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This repository houses all the code for our paper 'Is Feedback All You Need? Leveraging Natural Language Feedback in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning', as well as ongoing work developing the project further (for the specific version of the code matching the workshop paper, see the neurips2023_gcrl branch). If you use any of the code for your own work, please cite the paper as

        title={Is Feedback All You Need? Leveraging Natural Language Feedback in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning},
        author={Sabrina McCallum and Max Taylor-Davies and Stefano V. Albrecht and Alessandro Suglia},
        booktitle={NeurIPS Workshop on Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL)},

Overview and usage

The main purpose of this codebase is to train and evaluate feedback-augmented decision-transformer agents on an extended version of the BabyAI testbed.


You can clone the repository and install dependencies with

git clone
cd feedback-DT
pipenv install

Training and evaluating an FDT agent

The script contains everything needed to

  • generate a training dataset
  • train an FDT agent
  • run periodic evaluation during training and save results

To run it with default arguments, simply execute

python scripts/

The script also supports a number of arguments. The main ones are highlighted below; for a complete list refer to src/utils/

Specifying a BabyAI level

The --level argument determines which BabyAI level to use, given as the middle part of the config name, e.g. "BabyAI-GoToRedBallGrey-v0" -> "GoToRedBallGrey" (the default value). A list of levels can be found on this page under "Registered Configurations".

Controlling dataset creation

To avoid creating a new dataset everytime the script is run, you can use the --load_existing_dataset argument - this will check if a dataset matching all the relevant arguments exists, and load it if so. To download datasets created for the experiments in the paper, go to this dropbox URL.

By default, datasets are generated using a random policy - to instead sample data from the training process of a PPO agent, set --policy to "ppo". If using a PPO policy, --num_steps controls the number of environment steps to include in the training dataset; for a random policy you can set --num_train_seeds and --eps_per_seed to determine the number of episodes created.

Finally, to exclude episodes that end as a result of timing out, set --include_timeout to false.

Controlling what action prediction is conditioned on

The original decision transformer uses return-to-go (RTG) to condition action predictions during training. Our architecture allows conditioning on RTG, mission string, language feedback, or any combination - you can control this by setting the --use_rtg, --use_mission and --use_feedback arguments. You can also control the provision of feedback and mission strings at inference time using the --feedback_at_inference and --mission_at_inference arguments.

Controlling feedback generation

If conditioning on feedback (see previous section), you can determine which type of feedback is used by setting the --feedback_mode argument to one of 'all', 'rule', 'task', 'numerical' or 'random'. In numerical mode, feedback is just given as a "1" when task feedback is available, "-1" when rule feedback is available, and "0" otherwise. If using random feedback, you can additionally specify the type of random feedback through --random_mode, which can be either 'english' (uses random nonsensical English sentences that exclude words in the BabyAI vocabulary) or 'lorem' (uses lorem ipsum text). For an explanation of what the other feedback types mean, see section 3 and appendix A.1 of the paper.

Controlling evaluation

Tthe training process includes automatic evaluation of the agent's performance at periodic intervals, relative to a random policy baseline. By default, evaluation runs every 5 training steps; you can customise this by setting --eval_step_interval. At each evaluation, performance is averaged over a subset of environment seeds contained within the training dataset. You can set the number of seeds used with --num_repeats. At the end of training, we run an additional evaluation of the agent's in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalisation performance - --num_repeats also determines the number of seeds used here.

The results from the periodic evaluations are also used to determine whether to stop training early - to customise this, set the --early_stopping_patience and --early_stopping_threshold arguments.


This section is intended as an overview of the codebase architecture for anyone wishing to modify or extend the code for their own purposes. There are 6 main components to the architecture: Agent, FeedbackEnv, Dataset, Collator, AgentTrainer, Evaluator


The Agent class basically represents any offline-RL-ish agent; i.e. something that we want to train from a dataset of sequential environment interactions, and then use as a policy to produce actions given observations. This is what its basic template definition looks like:

class AgentInput:
    mission_embeddings: Any
    states: Any
    actions: Any
    rewards: Any
    returns_to_go: Any
    timesteps: Any
    feedback_embeddings: Any
    attention_mask: Any

class Agent(nn.Module):
    Agent is the base class used to represent any offline-rl-ish trainable agent.

    def __init__(self) -> None:

    def _forward(self, input: AgentInput) -> Any:

    def _compute_loss(self, input: AgentInput, output: Any) -> float:

    def forward(self, input: AgentInput, **kwargs) -> Dict:
        output = self._forward(input)
        loss = self._compute_loss(input, output)
        return {"loss": loss}

    def get_action(self, input: AgentInput, context=1, one_hot=False):

Implementing any particular type of agent/model then mostly consists of overriding the _forward, _compute_loss and get_action methods.

The file agent/fdt/ contains an Agent implementation for the feedback decision transformer. This is the file that contains almost all the relevant logic for the actual FDT model. The file agent/fdt/ contain the version of the agent for use with Minigrid/BabyAI environments. In the future, we may add additional subclasses to agent/fdt/ for other types of environment.


The FeedbackEnv class (env/ is a wrapper around a gymnasium Env that adds the ability to generate and return natural language feedback on each step. To create a FeedbackEnv instance, you should first instantiate a regular Env, and then pass it in along with the feedback mode and max environment steps:

_env = gym.make(env_key, render_mode=render_mode)
env = FeedbackEnv(_env, feedback_mode=feedback_mode, max_steps=max_steps)

Once you have a FeedbackEnv, you can mostly use it as you would a regular Env. The main difference form a usage perspective is that the fifth element of the tuple returned by a call to step is now a string (possibly) containing feedback, rather than an info dict.


The CustomDataset class (dataset/ essentially represents an interface to a collection of hdf5 files on disk, where each file contains some number of recorded steps. Each step consists of the elements (mission, observation, action, reward, feedback, truncated, terminated). A new CustomDataset can be created by sampling from some specified policy (or randomly). Once a CustomDataset has been created and saved to disk (across some number of sharded files), we can sample data from it using the following three methods:


The Collator (src/collator/ basically functions as an intermediary between a CustomDataset and an Agent, for the purposes of training: it samples batches of data from the CustomDataset, and packages them as inputs to be processed by the Agent. To create a collator, you pass in a dataset object and a bunch of optional args:

def __init__(
        custom_dataset: CustomDataset,
    ) -> None:

The collator also handles the responsibility of embedding the natural language data (mission strings, feedback strings). This lets us swap out different embeddings models without having to modify the agent architecture. Since we expect a lot of repetition in the values of these strings, we implement a memoised embedder: the collator maintains a local embeddings cache; each time we get a mission or feedback string to embed, we check if we already have an embedding for that cache in the string, and only run the embedding model if not.

The collator's main method is _sample_batch - this samples a batch of sub-episodes from the dataset, does some processing (embedding strings and padding everything to context length), and then returns a dict with these keys:

    "timesteps": ...,
    "mission_embeddings": ...,
    "states": ...,
    "actions": ...,
    "rewards": ...,
    "returns_to_go": ...,
    "attention_mask": ...,
    "feedback_embeddings": ...,


Our AgentTrainer class is just a very simple wrapper around the HuggingFace transformers Trainer, that works with our other components and handles a bunch of default arguments and settings, as well as automatic creation of our evaluation callbacks. Once you have an agent, dataset and collator, you create it like this:

trainer = AgentTrainer(

and then run it with



Our Evaluator class is where we implement the evaluation functions that are run on the agent during training. It subclasses the HuggingFace TrainerCallback class. This lets us write methods that will e.g. be called at the end of every training step:

def on_step_end(
        args: TrainingArguments,
        state: TrainerState,
        control: TrainerControl,
        model: Agent,

        if state.global_step % self.eval_step_interval == 0 and state.global_step > 0:
            self._run_eval_and_plot(model, state, eval_type="efficiency", control=control)
            model.save_checkpoint(self.output_dir, state.global_step)

What happens here is that we first update our plot of the training loss (this is saved to disk at each step), and then check whether the current step is a multiple of self.eval_step_interval (determined by the --eval_step_interval command line argument) - if it is, we call _run_eval_and_plot. This evaluates the performance of the current agent, and updates the eval plot(s) saved on disk. Specifically: we sample n instances of the environment; for each of those, we sample a trajectory from the agent being trained, and also from a random agent (which serves as a baseline). For both trajectories we record the return, the length, and whether it was successful. All three of these metrics are plotted throughout training against number of samples. To track any additional metrics, you can just add code to _run_eval_and_plot.

Exploring feedback

We provide a wrapper around Minigrid's ManualControl which provides a UI for human users to play BabyAI levels. Our wrapper saves each frame, a gif of the episode and a log file to which we write the mission and the feedback provided at each step. The corresponding script can be used to generate and save demo videos and for a specific --demo_config and --demo_seed and explore the feedback generated from interactions with the environment.