diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc57407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Default to binary (no diff)
+* binary
+# VB6 source files (show diff + keep CRLF in zip download)
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+.vb text=auto
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+# Text files but keep as binary (no diff)
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+# .csv text=auto
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+# .xml text=auto
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6493b
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+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f334f51
Binary files /dev/null and b/PIC2005119113755769.jpg differ
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e463bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+## GS Browser \- Get Serverlists from GameSpy
+### Description
+Get Serverlists from the public GameSpy Master!
+### More Info
+ |
+--- |---
+**Submitted On** |2004-10-15 17:49:06
+**By** |[Thomas Reiser](https://github.com/Planet-Source-Code/PSCIndex/blob/master/ByAuthor/thomas-reiser.md)
+**Level** |Beginner
+**User Rating** |5.0 (15 globes from 3 users)
+**Compatibility** |VB 6\.0
+**Category** |[Internet/ HTML](https://github.com/Planet-Source-Code/PSCIndex/blob/master/ByCategory/internet-html__1-34.md)
+**World** |[Visual Basic](https://github.com/Planet-Source-Code/PSCIndex/blob/master/ByWorld/visual-basic.md)
+**Archive File** |[GS\_Browser1841661192005\.zip](https://github.com/Planet-Source-Code/thomas-reiser-gs-browser-get-serverlists-from-gamespy__1-58372/archive/master.zip)
diff --git a/frmMain.frm b/frmMain.frm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8f4d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frmMain.frm
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+Object = "{248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0"; "mswinsck.ocx"
+Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "comdlg32.ocx"
+Begin VB.Form frmMain
+ BorderStyle = 1 'Fest Einfach
+ Caption = "GS Browser [Alpha 0.1]"
+ ClientHeight = 8400
+ ClientLeft = 45
+ ClientTop = 435
+ ClientWidth = 7680
+ LinkTopic = "Form1"
+ MaxButton = 0 'False
+ ScaleHeight = 8400
+ ScaleWidth = 7680
+ StartUpPosition = 2 'Bildschirmmitte
+ Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog dlgSave
+ Left = 6360
+ Top = 6840
+ _ExtentX = 847
+ _ExtentY = 847
+ _Version = 393216
+ End
+ Begin VB.Timer tmrCheck2
+ Enabled = 0 'False
+ Interval = 15000
+ Left = 5280
+ Top = 6720
+ End
+ Begin VB.Timer tmrCheck
+ Interval = 1
+ Left = 4800
+ Top = 6720
+ End
+ Begin VB.Frame fraLog
+ Caption = "Log:"
+ Height = 1330
+ Left = 120
+ TabIndex = 5
+ Top = 6960
+ Width = 7455
+ Begin VB.TextBox txtLog
+ Height = 950
+ Left = 120
+ Locked = -1 'True
+ MultiLine = -1 'True
+ ScrollBars = 2 'Vertikal
+ TabIndex = 6
+ Top = 240
+ Width = 7215
+ End
+ End
+ Begin VB.Frame fraServers
+ Caption = "Servers:"
+ Height = 6735
+ Left = 5040
+ TabIndex = 3
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 2535
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSaveServers
+ Caption = "Save Servers"
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 480
+ TabIndex = 9
+ Top = 6240
+ Width = 1575
+ End
+ Begin VB.ListBox lstServers
+ Height = 5910
+ Left = 120
+ TabIndex = 4
+ Top = 240
+ Width = 2295
+ End
+ End
+ Begin VB.Frame fraGames
+ Caption = "Games:"
+ Height = 6735
+ Left = 120
+ TabIndex = 0
+ Top = 120
+ Width = 4815
+ Begin MSWinsockLib.Winsock wskTCP
+ Left = 4320
+ Top = 120
+ _ExtentX = 741
+ _ExtentY = 741
+ _Version = 393216
+ End
+ Begin VB.CheckBox chkSave
+ Caption = "Save"
+ Height = 255
+ Left = 1800
+ TabIndex = 8
+ Top = 6300
+ Value = 1 'Aktiviert
+ Width = 1215
+ End
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUpdateServers
+ Caption = "Update Serverlist"
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 3120
+ TabIndex = 7
+ Top = 6240
+ Width = 1575
+ End
+ Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUpdateGames
+ Caption = "Update Gamelist"
+ Height = 375
+ Left = 120
+ TabIndex = 2
+ Top = 6240
+ Width = 1575
+ End
+ Begin VB.ListBox lstGames
+ Height = 5910
+ Left = 120
+ Sorted = -1 'True
+ TabIndex = 1
+ Top = 240
+ Width = 4575
+ End
+ End
+Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+Option Explicit
+' This piece of Code really sucks,
+' but I hope it's useful... :-P
+' - Thomas Reiser
+Private Type Server
+ IP As String
+ Port As Long
+End Type
+Private Enum Socket_State
+ RequestingGames
+ ReceivingGamelist
+ ReceivingGameinfos
+ RequestingValidateKey
+ ReceivingServers
+ Idle
+End Enum
+' GameSpy Servers..
+Const GSMOTDMasterHost As String = "motd.gamespy.com"
+Const GSMOTDMasterPort As Integer = 80
+Const GSServerMasterHost As String = "master.gamespy.com"
+Const GSServerMasterPort As Integer = 28900
+Dim MOTDRequest As String
+Dim Gamelist(1) As String
+Dim Game() As GameData
+Dim TempFilters() As GameData
+Dim Serverlist As String
+Dim Servers() As Server
+Dim SocketState As Socket_State
+' Save Serverlist
+Private Sub cmdSaveServers_Click()
+Dim F As Integer
+Dim IPs As String
+Dim i As Integer
+With dlgSave
+ .DialogTitle = "Save Serverlist to.."
+ .Filter = "*.* (All files)|*.*" 'Accept all files
+ .CancelError = False
+ .ShowSave
+ If .FileName = "" Then 'Abort-Button pressed
+ Exit Sub
+ Else
+ If GetUBound2(Servers()) < 0 Then
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "Serverlist is empty!"
+ Exit Sub
+ Else
+ For i = 0 To GetUBound2(Servers())
+ IPs = IPs & Servers(i).IP & ":" & Servers(i).Port & vbCrLf
+ Next
+ End If
+ IPs = Left$(IPs, Len(IPs) - 2)
+ 'Save IPs to file
+ F = FreeFile 'Get new File-Number
+ Open .FileName For Output As #F 'Open the file
+ Print #F, Left$(IPs, Len(IPs) - 1) 'Write Serverlist to file
+ Close #F 'Close
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "Serverlist saved to " & Chr$(34) & .FileName & Chr$(34) & "!"
+ End If
+End With
+End Sub
+' Update Gamelist
+Private Sub cmdUpdateGames_Click()
+Dim i As Integer
+For i = 0 To GetUBound(Game())
+ ReDim Preserve TempFilters(i)
+ TempFilters(i).Filter = Game(i).Filter
+ TempFilters(i).Gamename = Game(i).Gamename
+'Connect to motd.gamespy.com:80..
+wskTCP.Connect GSMOTDMasterHost, GSMOTDMasterPort
+SocketState = RequestingGames
+MOTDRequest = "" '!!!
+AddLog vbCrLf & "Connecting to " & GSMOTDMasterHost & ":" & GSMOTDMasterPort & "... (Gamelist)"
+End Sub
+' Update Serverlist
+Private Sub cmdUpdateServers_Click()
+Dim RetVal As String 'Inputbox return value
+If lstGames.ListIndex = -1 Then
+ 'No Game selected..
+ Exit Sub
+ RetVal = InputBox("Filters for '" & Game(lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.ListIndex)).FullName & "':", _
+ "Filter...", Game(lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.ListIndex)).Filter)
+ If StrPtr(RetVal) = 0 Then
+ Exit Sub
+ Else
+ 'Add the new Filter to the Array:
+ Game(lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.ListIndex)).Filter = RetVal
+ End If
+End If
+'Connect to master.gamespy.com:28900..
+wskTCP.Connect GSServerMasterHost, GSServerMasterPort
+AddLog vbCrLf & "Trying to get the Serverlist for '" & Game(lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.ListIndex)).FullName & "'..."
+SocketState = RequestingValidateKey
+End Sub
+' Form_Load-Event
+Private Sub Form_Load()
+Dim RetVal As String
+Dim i As Long
+If Dir$(App.Path & "\serverlist.dat") <> "" Then
+ RetVal = ReadServerlist(Game())
+ If RetVal = "" Then
+ 'OK
+ AddLog "Reading Serverlist..."
+ For i = 0 To UBound(Game)
+ lstGames.AddItem Game(i).FullName
+ lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.NewIndex) = i
+ Next
+ AddLog " Done!" & vbCrLf & "GS Browser successfully started!"
+ Else
+ 'Error
+ AddLog "[ERROR] " & RetVal & vbCrLf & "Error while loading the Serverlist!"
+ End If
+ AddLog "GS Browser successfully started!"
+End If
+SocketState = Idle
+End Sub
+' Form_Unload-Event
+Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
+If chkSave.Value = vbChecked Then
+ 'Save the Serverlist (!!FILTERS!!)
+ SaveServerlist Game()
+End If
+End Sub
+' Check if the Buttons are available
+Private Sub tmrCheck_Timer()
+If SocketState = Idle Then
+ cmdUpdateGames.Enabled = True
+ If lstGames.ListCount > 0 Then
+ cmdUpdateServers.Enabled = True
+ Else
+ cmdUpdateServers.Enabled = False
+ End If
+ cmdUpdateGames.Enabled = False
+ cmdUpdateServers.Enabled = False
+End If
+If lstGames.ListCount = 0 Then
+ cmdUpdateServers.Enabled = False
+ cmdUpdateServers.Enabled = True
+End If
+End Sub
+' 15 seconds Timeout (Serverlist request)
+Private Sub tmrCheck2_Timer()
+If Len(Serverlist) = 0 Then
+ wskTCP.Close
+ SocketState = Idle
+ AddLog " Done! (0 Servers found!)"
+End If
+tmrCheck2.Enabled = False
+End Sub
+' Request the Gamelist
+Private Sub wskTCP_Connect()
+AddLog vbCrLf & "Connected! Requesting Data..."
+If SocketState = RequestingGames Then
+ 'Request the Games:
+ wskTCP.SendData "GET /software/services/index.aspx" & MOTDRequest & " HTTP/1.0" & vbCrLf & _
+ "Host: " & GSMOTDMasterHost & vbCrLf & _
+ "User-Agent: GS Browser/0.1" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
+End If
+End Sub
+' Parse IPs in an 6-Byte-IP Packet
+Private Function DecompressIps(ByRef Servers() As Server, ByVal Data As String) As Boolean
+Dim IP(3) As String
+Dim Port(1) As Long
+Dim i As Long
+Dim c As Long
+If Len(Data) = 0 Then
+ DecompressIps = False
+ Exit Function
+ Data = Replace$(Data, "\final\", "")
+End If
+i = 1
+While i < Len(Data) - 6
+ 'IP:
+ IP(0) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i, 1)) 'XXX.000.000.000
+ IP(1) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i + 1, 1)) '000.XXX.000.000
+ IP(2) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i + 2, 1)) '000.000.XXX.000
+ IP(3) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i + 3, 1)) '000.000.000.XXX
+ 'Port:
+ Port(0) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i + 4, 1))
+ Port(1) = Asc(Mid$(Data, i + 5, 1))
+ c = GetUBound2(Servers) + 1
+ ReDim Preserve Servers(c)
+ With Servers(c)
+ .IP = IP(0) & "." & IP(1) & "." & IP(2) & "." & IP(3)
+ .Port = (Port(0) * 256) + Port(1)
+ End With
+ i = i + 6
+DecompressIps = True
+End Function
+' Receive TCP-Data
+Private Sub wskTCP_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
+Dim Data As String
+Dim Splitted() As String
+Dim i As Long
+wskTCP.GetData Data, vbString, bytesTotal
+Select Case SocketState
+ Case Idle 'Do nothing
+ Exit Sub
+ Case RequestingValidateKey
+ Dim ValidateKey As String
+ Dim Index As Integer
+ If Left$(Data, 15) = "\basic\\secure\" Then
+ Index = lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.ListIndex)
+ 'Create the Validate-Key:
+ ValidateKey = makeValidate(Right$(Data, 7), getHandoff(Game(Index).Handoff))
+ 'Request the Serverlist:
+ wskTCP.SendData createPacket(Game(Index).Gamename, ValidateKey, _
+ Game(Index).Filter, True)
+ SocketState = ReceivingServers
+ Serverlist = ""
+ Erase Servers
+ tmrCheck2.Enabled = True
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "Receiving Serverlist..."
+ End If
+ Case ReceivingServers
+ tmrCheck2.Enabled = False
+ Serverlist = Serverlist & Data
+ AddLog "."
+ 'Check if all Servers are received:
+ If InStr(1, Serverlist, "\final\", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
+ Serverlist = Replace$(Serverlist, "\final\", "")
+ wskTCP.Close
+ AddLog " OK!" & vbCrLf & "Decompressing Servers..."
+ lstServers.Clear '!!!
+ 'Decompress the IPs (4 Byte IP, 2 Byte Port)
+ If DecompressIps(Servers(), Serverlist) = True Then
+ If GetUBound2(Servers()) > -1 Then
+ For i = 0 To UBound(Servers)
+ 'Add Server to listbox
+ lstServers.AddItem Servers(i).IP & ":" & Servers(i).Port
+ Next
+ AddLog " Done! (" & UBound(Servers) + 1 & " Servers found!)"
+ Else
+ GoTo NoServers
+ End If
+ Else
+ AddLog " Done! (0 Servers found!)"
+ End If
+ SocketState = Idle
+ End If
+ Case RequestingGames
+ Dim HeaderLen As Integer
+ AddLog "."
+ 'Split Header/Data
+ Splitted() = Split(Data, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, 2, vbTextCompare)
+ HeaderLen = Len(Splitted(0))
+ Gamelist(1) = Splitted(1)
+ 'Split the Header
+ Splitted() = Split(Data, vbCrLf, , vbTextCompare)
+ For i = 0 To UBound(Splitted)
+ 'Get the Content-Length:
+ If Left$(Splitted(i), 16) = "Content-Length: " Then
+ Gamelist(0) = CLng(Mid$(Splitted(i), 17)) - (bytesTotal - HeaderLen)
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ If Len(MOTDRequest) = 0 Then
+ SocketState = ReceivingGamelist
+ Else
+ SocketState = ReceivingGameinfos
+ End If
+ Case ReceivingGamelist 'Parse the incoming Gamelist..
+ Gamelist(0) = Gamelist(0) - bytesTotal
+ Gamelist(1) = Gamelist(1) & Data
+ AddLog "."
+ 'Check if all Data is received:
+ If Gamelist(0) <= 0 Then
+ AddLog " Done!"
+ Dim Split2() As String
+ wskTCP.Close
+ MOTDRequest = "?mode=full&services="
+ 'Parse the Gamelist
+ Splitted() = Split(Gamelist(1), vbLf, , vbTextCompare)
+ For i = 0 To UBound(Splitted)
+ If Len(Splitted(i)) > 0 Then
+ Split2() = Split(Splitted(i), " - ", 2, vbTextCompare)
+ 'Filter invalid games:
+ If Left$(Split2(0), 2) <> "g_" And _
+ Left$(Split2(0), 4) <> "test" And _
+ Left$(Split2(0), 1) <> "_" And _
+ Split2(0) <> "fileplanet" Then
+ MOTDRequest = MOTDRequest & Split2(0) & "\" 'Add game to our Request-String
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ 'Remove the "\" at the end:
+ MOTDRequest = Left$(MOTDRequest, Len(MOTDRequest) - 1)
+ 'Connect to motd.gamespy.com:80..
+ wskTCP.Connect GSMOTDMasterHost, GSMOTDMasterPort
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "Connecting to " & GSMOTDMasterHost & ":" & GSMOTDMasterPort & "... (Gameinfos)"
+ Erase Game
+ SocketState = RequestingGames
+ End If
+ Case ReceivingGameinfos
+ Gamelist(0) = Gamelist(0) - bytesTotal
+ Gamelist(1) = Gamelist(1) & Data
+ AddLog "."
+ Dim FirstSection As Boolean
+ Dim Key() As String
+ Dim c As Integer
+ Dim j As Integer
+ Dim Temp As GameData
+ FirstSection = True
+ c = 0
+ 'Check if all Data is received:
+ If Gamelist(0) <= 0 Then
+ AddLog " OK." & vbCrLf & "Parsing Gameinfos..."
+ Splitted() = Split(Gamelist(1), vbLf, , vbTextCompare)
+ 'Parse the INI-Strings
+ For i = 0 To UBound(Splitted)
+ Splitted(i) = Trim$(Splitted(i))
+ If Left$(Splitted(i), 1) = "[" Then
+ '--------------------------
+ ' INI-Section
+ '--------------------------
+ If FirstSection = True Then
+ 'Gamename
+ Temp.Gamename = Mid$(Splitted(i), 2, Len(Splitted(i)) - 2)
+ FirstSection = False
+ Else
+ 'Check for invalid INI-Keys:
+ If Len(Temp.Gamename) > 0 And _
+ Len(Temp.Handoff) > 0 And _
+ Len(Temp.FullName) > 0 Then
+ 'Add the valid game to our Array:
+ c = GetUBound(Game) + 1
+ ReDim Preserve Game(c)
+ With Game(c)
+ .Gamename = Temp.Gamename
+ .FullName = Temp.FullName
+ .Handoff = Temp.Handoff
+ For j = 0 To GetUBound(TempFilters())
+ If TempFilters(j).Gamename = Temp.Gamename Then
+ Game(c).Filter = TempFilters(j).Filter
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ lstGames.AddItem Temp.FullName
+ lstGames.ItemData(lstGames.NewIndex) = c
+ 'Delete the Temp-Array:
+ Temp.Gamename = Mid$(Splitted(i), 2, Len(Splitted(i)) - 2)
+ Temp.FullName = ""
+ Temp.Handoff = ""
+ End With
+ End If
+ End If
+ Else
+ '--------------------------
+ ' INI-Key
+ '--------------------------
+ Key() = Split(Splitted(i), "=", 2, vbTextCompare)
+ If UBound(Key) > 0 Then
+ If LCase$(Key(0)) = "handoff" Then
+ Temp.Handoff = Key(1)
+ ElseIf LCase$(Key(0)) = "fullname" Then
+ Temp.FullName = Key(1)
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ Dim RetVal As String
+ If chkSave.Value = vbChecked Then
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "Saving Gamelist... "
+ RetVal = SaveServerlist(Game())
+ If RetVal <> "" Then
+ 'Error
+ AddLog vbCrLf & "[ERROR] " & RetVal & vbCrLf
+ End If
+ End If
+ AddLog "Done!"
+ SocketState = Idle
+ End If
+End Select
+End Sub
+' Log-Sub :D
+Private Sub AddLog(ByVal Text As String)
+If Len(Text) > 0 Then
+ txtLog.Text = txtLog.Text & Text
+ txtLog.SelStart = Len(txtLog.Text)
+End If
+End Sub
+Private Function GetUBound(ByRef Arr() As GameData) As Long
+On Error GoTo IndexError
+GetUBound = UBound(Arr)
+Exit Function
+ GetUBound = -1
+End Function
+Private Function GetUBound2(ByRef Arr() As Server) As Long
+On Error GoTo IndexError
+GetUBound2 = UBound(Arr)
+Exit Function
+ GetUBound2 = -1
+End Function
diff --git a/modSave.bas b/modSave.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac15a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modSave.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "modSave"
+Option Explicit
+Public Type GameData
+ Gamename As String
+ FullName As String
+ Handoff As String
+ Filter As String
+End Type
+' Save the Serverlist
+Public Function SaveServerlist(ByRef Game() As GameData) As String
+Dim Data As String
+Dim F As Integer
+Dim i As Long
+On Error GoTo SaveError
+Data = ""
+For i = 0 To UBound(Game)
+ Data = Data & Game(i).FullName & Chr$(0) & _
+ Game(i).Gamename & Chr$(0) & Game(i).Handoff & _
+ Chr$(0) & Game(i).Filter & Chr$(0)
+F = FreeFile 'Get new File-Number
+Open App.Path & "\serverlist.dat" For Output As #F 'Open the file
+Print #F, Left$(Data, Len(Data) - 1) 'Write Serverlist to file
+Close #F 'Close
+Exit Function
+ SaveServerlist = "(" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description
+End Function
+' Read the Serverlist
+Public Function ReadServerlist(ByRef Game() As GameData) As String
+Dim Data As String
+Dim Splitted() As String
+Dim F As Integer
+Dim i As Long
+Dim j As Long
+On Error GoTo ReadError
+F = FreeFile 'Get new File-Number
+Open App.Path & "\serverlist.dat" For Binary As #F 'Open the file
+Data = Space$(LOF(F)) 'Fill the String with spaces..
+Get #F, , Data 'Get the Serverlist
+Close #F 'Close
+Splitted() = Split(Data, Chr$(0), , vbTextCompare)
+For i = 0 To UBound(Splitted) Step 4
+ ReDim Preserve Game(j)
+ 'Fill the array:
+ With Game(j)
+ .FullName = Splitted(i)
+ .Gamename = Splitted(i + 1)
+ .Handoff = Splitted(i + 2)
+ .Filter = Splitted(i + 3)
+ End With
+ j = j + 1
+Exit Function
+ ReadServerlist = "(" & Err.Number & ") " & Err.Description
+End Function
diff --git a/prjGSBrowser.vbp b/prjGSBrowser.vbp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfdc299
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prjGSBrowser.vbp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
+Module=modGameSpy; vbGSMSALG.bas
+Module=modSave; modSave.bas
+Object={831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0; MSCOMCTL.OCX
+Object={248DD890-BB45-11CF-9ABC-0080C7E7B78D}#1.0#0; mswinsck.ocx
+Object={F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0; comdlg32.ocx
+Title="GS Browser"
+ExeName32="GS Browser.exe"
+Description="GameSpy Browser"
+VersionFileDescription="GameSpy Serverbrowser"
+VersionLegalCopyright="Copyright © 2004 FiRe^ (fire_1@gmx.de)"
+VersionLegalTrademarks="All brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders."
+VersionProductName="GS Browser"
+[MS Transaction Server]
diff --git a/vbGSMSALG.bas b/vbGSMSALG.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85a075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vbGSMSALG.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "modGameSpy"
+'| modGameSpy v0.4.1
+'| Written by FiRe^ (fire_1@gmx.de)
+'| Last edit: 2004-11-04
+'| Information:
+'| The algorithm for the function makeValidate() was converted from
+'| Luigi Auriemma's C-Code gsmsalg.h (http://aluigi.altervista.org/papers/gsmsalg.h)
+'| Public functions:
+'| Create the Validate-Key:
+'| str makeValidate(str SecureKey, str Handoff)
+'| Create a valid 6-char Handoff:
+'| str getHandoff(str Handoff)
+'| Create a Master Packet:
+'| str createPacket(str Gamename, str ValidateKey [, str Filter [, bool CompressedServers = False]])
+'| License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt):
+'| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+'| the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+'| (at your option) any later version.
+'| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'| GNU General Public License for more details.
+'| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+'| along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+'| Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Option Explicit
+'| Function: getHandoff
+'| Params: Handoff: 14-char Handoff
+'| Return: 6-char Handoff
+Public Function getHandoff(ByVal Handoff As String) As String
+Dim newHandoff As String '// The new 6-char Handoff
+Dim i As Byte '// Loop-var
+'// Handoff is too short:
+If Len(Handoff) < 13 Then
+ getHandoff = Handoff ':-(
+ Exit Function
+End If
+For i = 3 To 13 Step 2
+ '// Add next char to the new Handoff
+ newHandoff = newHandoff & Mid$(Handoff, i, 1)
+getHandoff = newHandoff
+End Function
+'| Function: createPacket
+'| Params: Gamename: The internal Gamename (bfield1942, quake3, ...)
+'| ValidateKey: The ValidateKey (created with makeValidate!)
+'| [Filter]: Apply some Filters..
+'| [CompressedServers]: 'True' will return an 6-Byte-IP Packet
+'| Return: A valid GameSpy Master-Packet
+Public Function createPacket(ByVal Gamename As String, ByVal ValidateKey As String, Optional ByVal Filter As String, Optional ByVal CompressedServers As Boolean) As String
+'// This small function will create a GSMaster-Packet for you :)
+createPacket = _
+"\gamename\" & Gamename & "\enctype\0\validate\" & ValidateKey & "\final\" & _
+"\queryid\1.1\list\" & IIf(CompressedServers = True, "cmp", "") & _
+"\gamename\" & Gamename & IIf(Len(Filter) > 0, "\where\" & Filter, "") & "\final\"
+End Function
+'| Function: makeValidate
+'| Params: SecureKey: The Key received from the GS Master
+'| Handoff: Your game's handoff
+'| Return: Validate-Key
+Public Function makeValidate(ByVal SecureKey As String, ByVal Handoff As String) As String
+Dim Table(255) As Byte '// Buffer
+Dim Key() As Byte '// (Secure)Key
+Dim Length(1) As Byte '// Length(0): Handoff length
+ '// Length(1): SecureKey length
+Dim Temp(3) As Integer '// Some temporary variables
+Dim i As Integer '// Loop-var
+Dim Validate As String '// ValidateKey
+For i = 0 To 255
+ Table(i) = i '// Fill the Buffer
+'// Add the length of the Keys to the array
+Length(0) = Len(Handoff) '// Should be 6 chars
+Length(1) = Len(SecureKey) '// Default is 6 chars
+For i = 0 To 255
+ '// Scramble the Table with the Handoff:
+ Temp(0) = (Temp(0) + Table(i) + Asc(Mid$(Handoff, (i Mod Length(0)) + 1, 1))) And 255
+ Temp(1) = Table(Temp(0))
+ '// Update the buffer:
+ Table(Temp(0)) = Table(i)
+ Table(i) = Temp(1)
+Temp(0) = 0
+ReDim Key(Length(1) - 1) '// Set the Array-Size to the SecureKey-Length
+Length(1) = Length(1) \ 3
+'// Scramble the SecureKey with the Table:
+For i = 0 To UBound(Key)
+ '// Add the next char to the Array
+ Key(i) = Asc(Mid$(SecureKey, i + 1, 1))
+ Temp(0) = (Temp(0) + Key(i) + 1) And 255
+ Temp(1) = Table(Temp(0))
+ Temp(2) = (Temp(2) + Temp(1)) And 255
+ Temp(3) = Table(Temp(2))
+ Table(Temp(2)) = Temp(1)
+ Table(Temp(0)) = Temp(3)
+ '// XOR the Key with the Buffer:
+ Key(i) = Key(i) Xor Table((Temp(1) + Temp(3)) And 255)
+ '// Encoding Type 2 (Completely useless)
+ 'Key(i) = Key(i) Xor Asc(Mid$(Handoff, (i Mod Length(0)) + 1, 1))
+i = 0
+'// Create the valid ValidateKey:
+While Length(1) >= 1 '// Default are 3 loops
+ Length(1) = Length(1) - 1
+ Temp(1) = Key(i)
+ Temp(3) = Key(i + 1)
+ '// VB has no >> << Operators :-(
+ addChar Validate, RShift(Temp(1), 2)
+ addChar Validate, LShift(Temp(1) And 3, 4) Or RShift(Temp(3), 4)
+ Temp(1) = Key(i + 2)
+ addChar Validate, LShift(Temp(3) And 15, 2) Or RShift(Temp(1), 6)
+ addChar Validate, Temp(1) And 63
+ i = i + 3
+makeValidate = Validate '// Return the valid ValidateKey
+End Function
+Private Sub addChar(ByRef Validate As String, ByVal Number As Byte)
+Dim newChar As String * 1
+'// Check the Charcode, create a new Char ...
+Select Case Number
+ Case Is < 26
+ newChar = Chr$(Number + 65)
+ Case Is < 52
+ newChar = Chr$(Number + 71)
+ Case Is < 62
+ newChar = Chr$(Number - 4)
+ Case 62
+ newChar = "+"
+ Case 63
+ newChar = "/"
+End Select
+'// ... and add it to the ValidateKey
+Validate = Validate & newChar
+End Sub
+'// The << (LShift) and >> (RShift) functions:
+Private Function LShift(ByVal Value As Byte, ByVal Shift As Byte) As Byte
+LShift = Value * (2 ^ Shift)
+End Function
+Private Function RShift(ByVal Value As Byte, ByVal Shift As Byte) As Byte
+RShift = Value \ (2 ^ Shift)
+End Function