Releases: superdesk/newsroom-app-cp
Full Changelog: v2.0-rc2...v2.0-rc3
What's Changed
- [CPNHUB-124] fix: Show Event description in email by @MarkLark86 in #72
- [CPNHUB-125] fix(email): Missing coverage dates by @MarkLark86 in #73
- [CPNHUB-126] fix: Use French app name in reset password email subject by @MarkLark86 in #74
- add saml auth config by @petrjasek in #75
- [NHUB-165] config: Nested subjects in Wire/Agenda filter Groups by @MarkLark86 in #78
- [CPNHUB-145] config(agenda): Hide
subnav filter by @MarkLark86 in #81 - make filters tab open by default in wire by @petrjasek in #83
- [CPNHUB-157] chore: Update agenda_updated_email french subject by @MarkLark86 in #84
Full Changelog: v1.1...v2.0-rc1
Release notes - CP NewsPro - Version CPNH1.1
CPNHUB-134 "Out of the blue" - some colors do not match the CP colorway
CPNHUB-79 English labels are appearing on French interface - Wire list of results, Search filters, Open article view, etc.
CPNHUB-121 As a SD and NH admin I want to add the Index field to the events and planning profiles and show them in NH
CPNHUB-119 As a CP Newshub admin I like to get alerted on major issues with the NH Mgmt API reported by the automatic issue monitoring
CPNHUB-108 Improve validation and side affects in the NH Mgmt API
CPNHUB-107 as a NH user I like to play audio files
CPNHUB-153 add download and sharing options on cp-uat dev instance
CPNHUB-149 Create a new CP Newshub release CPNHUB1.1 based on NH2.2
CPNHUB-148 Change label from "Index/Subject" to "Subject" on Search Filters and Article Detail view
CPNHUB-144 Hide "Top/Featured Stories" toggle in Agenda section
CPNHUB-143 "Forgot your password? Click here to reset" - to be customized
CPNHUB-138 Label change for Agenda on English side on top black nav bar and left red menu bar
CPNHUB-127 NewsPro's (CP-Dev and production) emails should be coming from [email protected]
CPNHUB-126 "CP NewsPro" appears in the email subject line for French Reset Password template
CPNHUB-125 4 issues with email received when Agenda event is shared with another user - Typo, Missing date/time for coverage "updated at", Empty image, Description Bolding
CPNHUB-124 Agenda event's Description does not appear in Email notification for some events
CPNHUB-113 Configure Agenda search filters
CPNHUB-85 Set the overall expiry for all news content within the CP-Dev (Prod) Newshub instance to 24 month
CPNHUB-24 please provide wording in en and fr for NewsPro system mails