- Initial release
- Bug: Empty array dynamic column value leads to invalid SQL: COLUMN_CREATE()
- Enh: New attribute name getter method DynamicActiveRecord::allAttributes()
- Bug: Empty array in DynamicActiveRecord::dynColSqlMaria() creates invalid COLUMN_CREATE() command
- Enh: Allowed to use spaces in dyn attributes in queries, e.g.
(! attr !)
- Bug: Inconsistencies in magic methods
- Refactor: Reorganize DynamicActiveRecord, made each magic method a wrapper
- Bug: Critical error in DynamicActiveRecord::populateRecord() and DynamicActiveQuery::prepare()
- Bug: Critical corner cases with certain types in DynamicActiveRecord::dynColSqlMaria
- Refactor: Breaking changes! In DynamicActiveRecord dotKeyValues() replaces dotKeys(), dotAttributeNames() replaces allAttributes()
- Enh: Add ValueExpresson class for disambiguation of certain SQL types
- Enh: Add DynamicActiveRecord::columnExpression() method as alternative to (! !) notation
- Enh: Get project in packagist.org, fixing composer.json
- Enh: Add tests for nested DAR models
- Enh: Add documentation static site generator and new docs
- Enh: Add DynamicActiveRecord::docAttributes() to get all attributes in a map of dot-notation keys to values
- Bug: Missing docblock tags
- Refactor: Don't expose your privates