The TROLIE project establishes a communications specification for the exchange of transmission ratings, operating limits, and associated information, including but not limited to provenance information, ambient condition data, and other details about how these ratings and limits were determined. The communications specification will include an API specification and guidelines for implementation of the specification using web technologies. The goal of the project is to facilitate interoperability of software systems that must exchange this information to support both real-time and forward operations of power systems.
Ratings may apply to equipment such transformers, AC lines, series compensators, etc. as well as other power systems objects like interfaces and zero impedance busses. The ownership and entities assigned functional responsibility for these objects may be exchanged along with details about the provenance of ratings and limits.
Descriptive statistics and measures of historical accuracy related to the communicated ratings and limits--such as moving averages, histograms, forecast error, etc.--may also be exchanged.
Any changes of Scope are not retroactive.