Listen for transaction updates. If your app has unfinished transactions, you receive them immediately after the app launches
Mercato.listenForTransactions(finishAutomatically: false) { transaction in //Deliver content to the user. //Finish transaction await transaction.finish() }
Fetch products for the given set of product's ids
do { let productIds: Set<String> = ["com.test.product.1", "com.test.product.2", "com.test.product.3"] let products = try await Mercato.retrieveProducts(productIds: productIds) //Show products to the user }catch{ //Handle errors }
Purchase a product
try await Mercato.purchase(product: product, quantity: 1, finishAutomatically: false, appAccountToken: nil, simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox: false)
Offering in-app refunds
try await Mercato.beginRefundProcess(for: product, in: windowScene)
Restore completed transactions
try await Mercato.restorePurchases()