowd seems to know about this user, do not delete from joomla!');
+ JLog::add('crowd seems to know about this user, do not delete from joomla!', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
@@ -87,53 +88,53 @@ protected function checkDeleteUser($credentials)
$user = JUser::getInstance();
- JLog::add('user deleted from joomla.');
+ JLog::add('user deleted from joomla.', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
/** creates a new joomla group, returns the resulting group id */
protected function createGroup($gname)
//$db = JFactory::getDbo();
- JLog::add('createGroup not yet implemented!');
+ JLog::add('createGroup not yet implemented!', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
/** Trust the sso flag, login without password */
function doSSOLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
- JLog::add('crowd::onUserAuthenticate immediate login: ' . var_export($credentials, true));
+ JLog::add('crowd::onUserAuthenticate immediate login: ' . var_export($credentials, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_SUCCESS;
$response->email = $credentials['email'];
$response->fullname = $credentials['fullname'];
$response->username = $credentials['username'];
$response->error_message = '';
- JLog::add('crowd: returning response: ' . var_export($response, true));
+ JLog::add('crowd: returning response: ' . var_export($response, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
return true;
/** checks username/password against crowd */
function doCrowdLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
- JLog::add('doing regular login');
+ JLog::add('doing regular login', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$server = $this->params->get('crowd_url');
$appname = $this->params->get('crowd_app_name');
$apppass = $this->params->get('crowd_password');
- JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: connecting to url ' . $server);
+ JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: connecting to url ' . $server, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$authcode = base64_encode($appname . ":" . $apppass);
// JLog::add('auth code [' . $authcode . ']');
// request cookie config from crowd
$request_url = $server . '/rest/usermanagement/1/config/cookie';
- $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
+ $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $authcode);
$http = new JHttp;
- JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url);
- JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true));
+ JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$result = $http->get($request_url, $request_header);
- JLog::add('cookie config: ' . var_export($result, true));
+ JLog::add('cookie config: ' . var_export($result, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if (!$result or $result->code != 200) {
+ $response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_FAILURE;
$response->error_message = 'Cannot fetch cookie config from crowd';
return false;
@@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ function doCrowdLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
$cookieDomain = $altCookieDomain;
- JLog::add('cookie name: ' . $cookieName . ', domain: ' . $cookieDomain);
+ JLog::add('cookie name: ' . $cookieName . ', domain: ' . $cookieDomain, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
// now trying to login
$request_url = $server . '/rest/usermanagement/1/session?validate-password=true';
- JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url);
+ JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$request_data = '' .
'' .
' ' . $credentials['username'] . '' .
@@ -164,23 +165,23 @@ function doCrowdLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
' ' .
#JLog::add('request data: ' . $request_data);
- $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/xml', 'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
+ $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/xml', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $authcode);
- JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true));
+ JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$result = $http->post($request_url, $request_data, $request_header);
- JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true));
+ JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if (!$result or $result->code != 201) {
- JLog::add('have not got expected code 201, login failed');
+ JLog::add('have not got expected code 201, login failed', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ $response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_FAILURE;
$response->error_message = 'Login to crowd failed';
return false;
- JLog::add('fetching info from new location: ' . $result->headers['Location']);
+ JLog::add('fetching info from new location: ' . $result->headers['Location'], JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$result = $http->get($result->headers['Location'], $request_header);
- JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true));
+ JLog::add('response: ' . var_export($result, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if (!$result or $result->code != 200) {
- JLog::add('have not got expected code 200, login failed');
+ JLog::add('have not got expected code 200, login failed', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ $response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_FAILURE;
$response->error_message = 'Login to crowd failed';
return false;
@@ -192,12 +193,12 @@ function doCrowdLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
$response->email = (string) $xml->user->email;
$response->fullname = (string) $xml->user->{'display-name'};
$response->username = (string) $xml->user['name'];
+ $response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_SUCCESS;
$response->error_message = '';
- JLog::add('login successfull, returning: ' . var_export($response, true));
+ JLog::add('login successfull, returning: ' . var_export($response, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
// finally export our token as cookie
- JLog::add('set cookie ' . $cookieName . ' = ' . $token);
+ JLog::add('set cookie ' . $cookieName . ' = ' . $token, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
setcookie($cookieName,$token, 0, "/", $cookieDomain,false,true);
return true;
@@ -205,34 +206,34 @@ function doCrowdLogin( $credentials, $options, &$response )
function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
- JLog::add('login succeeded, obtaining groups');
+ JLog::add('login succeeded, obtaining groups', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$server = $this->params->get('crowd_url');
$appname = $this->params->get('crowd_app_name');
$apppass = $this->params->get('crowd_password');
- JLog::add('handleGroups: connecting to url ' . $server);
+ JLog::add('handleGroups: connecting to url ' . $server, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$authcode = base64_encode($appname . ":" . $apppass);
// JLog::add('auth code [' . $authcode . ']');
// request groups from crowd
$request_url = $server . '/rest/usermanagement/1/user/group/direct?username=' . $credentials['username'];
- $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
+ $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $authcode);
$http = new JHttp;
- JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url);
- JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true));
+ JLog::add('request url ' . $request_url, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ JLog::add('with headers ' . var_export($request_header, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$result = $http->get($request_url, $request_header);
- JLog::add('group config: ' . var_export($result, true));
+ JLog::add('group config: ' . var_export($result, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if (!$result or $result->code != 200) {
+ $response->status = JAuthentication::STATUS_FAILURE;
$response->error_message = 'Cannot fetch groups from crowd';
return false;
$obj = json_decode($result->body);
$groups = $obj->groups; // array containing all crowd groups of this user as objects with attr 'name'
- JLog::add('crowd groups: ' . var_export($groups, true));
+ JLog::add('crowd groups: ' . var_export($groups, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$response->groups = array();
$allgroups = $this->getUserGroups(); // array of objects containing group name and joomla id as 'text' and 'value'
- JLog::add('joomla groups: ' . var_export($allgroups, true));
+ JLog::add('joomla groups: ' . var_export($allgroups, true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$allgroupnames = array(); // array of joomla group names
$groupmapping = explode(";",$this->params->get('crowd_group_map'));
@@ -240,13 +241,13 @@ function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
foreach ($groupmapping as $gm) {
$ml = explode(":",$gm);
if (count($ml) != 2 || intval($ml[1]) < 1) {
- JLog::add('ignored mapping entry [' . $gm . ']');
+ JLog::add('ignored mapping entry [' . $gm . ']', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
else {
- $groupmap[trim($ml[0])] = intval($ml[1]);
+ $groupmap[trim($ml[0])] = explode(",",$ml[1]);
- JLog::add('groupmap: ' . var_export($groupmap,true));
+ JLog::add('groupmap: ' . var_export($groupmap,true), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
foreach ($allgroups as $jgroup) {
array_push($allgroupnames, $jgroup->text);
@@ -255,25 +256,32 @@ function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
// first remove user from all groups
foreach ($allgroups as $group) {
$res = JUserHelper::removeUserFromGroup($user->id, $group->value);
- JLog::add('removed user from group ' . $group->text . ' with result ' . $res);
+ JLog::add('removed user from group ' . $group->text . ' with result ' . $res, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ }
+ // Process Group Map default if exists
+ if (array_key_exists("*", $groupmap)) {
+ $res = JUserHelper::setUserGroups($user->id, $groupmap["*"]);
+ JLog::add('added user to mapped groups ' . $group->name . ':' . implode(",", $groupmap["*"]) . ' result: ' . $res, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
// now re-add all groups we have got from crowd
foreach ($groups as $group) {
- JLog::add('got group: ' . $group->name);
+ JLog::add('got group: ' . $group->name, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
array_push($response->groups, $group->name);
//array_push($user->groups, $group->name);
// check mapping
if (array_key_exists($group->name, $groupmap)) {
- $res = JUserHelper::addUserToGroup($user->id, $groupmap[$group->name]);
- JLog::add('added user to mapped group ' . $group->name . ' result: ' . $res);
+ $res = JUserHelper::setUserGroups($user->id, $groupmap[$group->name]);
+ JLog::add('added user to mapped groups ' . $group->name . ':' . implode(",", $groupmap[$group->name]) . ' result: ' . $res, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
// create new groups if needed
if (!in_array($group->name, $allgroupnames)) {
- JLog::add('create new group ' . $group->name);
+ JLog::add('create new group ' . $group->name, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$gid = $this->createGroup($group->name);
else { // group already exists in joomla
@@ -281,9 +289,9 @@ function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
if ($g->text == $group->name) {
try {
JUserHelper::addUserToGroup($user->id, $g->value);
- JLog::add("added user " . $user->id . ' to group ' . $g->name . ' id: ' . $g->value);
+ JLog::add("added user " . $user->id . ' to group ' . $g->name . ' id: ' . $g->value, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
} catch (Exception $e) {
- JLog::add('adding user ' . $user->id . ' to group ' . $g->name . ' caused exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
+ JLog::add('adding user ' . $user->id . ' to group ' . $g->name . ' caused exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
@@ -292,7 +300,7 @@ function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
- JLog::add('saving user ' . $user->id . ' caused exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
+ JLog::add('saving user ' . $user->id . ' caused exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
@@ -309,7 +317,7 @@ function handleGroups( $user, $credentials, $options, &$response )
function onUserAuthenticate( $credentials, $options, &$response )
- JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: auth started');
+ JLog::add('onUserAuthenticate: auth started', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$response->type = 'Crowd';
$response->password_clear = "";
$login_succeeded = false;
@@ -320,7 +328,7 @@ function onUserAuthenticate( $credentials, $options, &$response )
$login_succeeded = $this->doCrowdLogin($credentials, $options, $response);
if ($credentials['username'] == "admin") {
- JLog::add('admin login, neither check user nor groups');
+ JLog::add('admin login, neither check user nor groups', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
return login_succeeded; // do not more for admin user
if (! $login_succeeded) {
@@ -331,7 +339,7 @@ function onUserAuthenticate( $credentials, $options, &$response )
if ($id = intval(JUserHelper::getUserId($response->username))) {
else {
- JLog::add('creating new user ' . $response->username);
+ JLog::add('creating new user ' . $response->username, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$user->set('id', 0);
$user->set('name', $response->fullname);
$user->set('username', $response->username);
diff --git a/crowd/crowd.xml b/crowd/crowd.xml
index ebd7bf1..3527f6b 100644
--- a/crowd/crowd.xml
+++ b/crowd/crowd.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Authentication - Crowd
Joomla! Documentation Project
Apr 10, 2012
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@
diff --git a/crowdsso/crowdsso.php b/crowdsso/crowdsso.php
index e393e5b..b9af535 100644
--- a/crowdsso/crowdsso.php
+++ b/crowdsso/crowdsso.php
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ class plgSystemCrowdSSO extends JPlugin {
const CONFIG_DISABLEADMIN = 'disable_admin';
const CONFIG_COOKIENAME = 'cookieName';
+ const LOGGER_CATEGORY = 'crowdsso';
* @param object $subject The object to observe
@@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ class plgSystemCrowdSSO extends JPlugin {
public function plgSystemCrowdSSO(&$subject, $config) {
parent::__construct($subject, $config);
- JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'debug.crowd.log'));
- JLog::add('crowd sso 0.01 created');
+ JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'debug.crowd.log'), JLog::DEBUG, array(self::LOGGER_CATEGORY));
+ JLog::add('crowd sso 0.01 created', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
@@ -53,31 +54,31 @@ public function plgSystemCrowdSSO(&$subject, $config) {
* when the cookie is set/unset.
public function onAfterInitialise() {
- JLog::add('crowd sso onAfterInitialise');
+ JLog::add('crowd sso onAfterInitialise', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if ((bool)$this->params->get(self::CONFIG_DISABLEADMIN) && JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin()) {
return; //No SSO for administrator section
$user = JFactory::getUser();
- JLog::add("current user is: ". $user->username .", guest: " . (int)$user->guest . ", admin: " . JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin());
+ JLog::add("current user is: ". $user->username .", guest: " . (int)$user->guest . ", admin: " . JFactory::getApplication()->isAdmin(), JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
$token = $this->_readToken();
if ($user->guest and empty($token)) { # case 1
- JLog::add('case 1: user is guest and crowd token is empty - thats fine, do nothing');
+ JLog::add('case 1: user is guest and crowd token is empty - thats fine, do nothing', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
else if ($user->guest and !empty($token)) { # case 2
- JLog::add('case 2: user is guest and we have a crowd token - try sso login');
+ JLog::add('case 2: user is guest and we have a crowd token - try sso login', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
else if (!$user->guest and empty($token)) { # case 3
- JLog::add('case 3: user is not guest, but crowd token is empty - thats bad, logout');
+ JLog::add('case 3: user is not guest, but crowd token is empty - thats bad, logout', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
else if (!$user->guest) { # case 4
- JLog::add('case 4: user is not guest and we have a token - we do nothing');
+ JLog::add('case 4: user is not guest and we have a token - we do nothing', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
return; # do nothing, we just keep her
else {
- JLog::add('crowdsso::onAfterInitialise: unknown case, strange things going on here...');
+ JLog::add('crowdsso::onAfterInitialise: unknown case, strange things going on here...', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
@@ -96,13 +97,13 @@ protected function _tryLogin($token) {
$apppass = $this->params->get('crowd_password');
$authcode = base64_encode($appname . ":" . $apppass);
$request_url = $server . '/rest/usermanagement/latest/session/' . $token;
- $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-type' => 'application/xml',
+ $request_header = array('Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $authcode);
$http = new JHttp;
$result = $http->get($request_url, $request_header);
- JLog::add('crowdsso response: ' . $result->code . ', data: ' . $result->body);
+ JLog::add('crowdsso response: ' . $result->code . ', data: ' . $result->body, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
if ($result->code != 200) {
- JLog::add('crowdsso login failed');
+ JLog::add('crowdsso login failed', JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
return -1;
$obj = json_decode($result->body);
@@ -126,7 +127,17 @@ protected function _tryLogout($user) {
+ function onUserLogout($user, $options = array()) {
+ $cookiename = $this->params->get(self::CONFIG_COOKIENAME);
+ $cookiekey = str_replace('.', '_', $cookiename); # joomla replaces this?
+ if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiekey])) {
+ unset($_COOKIE[$cookiekey]);
+ setcookie($cookiename, '', time() - 3600, '/');
+ JLog::add('crowdsso::onUserLogout - deleted cookie ' . $cookiename, JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);
+ }
+ }
function onUserLoginFailure($response) {
- JLog::add('crowdsso::onUserLoginFailure for ' . $response['username'] . ' . because: ' . $response['error_message']);
+ JLog::add('crowdsso::onUserLoginFailure for ' . $response['username'] . ' . because: ' . $response['error_message'], JLog::DEBUG, self::LOGGER_CATEGORY);