All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Note that the versions prior to 0.6.0
are very unstable.
🚀 Initial release.
Bug fixes:
- JS.Show on the flashes now correctly toggles them to display flex instead of block
- The component functions properly when used in non-liveviews
Bug fixes:
- Fixing quite a few little problems here and there
- Adding more configuration
Massive overhaul of look and feel.
Demo repo bug fixing.
Tightening up a few bugs found during the creation of the demo.
Fix implementation of send_toast
New Public API.
Fixed Hex release. Some files were missing from the build.
Remove a console.log
from the JS bundle.
Releasing new bundle (meant to compile it in v0.6.1
- Documentation updates.
- More documentation updates.
- Fixes invalid usage of Phoenix LiveView streams by moving the flashes outside the stream container.
- Fixes a bit of a visual issue when loading on non LV pages by setting opacity to 0.
- New feature: arbitrary severity levels other than
. - Various refactorings and cleanups.
- Fix required LV version to 0.20.
- Added proper TypeScript types.
- Added customization for the container class.
- Big fix to longstanding issue where toasts don't work properly across navigations: #28
- Added gettext internationalization from #16 (thanks @elephantoss)
- A couple other random cleanups and docs changes.