Welcome to the QC-Devs organization! We are looking forward to your contributions.
This document provides guidance for individuals interested in participating in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program with QC-Devs. You can also look at the example proposal.
To write a successful proposal for QC-Devs organization, we recommend that you follow the template below and make sure the proposal content answers the questions in each section. The proposal should be a reflection of your understanding of the project and your ability to complete it. We recommend that you keep your proposal concise and to the point. We anticipate that the proposal will be less than 5 pages long.
- Full Name
- Location & time zone
- Email and GitHub username
- Educational background
- Current education/employment status
- Have you participated in GSoC before?
- Any other background information that you find relevant?
- Why do you want to participate in GSoC? What attracted you to our organization (QC-Devs)?
- Why do you want to work on the project to which you are applying?
- What do you hope to learn from this experience (technical skills, scientific skills, etc.)?
- Have you accepted similar opportunities, or worked on similar projects, in the past?
- What technologies relevant to the project are you familiar with, or experienced with, and what is your level of proficiency with them?
- Can you explain, in your own words and in technical terms, what the project entails, and what you should accomplish at its end? Be as specific as possible, making reference to the technical skills indicated by the project.
- Which part of this project do you foresee being the most difficult?
- Provide your tentative timeline for how you would like to complete the project over its duration. Include days off.
- How familiar are you with collaborative Git workflows? Outline the workflow you plan to use while completing this project.
- By which means do you plan on communicating with the project mentors, and how often?
- What is your work style? Have you worked on collaborative projects before?