🆓 oss-projects
Open Source guide - Contains resources and materials to learn and get yourself started with Open Source, Git, and GitHub.
A collection of Togolese Dev and Tech Communities
The Togo Tech Communities is a dynamic and inclusive project aimed at showcasing the vibrant and emerging tech communities in Togo. It seeks to provide a platform that celebrates the diverse range …
Open source collection of World Portfolios
List of GitHub profiles that have awesome customisation, that you can use for inspiration
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
face detection program created using OpenCV’s open-source haarcascade frontal-face classifier.
A list of Open Source conferences or events to look out for.
A list of Open Source communities in Africa
A curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest 2023 repositories, guides and resources
The knowledge hub provides useful resources for SheSharp community members.
API assistance for developers. It will digest all the API docs and act as a helper for a developer.
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
Hello world is an Open Source project for programming beginners. It consists in providing a program that returns the “Hello World” message in the programming language you know.