An AI assistant character for fount, it fetches official daisyUI llm prompt from
and uses it to answer your questions. (Thank you @Pouya 🌼!)
Get started with daisyUI_helper in a few easy steps:
Install fount, then launch it.
- On the fount homepage, click Manage AI Sources in the upper right corner.
- Create a New AI source configuration if you don't have one.
- Enter your AI source details. If you need an AI source, you can obtain a free API key from Google Gemini AI Studio.
Choose one of the following methods to install the daisyUI_helper character:
- Quick Install Link: Click the Quick Install/Update link here.
- Text Import:
- Locate the imported daisyUI_helper character on your fount homepage.
- Click the Config button associated with the character.
- In the configuration panel, fill in the AI source name you configured in Step 2.
- Click the Chat button on the daisyUI_helper character card.
- Start asking questions about daisyUI or request code examples!
To review your chat history, click Browsing History in the upper right corner of the fount homepage.