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SpecFlow integration


The Blazor template and asp blazor/webforms include a SpecFlow test suite that performs some of the same tests as the direct Selenium tests suite. SpecFlow is a behaviour-driven development (BDD) framework that translates textual test scenarios into executable unit test classes.

There are asptest.blazor.specflow and asptest.webforms.specflow tests of the asp.blazor and asp.webforms application respectively and BlazorApp1SpecFlowTest in the template. The libraries (iselenium.*) themselves have no SpecFlow dependency, only the applications and tests that actually use it.

The WebForms example was originally created using VS 2019 (the VS 2022 SpecFlow package created C# with global using incompatible with .NET Framework). It follows the same pattern as the Blazor example, it compiles, but it does not currently run with some sort of DLL hell exception.

Textual test scenarios are written in the Gherkin language. Expressions are mapped to methods in a step definition C# class. The SpecFlow framework encourages a driver pattern that keeps the step definitions lean and free of logic. This SpecFlow driver actually executes the test automation through a second driver that wraps the Selenium WebDriver provided by iselenium extension methods, either directly or via base classes.

Side by side comparison Blazor/WebForms

The distinct layers are illustrated here using the Blazor and the WebForms example.

  1. The Calculator.feature Gherkin feature files are literally identical for both frameworks. The "Add" scenario has been copied as such from the original SpecFlow project template which also uses a calculator as an example.

  2. Thanks to the driver pattern, the C# step definitions in CalculatorStepDefinitions.cs are also literally identical for both frameworks (except usings/namespace).

  3. By contrast, the SpecFlow driver CalculatorDriver.cs (within the Drivers folder) uses the framework-specific functions from the iselenium package. These are called on a statically accessed instance of the actual test class executed by NUnit within the server process. This pattern differs from the SpecFlow Selenium pattern in their sample solutions.

    In the pattern presented here, these drivers also perform some low-level white box assertions on the application under test. This is only possible because "the app tests itself" and the tests are executed in the web server process.

    To access elements in the browser DOM, the Blazor variant directly uses the @ref component instance (e.g. Cut.footer.enterButton) originally intended for Blazor JS interop, while the WebForms variant uses string paths (e.g. "footer.enterButton") which are resolved via reflection to the WebControl in the instance tree.

  4. As the Blazor pattern in particular is type-based for the component under test (Cut), "the app tests itself" imposes a structural restriction that is not present in the SpecFlow Selenium examples: Each "Feature" file is transpiled by the SpecFlow framework into a partial C# class, which in turn is executed by NUnit. But this generic base class needs the type of the component under test.

    In Blazor, the component under test is the asp.blazor.Components.CalculatorComponent, in WebForms the CalculatorControl : UserControl which contains the declared asp.calculator.Control.Calculator model object.

    Additionally, these generic test classes declare the browser to use. Because the partial class generated by SpecFlow is not generic, the generic test fixture pattern for specifying multiple browser drivers in plain NUnit test classes is not available here.

    Instead, there is a non-generic base class (thus with a browser specification) CalculatorTestBase.cs which is common to all feature files.

    Consequently, the top-level feature structure directly mirrors the Blazor component structure in the application under test (which can be considered as an arbitrary implementation detail) - instead of being defined purely contentually (as in plain SpecFlow without this dependency).

  5. These feature specific partial classes are located besides the feature files as:

    1. Calculator.feature (Gherkin source)
    2. Calculator.feature.cs (transpilated prartial class)
    3. Calculator.feature.driver.cs (iselenium partial class inheriting from CalculatorTestBase)



1. Gherkin Feature File: Calculator.feature

Scenario: Add two numbers
	Given the first number is 50
	And the second number is 70
	When the add button is clicked
	Then the result should be 120

Scenario: Add two numbers
	Given the first number is 50
	And the second number is 70
	When the add button is clicked
	Then the result should be 120

2. Step Definitions: CalculatorStepDefinitions.cs

[Given("the first number is (.*)")]
public void GivenTheFirstNumberIs(int number)

[Given("the second number is (.*)")]
public void GivenTheSecondNumberIs(int number)

[When("the add button is clicked")]
public void WhenTheTwoNumbersAreAdded()

[Then("the result should be (.*)")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(int result)

[Given("the first number is (.*)")]
public void GivenTheFirstNumberIs(int number)

[Given("the second number is (.*)")]
public void GivenTheSecondNumberIs(int number)

[When("the add button is clicked")]
public void WhenTheTwoNumbersAreAdded()

[Then("the result should be (.*)")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(int result)

3. Specflow Driver: CalculatorDriver.cs

public void EnterTheNumber(int number)
    Assert.That(Driver.State, Is.EqualTo(CalculatorContext.Map1.Enter));

public void ClickAdd()
    var before = Driver.Stack.Count;
    Assert.That(Driver.Stack.Count, Is.EqualTo(before - 1));

public void AssertResultIs(int result)
    Assert.Multiple(() =>

public void EnterTheNumber(int number)
    Assert.That(Driver.State, Is.EqualTo(CalculatorContext.Map1.Enter));

public void ClickAdd()
    var before = Driver.Stack.Count;
    Assert.That(Driver.Stack.Count, Is.EqualTo(before - 1));

public void AssertResultIs(int result)
    Assert.Multiple(() =>

4. iselenium driver base: CalculatorTestBase.cs

public abstract class CalculatorTestBase<TWebDriver> :
    SmcComponentDbTest<TWebDriver, CalculatorComponent, Calculator,
        CalculatorContext, CalculatorContext.CalculatorState>
    where TWebDriver : IWebDriver, new()
    public Stack<string> Stack
        get { return Main.Stack; }

public abstract class CalculatorTestBase<TWebDriver> :
    SmcDbTest<EdgeDriver, Calculator,
        CalculatorContext, CalculatorContext.CalculatorState>
    where TWebDriver : IWebDriver, new()
    public Stack<string> Stack
        get { return this.MainControl.Main.Stack; }

5. iselenium driver instance accessor: Calculator.feature.driver.cs

public partial class CalculatorFeature : CalculatorTestBase<EdgeDriver>
    public static CalculatorFeature Driver { get; set; } = default!;

    public CalculatorFeature()
        Driver = this;

public partial class CalculatorFeature : CalculatorTestBase<EdgeDriver>
    public static CalculatorFeature Driver { get; set; }

    public CalculatorFeature()
        Driver = this;

Living Documentation

Living documentation from the test execution can be generated according to the SpecFlow manual. Simply execute the following command in the corresponding .\bin\Debug\net6.0 folder of the web application project (which is actually executing the tests). The warnings about System.Runtime and "No bindings found in assembly" can apparently be ignored.

livingdoc test-assembly asptest.blazor.specflow.dll -t TestExecution.json
livingdoc test-assembly asptest.webforms.specflow.dll -t TestExecution.json
livingdoc test-assembly BlazorApp1SpecFlowTest.dll -t TestExecution.json

The resulting HTML file is LivingDoc.html.

These are the results:

The WebForms SpecFlow rabbit hole

When running the SpecFlow WebForms tests, the following exception is thrown: Interface cannot be resolved: TechTalk.SpecFlow.UnitTestProvider.IUnitTestRuntimeProvider('nunit') - even though the required TechTalk.SpecFlow.NUnit.SpecFlowPlugin.dll is present in the bin directory.

This is because the BoDi IoC container used by SpecFlow loads the assembly from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files - but the WebForms framework only copies the main asptest.webforms.specflow.DLL to a subdirectory there, not the dependencies. And it prunes the directory after each change. As a workaround, I manually copied all the DLLs from src\asp.webforms\bin\ there (repeat after each compilation after changes).

The tests then run, but the engine hangs after the tests have finished. However, the result TestExecution.json is generated and can be copied back to the original bin folder. There the livingdoc utility succeeds.