A basic application server built by Leo Hung.
/* Responsible for command line options. */
└── cmd/app-server/main.go
/* Responsible for creating and writing log files. */
├── logger/logger.go
/* Responsible for reading and decoding configuration files. */
└── config/config.go
/* Responsible for importing all required packages based on configuration. */
└── core/core.go
/* Responsible for connecting to the database. */
│── datastore/datastore.go
/* Responsible for managing the use of data. */
│── core/manager/manager.go
/* Responsible for reporting data to the web server.*/
│── core/reporter/reporter.go
/* Responsible for obtaining data and downloading files from the web server. */
│── core/syncer/syncer.go
/* Responsible for connecting peripheral devices. */
│── peripherals/peripherals.go
/* Responsible for connecting rpc server and providing api interface. */
│── rpc/dispatchers.go
/* Responsible for arranging schedules for manager, reporter and syncer to complete tasks. */
│── core/tasks/tasks.go
/* Responsible for obtaining instructions from rpc modules to control other modules. */
└── core/proxy/proxy.go