5.0.0 (2024-12-29)
- renamed kernel toml
- payload is fetched from KV
- bumped eslint to v9
- removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string
- actions sdk (c4160c6)
- add app id and bot user id (d292f5a)
- add environment variable to configuration (c3dc29d)
- add hello-world plugin example (957f0bb)
- add signature to action plugins (a682ce0)
- add tests (2be91f6)
- add tests for defaults (b7bd2f9)
- added branch deployment (51f1276)
- added manifest to hello-world-plugin.ts (d93b5c3)
- added ref on manifest.json retrieval for workers (bd1f58f)
- added release-please.yml (1ee4961)
- added tests for ref manifest fetching (49bef29)
- additional properties and required (639e4e3)
- bumped eslint to v9 (21d800a)
- development config (94e2685)
- enabling worker observability (4853aa8)
- export (f56714b)
- export additional config constants (a2ca525)
- export context (1f6c922)
- fix signature and add plugin github token (6941ff8)
- fix tests (2b150a1)
- help is displayed on /help command (7033aac)
- hono (a8e29de)
- hono (fef7870)
- initial impl (c5b77f3)
- interactive setup (6916ad3)
- jest typescript config (132537c)
- make createPlugin sync function (ff36f56)
- manifest commands object (67de8cf)
- manifest is now read and cached from the target repo (9c66d70)
- manifest is now read and cached from the target repo (76af3a0)
- merge (6d24748)
- more context and tests (e90a93d)
- multiple commands can be handled for skip (7b3e111)
- payload is fetched from KV (de80953)
- remove configuration package (091a395)
- sdk (b42f9b6)
- serve manifest (34adce1)
- sign function (aab2c8c)
- signature in payload (6cfd934)
- test for skipBotEvents (128e93e)
- ubiquity logger (4053df7)
- update packages (16a346a)
- use empty store (af5da64)
- add error handling to plugin dispatch (a3acebf)
- add error handling to schema decoding (7b15aa1)
- add npm token authentication (d551da3)
- add paginateGraphQL plugin to customOctokit (a3e1202)
- added MD escape for content (05c505c)
- added tests related to help command (bfa8fe8)
- bug with default (95b1bcb)
- bumped plugin-sdk (a65c27a)
- bumped wrangler version (9f647ab)
- call plugins synchronously (8f386a0)
- change file name (561077e)
- ci (026ed42)
- ci test (199c646)
- cleaner approach via whilefoo (7bf804c)
- correct manifest decoding logic (f76696b)
- correct variable used in error logging (37ca024)
- cspell (ddedba0)
- empty store (9eb1014)
- enabled nodejs compat (bc05c58)
- enabled nodejs compat (8b27baa)
- enabled nodejs compat (41e4b96)
- enhance error log context and config path handling (9a4bede)
- escape only pipes (6e24973)
- export Manifest type from SDK (2b090cd)
- file name (98fdee7)
- fixed proxy target url (7079aba)
- generic typo (99559ff)
- illegal invocation (f393668)
- import buffer from node namespace (bd9c210)
- imports (01854e7)
- install @ubiquity-os/ubiquity-os-logger (4d6eae9)
- knip (64681b8)
- knip (5b3dfad)
- knip, test (6018c59)
- lockfile updates (74c4fb3)
- log if comment can't be created (ba98cb6)
- manifest commands are properly checked for skipping (b4e8fb6)
- merge now happens on plugins keys (f548451)
- packages (7277580)
- pin version (4cd4ae6)
- push-event: handle changes to both dev and prod config (9435e12)
- regex to match action now accepts higher depth (668062f)
- remove broken test (472e929)
- remove SDK files and update dependencies (d47c5f2)
- remove test (44d49d7)
- remove test command (fcb4078)
- remove ubiquibot phrasing (b22d978)
- removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string (570b68e)
- renamed PRIVATE_KEY to APP_PRIVATE_KEY, WEBHOOK_SECRET optional and removed WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL (f71043e)
- replace process.env with ctx.env in server.ts (d376750)
- resolve conflicts (403232c)
- resolve input decoding issue in server.ts (fe99961)
- sdk: add postComment function for structured metadata (b87f4ca)
- serialize plugin and value in error messages (7841107)
- simplify array check (0421c30)
- skip posting help comment when no commands found (a71eb67)
- spell (b40750f)
- tests (1fd1fbc)
- tests (b58f0f0)
- tests (164f247)
- tests (e32602a)
- tests (7d6d1c0)
- trimming body to find commands (fd17b58)
- tsup (e0ccba3)
- types (bfe4651)
- union too complex solve (39cd3e8)
- update comment body to use diff instead of raw log (1ccbac3)
- update dependencies in package.json (f09bf82)
- update eslint ignores (758145b)
- update Husky setup for production and CI (9a76d37)
- update husky to version 9.1.6 (ca08e9f)
- update module paths and tsup config for modern output (c517513)
- update module paths and tsup config for modern output (3b1f303)
- update package name in package.json (a8ac6fb)
- update public key to match new private key (6986998)
- update release workflow for node support (5e1239e)
- update release-please.yml (4fb79a0)
- update sdk (80e6bbc)
- update token variable and reorder dependencies (f3c5df8)
- worker: handle exceptions properly in webhooks (1792982)
- worker: handle exceptions properly in webhooks (f146a64)
- workflow: update worker-deploy and setup-kv scripts (1c293d8)
- renamed kernel toml (1c42c47)
2.1.5 (2024-10-11)
- update token variable and reorder dependencies (f3c5df8)
2.1.4 (2024-10-11)
- update package name in package.json (a8ac6fb)
2.1.3 (2024-10-11)
- add npm token authentication (d551da3)
2.1.2 (2024-10-11)
- update eslint ignores (758145b)
- update Husky setup for production and CI (9a76d37)
- update husky to version 9.1.6 (ca08e9f)
2.1.1 (2024-10-11)
- update release-please.yml (4fb79a0)
2.1.0 (2024-10-11)
- install @ubiquity-os/ubiquity-os-logger (4d6eae9)
- remove broken test (472e929)
- update release workflow for node support (5e1239e)
2.0.0 (2024-09-25)
- renamed kernel toml
- actions sdk (c4160c6)
- add app id and bot user id (d292f5a)
- add tests (2be91f6)
- added branch deployment (51f1276)
- added ref on manifest.json retrieval for workers (bd1f58f)
- added tests for ref manifest fetching (49bef29)
- test for skipBotEvents (128e93e)
- log if comment can't be created (ba98cb6)
- manifest commands are properly checked for skipping (b4e8fb6)
- regex to match action now accepts higher depth (668062f)
- tests (e32602a)
- trimming body to find commands (fd17b58)
- renamed kernel toml (1c42c47)
- bumped eslint to v9
- removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string
- add conventional commits (9c9366a)
- add dotenv (7b7c6f5)
- add hello-world plugin example (957f0bb)
- add knip CI configuration (83b6cb6)
- add naming conventions rule (f3997c9)
- add pull request template (e7fff97)
- add tests for defaults (b7bd2f9)
- add TS support (f9b45ea)
- add webhook events list (d504575)
- added bot default configuration (edc33a2)
- added instructions to deploy to Cloudflare Workers (54c29c8)
- added manifest to hello-world-plugin.ts (d93b5c3)
- added release-please.yml (1ee4961)
- ban non null assertions (e674345)
- bumped eslint to v9 (21d800a)
- cd (9fbac16)
- commit or pr (dbec9e3)
- config event handler (89f7de7)
- configuration is fetched org wide (f42928d)
- configuration is fetched org wide (91eb0be)
- copy typescript rules (86cb568)
- create helloWorld index.html (d1e8b0b)
- cspell: support colors (27786d7)
- cypress testing suite (92cad2c)
- default Jest testing configuration (d7670f4)
- default Jest testing configuration (#19) (f0c06fb)
- easy ui support (7ffbda1)
- easy ui support (805224f)
- event handler (1056cac)
- export (f56714b)
- export context (1f6c922)
- fix tests (2b150a1)
- format on lint-staged (bfcfcda)
- github event validation (a7f95a0)
- help is displayed on /help command (7033aac)
- initial commit (080bedf)
- jest testings (8605a37)
- jest typescript config (132537c)
- kill port 8787 before starting dev (7d77f6f)
- manifest is now read and cached from the target repo (9c66d70)
- manifest is now read and cached from the target repo (76af3a0)
- miniflare (ccdfceb)
- multiple commands can be handled for skip (7b3e111)
- mvp logs events (0ba9c2b)
- new github env style (6eb4ace)
- octokit (9e70be5)
- pass auth token instead of installation id (b224246)
- plugin chain config and repo dispatch handler (7bd5ff8)
- plugin for issue closed (36e1a03)
- prefer named functions (31825e8)
- private key format (fdd7c4a)
- production deploys (821f81e)
- push action for development branch (af60573)
- ref (b02d104)
- remove ajv validation (bdd173d)
- remove configuration package (091a395)
- remove our enum because we use octokit's types (3c0b829)
- replace expressions in nested objects (daaaf9a)
- reusable deploy script (4e8bf2b)
- sdk (b42f9b6)
- serve manifest (34adce1)
- sign function (aab2c8c)
- signature in payload (6cfd934)
- skip bot events (37cb25c)
- skip commands that don't match (71f995f)
- spell check on commit (53bfa02)
- store event payload, inputs and outputs of plugins in chain state (d769841)
- support using output from previous plugins (0d83199)
- type check on ci (7ecf406)
- ubiquity-os-logger integration (0585355), closes #5
- ubiquity logger (4053df7)
- update instructions (92e48bf)
- update packages (16a346a)
- update readme (d2cb9f8)
- updated delegated compute inputs (0979fd7)
- webhook type (084d1c1)
- workflow dispatch (126e819)
- workflow dispatch (dc336a9)
- workflow dispatch (b17af14)
- working POC (e379d71)
- add env param (b5fd06d)
- add missing events (10887c3)
- added MD escape for content (05c505c)
- added tests related to help command (bfa8fe8)
- app installation if (059487c)
- bug with default (95b1bcb)
- cd: deploy (a3df7a7)
- cd: deploy (b7b86c3)
- cd: deploy (ee5e8a5)
- change dist to static (783e786)
- change file name (561077e)
- ci (026ed42)
- ci test (199c646)
- ci: cspell (ea8c924)
- ci: cspell (48b4419)
- ci: install bun (37254d0)
- ci: on prs (f2fea11)
- ci: use bun (2296583)
- cleaner approach via whilefoo (7bf804c)
- cloudflare doesn't seem to support console.trace (b39aa1f)
- commit sha (2393807)
- commit-msg script and add lint-staged command (7c2aa64)
- cspell (ddedba0)
- cspell ci (8ee208a)
- define entrypoint in wrangler.toml (6cbd708)
- disabled comments on every push, and added default value for coverage (419442c)
- enabled nodejs compat (bc05c58)
- enabled nodejs compat (8b27baa)
- enabled nodejs compat (41e4b96)
- escape only pipes (6e24973)
- file name (98fdee7)
- forgot to include cspell (4026845)
- generic typo (99559ff)
- gitignore (4818b15)
- import buffer from node namespace (bd9c210)
- knip, test (6018c59)
- lint errors (40a20da)
- lint staged (9cad989)
- lint staged (937630e)
- merge now happens on plugins keys (f548451)
- move env to types, update packages, remove unused functions (06fc88c)
- packages (7277580)
- pin version (4cd4ae6)
- prettier for css (4880237)
- refactor into smaller functions (387d33b)
- remove commented code (f78352e)
- remove test (44d49d7)
- remove toString() (295284a)
- remove ubiquity-os phrasing (b22d978)
- remove unused import (c96e2a7)
- removed GitHub type from the configuration as it is deduced using the plugin element string (570b68e)
- rename pull_request_template (8aa986e)
- renamed PRIVATE_KEY to APP_PRIVATE_KEY, APP_WEBHOOK_SECRET optional and removed WEBHOOK_PROXY_URL (f71043e)
- resolve conflicts (403232c)
- return default conf on custom conf fail (207f68e)
- spell (b40750f)
- tests (7d6d1c0)
- transport secrets (83c2e29)
- tsup (e0ccba3)
- type error i introduced (de6b510)
- types (bfe4651)
- typescript too complex expression (597d9ce)
- union too complex solve (39cd3e8)
- whitespace (1f80af6)