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Clara Garcia-Sanchez edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 9 revisions

Collect the necessary data

Step 1: Point clouds

Luckily the Netherlands has really high quality point clouds freely available. The format for point clouds can be multiple: *.laz, *.txt, *.ply. To get the point clouds there are two options now:

In the case of Delfshaven these are the two tiles selected:

Step 2: Footprints

There are multiple footprints we need to get. First buildings footprints are necessary to extrude them, then we need semantic surfaces for water, vegetation and maybe other type of surfaces' materials of interest.

For buildings footprints we can go here:

For other types of surfaces:

Reconstruct geometry

In order to prepare all this data together to use in city4CFD we need to run a set of preprocessing steps within QGIS:

  • Open a map so you have proper visualization of the location of interest:

  • Click on the coordinate system and change it to 28992 (local Amesfort system).

To import the buildings:
  • Make a connection to 3DBAG:

- Then select pand on the left pannel:

To import the other surfaces:
  • From the data downloaded for other surfaces import for water and vegetation these two: waterdeel and begroeidterreindeel (see left pannel).

- Then we can sample using a scratch layer polygon in order to reduce the amount of data:

- Important, if there is not CRS information for the water and vegetation you need to add it with double click on the layers. Otherwise they might not be sampled at all by the polygon.

- To check the leftmost southmost point and rightmost topmost point in your domain I used the coordinate capture from QGIS and the polygon with which I sampled the data. - When you have troubles with the water surface, fix it by merging the poligons.

- Toggle editing, merge selected features.

- You can also dissolve several of the polygons, but be careful, if then you cut your domain in city4CFD and the polygon might be eliminate. Just split it at the boundaries of your zone of interest.