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File metadata and controls

57 lines (53 loc) · 3.14 KB

Image Upload Service

This Image Upload Service uploads a given image of type jpeg/png with a description to AWS S3 and stores the image metadata to AWS MySQL RDS. The service is extendable to support Db migration as well. It handles all the edge cases and failures and displays user friendly message to the end user. The service also handles logical inconsistency where it first tries to upload the image to S3, if it is successfully uploaded then it tries to insert the data into RDS. If RDS operation fails, then the uploaded image is deleted from S3 and user is notified that the upload was unsuccessful.
The backend is written in Javascript.

System Dependencies

Ensure following dependencies are present before installing the application.

  1. AWS S3 bucket for storing the images. Ensure that access key provided to the application has the permission to do PutObject and DeleteObject commands on the bucket.
  2. AWS Mysql RDS version 5.x or later. Ensure that username and password combination provided to the application has access to connect to the RDS and do create, drop & insert query on it.

Installation of service

Local environment

  1. Make sure node 8.x or higher and npm 6.x is installed.
  2. Find deployConfig.js file inside config folder and put the bucket name and RDS host in dev config. Rest details need not be changed.
    mysqlDbConfig: {
  3. Find aws-credentials file in the project directory and put the following fields in under image-upload-service-dev tag. The fields are self-explanatory.
    aws_access_key_id = 
    aws_secret_access_key =
    rds_image_db_user = 
    rds_image_db_password = 
  4. Checkout the Project directory in terminal and run npm install .
  5. Run npm start after the npm packages are installed successfully.
  6. The server will start and create the required database and table on its own in the provided AWS RDS.
  7. Open in browser (The Latest Chrome version), and the application will be ready to use.
  8. Application logs can be found inside logs folder.

Production environment

  1. Make sure node 8.x or higher and npm 6.x is installed.
  2. Find deployConfig.js file inside config folder and put the bucket name and RDS host in prod config. Rest details need not be changed.
    mysqlDbConfig: {
  3. Find aws-credentials file in the project directory and put the following fields in under image-upload-service-prod tag. The fields are self-explanatory.
    aws_access_key_id = 
    aws_secret_access_key =
    rds_image_db_user = 
    rds_image_db_password = 
  4. Checkout the Project directory in terminal and run npm install .
  5. Export env variable using command export NODE_ENV=prod.
  6. Run npm start after the npm packages are installed successfully.
  7. The server will start and create the required database and table on its own in the provided AWS RDS.
  8. Application logs can be found inside logs folder.