Demonstrates how to use ELK Stack to monitor logs from network devices.
The entire demo is provided as a topology.virl you can launch it
by simply typing virl up
in this directory.
The network topology is provided by virl as defined in topology.virl
For log analytics we are using the ELK stack
The kibana ui can be found at http://mgmt-ip-of-elk-server:5601
You can find the management IP of the elk server node in your simulation using virl nodes
You'll need to add an index pattern of syslog* in the initial Kibana setup, you can also import the kibana-dashboard.json file for some initial visualizations
The logging configuration is placed on all the nodes via the topology.virl file
logging vrf default port 5140
logging source-interface Loopback0
logging server port 5140
logging source-interface loopback0
logging host transport udp port 5140
logging source-interface Loopback0