diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index abc5220..f508dbb 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,12 +2,18 @@ language: julia
- linux
- - 0.5
- - 0.6
+ - 0.7
+ - 1.0
- nightly
email: false
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - xvfb
+ - xauth
+ - libgtk-3-0
- if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
- - julia -e 'Pkg.clone(pwd()); Pkg.build("ProfileView")'
- - xvfb-run julia --check-bounds=yes -e 'Pkg.test("ProfileView"; coverage=true)'
+ - julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.clone(pwd()); Pkg.build("ProfileView")'
+ - xvfb-run julia --check-bounds=yes -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test("ProfileView"; coverage=true)'
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 096690e..359b03c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,25 +2,8 @@
-Version 0.2 of ProfileView has several major changes:
-- Red highlighting has been restored; it now highlights
- type-instabilities, not garbage collection, as a means to better
- distinguish legitimate uses of allocation from ones that might be
- avoidable.
-- For users of the Gtk version, ProfileView has switched from
- [GtkUtilities](https://github.com/timholy/GtkUtilities.jl) to
- [GtkReactive](https://github.com/JuliaGizmos/GtkReactive.jl). One
- consequence is that you now need to hold down Ctrl for any zoom
- operation. You can now shift the displayed region by click-dragging
- on the image.
-- Also for users of the Gtk version, Ctrl-q and Ctrl-w close the
- window. You can also use `ProfileView.closeall()` to close all
- windows opened by ProfileView.
+Note this README is for users of Julia 0.7 and higher; users of earlier versions
+should see [this page](https://github.com/timholy/ProfileView.jl/tree/julia0.6).
# Introduction
@@ -51,16 +34,16 @@ function profile_test(n)
for i = 1:n
A = randn(100,100,20)
m = maximum(A)
- Afft = fft(A)
- Am = mapslices(sum, A, 2)
+ Am = mapslices(sum, A; dims=2)
B = A[:,:,5]
- Bsort = mapslices(sort, B, 1)
+ Bsort = mapslices(sort, B; dims=1)
b = rand(100)
C = B.*b
profile_test(1) # run once to trigger compilation
+using Profile
Profile.clear() # in case we have any previous profiling data
@profile profile_test(10)
@@ -74,14 +57,21 @@ If you're following along, you should see something like this:

-This plot is a visual representation of the *call graph* of the code that you just profiled. The "root" of the tree is at the bottom; if you move your mouse over the long horizontal magenta bar at the bottom, you'll see it's an anonymous function in `REPL.jl`; the orangish one above that is `eval_user_input` in the same function. As is explained [elsewhere](http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/profile/), these are what run your code in the REPL. If you move your mouse upwards, you'll eventually get to the function(s) you ran with `@profile`.
+(Note that collected profiles can vary from run-to-run, so don't be alarmed
+if you get something different.)
+This plot is a visual representation of the *call graph* of the code that you just profiled.
+The "root" of the tree is at the bottom; if you move your mouse the long horizontal
+bars near the bottom, you should fine one for `eval_user_input` in REPL.jl.
+As is explained [elsewhere](http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/stdlib/profile/),
+these are what run your code in the REPL.
+If you move your mouse upwards, you'll eventually get to the function(s) you ran with `@profile`.
While the vertical axis therefore represents nesting depth, the
horizontal axis represents the amount of time (more precisely, the
number of backtraces) spent at each line. One sees on the 4th line
from the bottom, there are several differently-colored bars, each
corresponding to a different line of `profile_test`. The fact that
-they are all positioned on top of the lower magenta bar means that all
+they are all positioned on top of the lower peach-colored bar means that all
of these lines are called by the same "parent" function. Within a
block of code, they are sorted in order of increasing line number, to
make it easier for you to compare to the source code.
@@ -89,68 +79,38 @@ make it easier for you to compare to the source code.
From this visual representation, we can very quickly learn several
things about this function:
-- The most deeply-nested line corresponds to `mapslices(sort, B, 1)`,
- resulting in the tall "stack" of bars on the right edge. However,
- this call does not take much time, because these bars are narrow
- horizontally.
+- The most deeply-nested call corresponds to the `mapslices(sort, B; dims=1)` call.
+ (If you hover over the top-most bars you will see they correspond to lines in `sort.jl`.)
+ In contrast, the call to `maximum` (the lowest blue bar) resolves to just two (non-inlined) calls.
-- In contrast, the two most time-consuming operations are the calls to
- `fft` and `mapslices(sum, A, 2)`. (This is more time-consuming than
- the `mapslices(sort,...)` simply because it has to process more
+- `mapslices(sum, A; dims=2)` is considerably more expensive than
+ `mapslices(sort, B; dims=1)`. (This is because it has to process more
-One thing we haven't yet discussed is the difference between the red
-bars and the more pastel-colored bars. To explore this difference,
-let's consider a different function:
-unstable(x) = x > 0.5 ? true : 0.0
-function profile_unstable_test(m, n)
- s = s2 = 0
- for i = 1:n
- for k = 1:m
- s += unstable(rand())
- end
- x = collect(1:20)
- s2 += sum(x)
- end
- s, s2
-profile_unstable_test(1, 1)
-@profile profile_unstable_test(10, 10^6)
-The main thing to note about this function is that the function
-`unstable` does not have inferrable return type (a.k.a., it is
-type-unstable); it can return either a `Bool` or a `Float64` depending
-on the *value* (not type) of `x`. When we visualize the profiling
-results for this function, we see something like the following:
-In this plot, red is a special color: it is reserved for function
-calls that are deduced to be non-inferrable (by virtue of their
+It is also worth noting that red is a special color: it is reserved for function
+calls that have to be resolved at run-time (by virtue of their
execution of the C functions `jl_invoke` or
-`jl_apply_generic`). Because type-instability often has a significant
+`jl_apply_generic`). Because run-time dispatch (aka, run-time method lookup or
+a virtual call) often has a significant
impact on performance, we highlight the problematic call in red. It's
worth noting that some red is unavoidable; for example, the REPL can't
predict in advance the return types from what users type at the
-prompt. Red bars are problematic only when they account for a sizable
+prompt, and so `eval_user_input` is red.
+Red bars are problematic only when they account for a sizable
fraction of the top "row," as only in such cases are they likely to be
-the source of a significant performance bottleneck. In our first
-example, we can see that `mapslices` is (internally) non-inferrable;
+the source of a significant performance bottleneck.
+We can see that `mapslices` relies on run-time dispatch;
from the absence of pastel-colored bars above much of the red, we
-might guess that this type-instability makes a substantial
+might guess that this makes a substantial
contribution to its total run time.
## GUI features
### Gtk Interface
+- Ctrl-q and Ctrl-w close the window. You can also use
+ `ProfileView.closeall()` to close all windows opened by ProfileView.
- Left-clicking on a bar will cause information about this line to be
printed in the REPL. This can be a convenient way to "mark" lines
for later investigation.
@@ -164,7 +124,7 @@ contribution to its total run time.
with CTRL-scroll. You can also use your keyboard (arrow keys, plus
SHIFT and CTRL modifiers). Double-click to restore the full view.
-- To use the Gtk interface in IJulia, set `PROFILEVIEW_USEGTK = true` in
+- To use the Gtk interface in Juno or IJulia, set `PROFILEVIEW_USEGTK = true` in
the `Main` module before `using ProfileView`.
- The toolbar at the top contains two icons to load and save profile
diff --git a/REQUIRE b/REQUIRE
index a4c0f68..eb3934a 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-julia 0.5
+julia 0.7
-GtkReactive 0.0.3
-Cairo 0.5.1
+GtkReactive 0.5.1
+Cairo 0.5.6
Graphics 0.2
diff --git a/readme_images/pv1.jpg b/readme_images/pv1.jpg
index 2aa20d4..7d44149 100644
Binary files a/readme_images/pv1.jpg and b/readme_images/pv1.jpg differ
diff --git a/readme_images/pv2.jpg b/readme_images/pv2.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c807a3..0000000
Binary files a/readme_images/pv2.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/ProfileView.jl b/src/ProfileView.jl
index 7466e63..da41257 100644
--- a/src/ProfileView.jl
+++ b/src/ProfileView.jl
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
module ProfileView
+using Profile, UUIDs
using Colors
-import Base: contains, isequal, show, mimewritable
+import Base: isequal, show
@@ -14,13 +13,13 @@ using .PVTree
-immutable TagData
+struct TagData
const TAGNONE = TagData(UInt(0), -1)
-type ProfileData
+mutable struct ProfileData
@@ -33,35 +32,37 @@ const gccolor = colorant"red"
const colors = distinguishable_colors(13, [bkg,fontcolor,gccolor],
lchoices=Float64[65, 70, 75, 80],
cchoices=Float64[0, 50, 60, 70],
- hchoices=linspace(0, 330, 24))[4:end]
+ hchoices=range(0, stop=330, length=24))[4:end]
function have_display()
- !is_unix() && return true
- is_apple() && return true
+ !Sys.isunix() && return true
+ Sys.isapple() && return true
return haskey(ENV, "DISPLAY")
function __init__()
- push!(LOAD_PATH, splitdir(@__FILE__)[1])
if (isdefined(Main, :IJulia) && !isdefined(Main, :PROFILEVIEW_USEGTK)) || !have_display()
- eval(Expr(:import, :ProfileViewSVG))
+ # @eval import ProfileViewSVG
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "ProfileViewSVG.jl"))
+ @eval import .ProfileViewSVG
@eval begin
view(data = Profile.fetch(); C = false, lidict = nothing, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned = []) = ProfileViewSVG.view(data; C=C, lidict=lidict, colorgc=colorgc, fontsize=fontsize, combine=combine, pruned=pruned)
- eval(Expr(:import, :ProfileViewGtk))
+ # @eval import ProfileViewGtk
+ include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "ProfileViewGtk.jl"))
+ @eval import .ProfileViewGtk
@eval begin
view(data = Profile.fetch(); C = false, lidict = nothing, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned = []) = ProfileViewGtk.view(data; C=C, lidict=lidict, colorgc=colorgc, fontsize=fontsize, combine=combine, pruned=pruned)
- closeall() = ProfileViewGtk.closeall()
@doc """
Closes all windows opened by ProfileView.
-""" -> closeall
+ closeall() = ProfileViewGtk.closeall()
- pop!(LOAD_PATH)
function prepare(data; C = false, lidict = nothing, colorgc = true, combine = true, pruned = [])
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ function prepare(data; C = false, lidict = nothing, colorgc = true, combine = tr
function prepare_data(data, lidict)
- bt, counts = Profile.tree_aggregate(data)
+ bt, counts = tree_aggregate(data)
if isempty(counts)
error("Nothing to view")
@@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ function prepare_data(data, lidict)
# Do code address lookups on all unique instruction pointers
uip = unique(vcat(bt...))
if lidict == nothing
- lkup = Vector{StackFrame}[Profile.lookup(ip) for ip in uip]
+ lkup = Vector{StackTraces.StackFrame}[Profile.lookup(ip) for ip in uip]
lidict = Dict(zip(uip, lkup))
lkup = [lidict[ip] for ip in uip]
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ function prepare_data(data, lidict)
bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup
-prepare_data(::Void, ::Void) = nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
+prepare_data(::Nothing, ::Nothing) = nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing
function prepare_image(bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup, C, colorgc, combine,
@@ -156,21 +157,28 @@ function prepare_image(bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup, C, colorgc, combine,
img, lidict, imgtags
-function svgwrite(filename::AbstractString, data, lidict; C = false, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned = [])
+function svgwrite(io::IO, data, lidict; C = false, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned = [])
img, lidict, imgtags = prepare(data, C=C, lidict=lidict, colorgc=colorgc, combine=combine, pruned=pruned)
pd = ProfileData(img, lidict, imgtags, fontsize)
+ show(io, "image/svg+xml", pd)
+function svgwrite(filename::AbstractString, data, lidict; kwargs...)
open(filename, "w") do file
- show(file, "image/svg+xml", pd)
+ svgwrite(file, data, lidict; kwargs...)
+function svgwrite(io::IO; kwargs...)
+ data, lidict = Profile.retrieve()
+ svgwrite(io, data, lidict; kwargs...)
function svgwrite(filename::AbstractString; kwargs...)
data, lidict = Profile.retrieve()
svgwrite(filename, data, lidict; kwargs...)
-mimewritable(::MIME"image/svg+xml", pd::ProfileData) = true
+Base.showable(::MIME"image/svg+xml", pd::ProfileData) = true
function show(f::IO, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", pd::ProfileData)
img = pd.img
@@ -189,9 +197,9 @@ function show(f::IO, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", pd::ProfileData)
ystep = (height - (topmargin + botmargin)) / nrows
avgcharwidth = 6 # for Verdana 12 pt font
function eschtml(str)
- s = replace(str, '<', "<")
- s = replace(s, '>', ">")
- s = replace(s, '&', "&")
+ s = replace(str, '<' => "<")
+ s = replace(s, '>' => ">")
+ s = replace(s, '&' => "&")
function printrec(f, samples, xstart, xend, y, tag, rgb)
@@ -216,7 +224,7 @@ function show(f::IO, ::MIME"image/svg+xml", pd::ProfileData)
# end
- fig_id = string("fig-", replace(string(Base.Random.uuid4()), "-", ""))
+ fig_id = string("fig-", replace(string(uuid4()), "-" => ""))
svgheader(f, fig_id, width=width, height=height)
# rectangles are on a grid and split across multiple columns (must span similar adjacent ones together)
for r in 1:nrows
@@ -267,7 +275,7 @@ function buildtags!(rowtags, parent, level)
t = rowtags[level]
for c in parent
- t[c.data.hspan] = TagData(c.data.ip, c.data.status)
+ t[c.data.hspan] .= Ref(TagData(c.data.ip, c.data.status))
buildtags!(rowtags, c, level+1)
@@ -318,10 +326,10 @@ end
function fillrow!(img, j, rng::UnitRange{Int}, colorindex, colorlen, regcolor, gccolor, status)
if status > 0
- img[rng,j] = gccolor
+ img[rng,j] .= gccolor
return colorindex
- img[rng,j] = regcolor
+ img[rng,j] .= regcolor
return mod1(colorindex+1, colorlen)
@@ -407,4 +415,27 @@ function pushpruned!(pruned_ips, pruned, lidict)
+## A tree representation
+# Identify and counts repetitions of all unique backtraces
+function tree_aggregate(data::Vector{UInt64})
+ iz = findall(iszero, data) # find the breaks between backtraces
+ treecount = Dict{Vector{UInt64},Int}()
+ istart = 1
+ for iend in iz
+ tmp = data[iend - 1 : -1 : istart]
+ treecount[tmp] = get(treecount, tmp, 0) + 1
+ istart = iend + 1
+ end
+ bt = Vector{Vector{UInt64}}(undef, 0)
+ counts = Vector{Int}(undef, 0)
+ for (k, v) in treecount
+ if !isempty(k)
+ push!(bt, k)
+ push!(counts, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return (bt, counts)
diff --git a/src/ProfileViewGtk.jl b/src/ProfileViewGtk.jl
index 227c8a5..abbe885 100644
--- a/src/ProfileViewGtk.jl
+++ b/src/ProfileViewGtk.jl
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
module ProfileViewGtk
+using InteractiveUtils
using Gtk.ShortNames, GtkReactive, Colors, FileIO, IntervalSets
import Cairo
using Graphics
using Gtk.GConstants.GdkModifierType: SHIFT, CONTROL, MOD1
-type ZoomCanvas
+mutable struct ZoomCanvas
bb::BoundingBox # in user-coordinates
function __init__()
- eval(Expr(:import, :ProfileView))
+ @eval import ProfileView
function closeall()
@@ -24,13 +23,13 @@ function closeall()
-const window_wrefs = WeakKeyDict{Gtk.GtkWindowLeaf,Void}()
+const window_wrefs = WeakKeyDict{Gtk.GtkWindowLeaf,Nothing}()
function view(data = Profile.fetch(); lidict=nothing, kwargs...)
bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup = ProfileView.prepare_data(data, lidict)
# Display in a window
c = canvas(UserUnit)
- setproperty!(widget(c), :expand, true)
+ set_gtk_property!(widget(c), :expand, true)
f = Frame(c)
tb = Toolbar()
bx = Box(:v)
@@ -40,8 +39,8 @@ function view(data = Profile.fetch(); lidict=nothing, kwargs...)
tb_save_as = ToolButton("gtk-save-as")
push!(tb, tb_open)
push!(tb, tb_save_as)
- signal_connect(open_cb, tb_open, "clicked", Void, (), false, (widget(c),kwargs))
- signal_connect(save_as_cb, tb_save_as, "clicked", Void, (), false, (widget(c),data,lidict,kwargs))
+ signal_connect(open_cb, tb_open, "clicked", Nothing, (), false, (widget(c),kwargs))
+ signal_connect(save_as_cb, tb_save_as, "clicked", Nothing, (), false, (widget(c),data,lidict,kwargs))
win = Window(bx, "Profile")
GtkReactive.gc_preserve(win, c)
# Register the window with closeall
@@ -57,17 +56,17 @@ function view(data = Profile.fetch(); lidict=nothing, kwargs...)
# Ctrl-w and Ctrl-q destroy the window
signal_connect(win, "key-press-event") do w, evt
if evt.state == CONTROL && (evt.keyval == UInt('q') || evt.keyval == UInt('w'))
- @schedule destroy(w)
+ @async destroy(w)
- showall(win)
+ Gtk.showall(win)
function viewprof(c, bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup; C = false, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned=[])
img, lidict, imgtags = ProfileView.prepare_image(bt, uip, counts, lidict, lkup, C, colorgc, combine, pruned)
- img24 = UInt32[reinterpret(UInt32, convert(RGB24, img[i,j])) for i = 1:size(img,1), j = size(img,2):-1:1]'
+ img24 = Matrix(UInt32[reinterpret(UInt32, convert(RGB24, img[i,j])) for i = 1:size(img,1), j = size(img,2):-1:1]')
fv = XY(0.0..size(img24,2), 0.0..size(img24,1))
zr = Signal(ZoomRegion(fv, fv))
sigrb = init_zoom_rubberband(c, zr)
diff --git a/src/ProfileViewSVG.jl b/src/ProfileViewSVG.jl
index e8c8e07..8c0efc5 100644
--- a/src/ProfileViewSVG.jl
+++ b/src/ProfileViewSVG.jl
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
module ProfileViewSVG
function __init__()
- eval(Expr(:import, :ProfileView))
+ @eval import ProfileView
function view(data = Profile.fetch(); C = false, lidict = nothing, colorgc = true, fontsize = 12, combine = true, pruned = true)
diff --git a/src/pvtree.jl b/src/pvtree.jl
index 7a60cae..d48b257 100644
--- a/src/pvtree.jl
+++ b/src/pvtree.jl
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using ..Tree
export PVData, buildgraph!, prunegraph!
# ProfileView data we need attached to each node of the graph:
-type PVData
+mutable struct PVData
ip::UInt # the instruction pointer
hspan::UnitRange{Int} # horizontal span (used as the x-axis in display)
status::Int # nonzero for special handling, (e.g., gc events)
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ function buildgraph!(parent::Node, bt::Vector{Vector{UInt}}, counts::Vector{Int}
ngroups = length(dorder)
- group = Vector{Vector{Int}}(ngroups) # indices in bt that have the same sortorder
- n = Array{Int}(ngroups) # aggregated counts for this group
- order = Array{Int}(ngroups)
+ group = Vector{Vector{Int}}(undef, ngroups) # indices in bt that have the same sortorder
+ n = Array{Int}(undef, ngroups) # aggregated counts for this group
+ order = Array{Int}(undef, ngroups)
i = 1
for (key, v) in dorder
order[i] = key
diff --git a/src/svgwriter.jl b/src/svgwriter.jl
index e6e115d..e25338c 100644
--- a/src/svgwriter.jl
+++ b/src/svgwriter.jl
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-const snapsvgjs = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "templates", "snap.svg-min.js")
-const viewerjs = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "viewer.js")
+const snapsvgjs = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "templates", "snap.svg-min.js")
+const viewerjs = joinpath(@__DIR__, "viewer.js")
function escape_script(js::AbstractString)
- return replace(js, "]]", "] ]")
+ return replace(js, "]]" => "] ]")
function svgheader(f::IO, fig_id::AbstractString; width=1200, height=706, font="Verdana")
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ end
function svgfinish(f::IO, fig_id)
print(f, """