HCDE 598 Winter 2017
These steps will guide you through setting up your portfolio on Github. These instructions are more complicated than we would like, if you have any trouble at all please reach out to your instructor.
You can either complete the steps by following the text described here, or watching along in the video.
- Login to Github
- Click the
in the upper-right corner and choose New repository - Fill in a repository name (e.g., portfolio, hcde-portfolio, etc)
- Check Initialize this repository with a README
- Click Create repository
- Click Branch: master on the left-side, type gh-pages intro the text box, and press enter
- Click Settings, Click Branches, in the Default branch drop-down select gh-pages
- Click Update, and then click I understand, update the default branch.
- Click Code
- Click 2 branches
- Click the trash-can icon, deleting the master branch
- Click Create new file
- Name it
- Add in a portfolio title and an introduction paragraph about yourself
- Click Commit new file at the bottom of the page
- Navigate to https://username.github.io/repositoryname/ where you replace username with your github username, and replace repsoitoryname with your repository name
- Congratulate yourself on setting up your portfolio website, this website is live and you can share the link with others. We will be posting our class projects to our portfolios throughout the quarter.
This is optional, but encouraged if you have some extra time
- Try out codecademy's HTML Course to learn the syntax for your