All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [] Statements to change if window size has changed. Recompute the population and restart the game when it happens.
1.0.3 2021-02-28
- [pconway.core.gameoflife.compute_cell_next_state] Compute the next state of a single cell.
- [] and [pconway.clitools.gameoflife] Changed default alive_char from "o" to "." because it looks better.
- [] Read version number from pconway/ instead of separately definition.
- [] Changed random_matrix to accommodate recent changes.
- [pconway.core.gameoflife.mutation] Draw random number from np.random.binomial and use xor gate to perform mutation instead of using nested for-loops.
- [pconway.core.gameoflife.get_alive_neighbours] Use np.count_nonzero to count number of alive cells instead of using nested for-loops.
- [pconway.core.gameoflife.compute_next_state] Use np.vectorize and pconway.core.gameoflife.compute_cell_next_state (new) to compute next state of a matrix instead of using nested for-loops and statements.
- Put tests in the module instead.
- [] Compute wait time efficiently by using time.sleep()
- Typos in
- Formatting according to PEP 8
1.0.2 2021-02-22
- in pconway/tests/ so it's not interpreted as a module.
1.0.1 2021-02-22
- Images links PyPI
1.0.0 2021-02-21
- pconway.clitools.gameoflife() Play Conway's game of life from commandline.
- Play Conway's game of life and render the game using Curses.
- pconway.core.custom_game The class library for some defined games. Added a game mode where the initial matrix is randomized.
- The base class for a game of Conway's game of life.
- pconway.core.gameoflife.mutation() that flips 1 or 0 randomly.
- [pconway.core.gameoflife] Functions that convert matrices of 1 and 0 according to the Conway's game of life.
- This library using mypythonlibrary as template
- This CHANGELOG file to hopefully serve as an evolving example of a standardized open source project CHANGELOG.