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Spring Boot 3.4.0 M2 Release Notes

Phillip Webb edited this page Nov 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Spring Boot 3.4.0-M2 Release Notes

For changes in earlier milestones, please refer to:

Upgrading from Spring Boot 3.3

Cloud Foundry ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint Exposure

The EndpointExposure.CLOUD_FOUNDRY enum value used with the @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint has been deprecated in favor of EndpointExposure.WEB. Typical Spring Boot application will probably not be effected by this change, however, if you have custom Cloud Foundry specific actuator endpoint beans you should update your conditions to use EndpointExposure.WEB.

Minimum Requirements Changes


New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

Bean-Based conditions

@Fallback Beans

@ConditionalOnSingleCandidate now supports @Fallback beans. The condition will match if there’s a single primary bean or, if there are no primary beans, if there’s a single non-fallback bean.

Defining Additional Beans

When type matching, bean-based conditions will now ignore any beans that are not default candidates. By declaring that a bean is not a default candidate (using @Bean(defaultCandidate=false)), a bean of an auto-configured type can now be defined without causing the auto-configure bean of the same type to back off. This reduces the configuration required to, for example, use two DataSource beans or two EntityManagerFactory beans in the same application.

SSL information and health check

If you’re using SSL bundles, there’s now a new endpoint showing SSL information (validity dates, issuer, subject, etc.) available under /actuator/info. This endpoint also shows soon to be expired certificates to alert you that they need to be rotated soon. There’s a new configuration property named to configure the threshold.

A new health check monitoring the SSL certificates has been added, too. If a certificate is invalid, it sets the status to OUT_OF_SERVICE.

Additional info in /actuator/scheduledtasks endpoints

The /scheduledtasks Actuator endpoint now exposes additional metadata about scheduled tasks, such as "next scheduled execution time" and "last execution time, status and exception".

Docker Compose Improvements

Grafana LGTM

Support for Grafana LGTM has been added using the grafana/otel-lgtm container image.

Testcontainers Improvements

Grafana LGTM

org.testcontainers.grafana.LgtmStackContainer is now supported.

Image Building Improvements

An imagePlatform option has been added to the Maven and Gradle plugins for building OCI images. This option can be used to specify the operating system and architecture of any CNB builder, run, and buildpack images that are pulled in order to run CNB buildpacks. This can be used to build an image for an operating system and architecture that is different from the OS/architecture of the host platform, when the host platform supports emulation of the other OS/architecture (for example, when using Rosetta on a Mac with Apple silicon to emulate the AMD archicture on an ARM host). See the Maven or Gradle documentation for more information.

Couchbase Authentication

Client certificates can now be used to authenticate with a Couchbase cluster, as an alternative to basic username and password authentication. See the reference documentation for more details.

Configuration Metadata

The default value of an Enum is now detected by the annotation processor. If you have added manual metadata to provide the value for a custom property, make sure to remove it.


FreeMarker variables that are used by the auto-configured FreeMarker’s Configuration object can now be customized. To do so, define one or more beans of type FreeMarkerVariablesCustomizer. These are invoked according to their defined order (if any).

Spring Pulsar

Configuration properties are now provided for configuring a default tenant and namespace. The defaults apply when consuming or producing messages with a topic URL that is not fully qualified. Configure them using the spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.tenant and spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.namespace configuration properties or define your own PulsarTopicBuilder bean. Set spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.enabled=false to disable the defaults.

Pluggable Actuator Exposers

It is now possible to extend Spring Boot to expose actuator endpoints in a pluggable way. The new EndpointExposureOutcomeContributor interface can be implemented to influence @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint conditions.

This extension should make it easier to offer additional platform integrations similar to our existing Cloud Foundry support.

Dependency Upgrades

Spring Boot 3.4.0-M2 moves to new versions of several Spring projects:

  • Spring AMQP 3.2.0-M2

  • Spring Authorization Server 1.4.0-M1

  • Spring Framework 6.2.0-M7

  • Spring Integration 6.4.0-M2

  • Spring Kafka 3.3.0-M2

  • Spring Pulsar 1.2.0-M1

  • Spring Security 6.4.0-M3

  • Spring Session 3.4.0-M2

Numerous third-party dependencies have also been updated, some of the more noteworthy of which are the following:

  • Flyway 10.17

  • Hibernate 6.6

  • JUnit Jupiter 5.11

  • Kafka 3.8

  • Liquibase 4.29

  • Micrometer 1.4.0-M2

  • Micrometer Tracing 1.4.0-M2

  • OpenTelemetry 1.41

  • Reactor 2024.0.0-M5

  • Testcontainers 1.20


Apart from the changes listed above, there have also been lots of minor tweaks and improvements including:

  • @Name can now be used on the field of a JavaBean-style configuration property to customize its name.

  • When derived from another DataSource, DataSourceBuilder can now determine the Driver class name using the source DataSource’s URL if it does not expose the Driver class name.

  • Liveness and Readiness health probes are now automatically enabled on Cloud Foundry Platforms.

  • The new property spring.application.version can be used to read and set the application version. The default value for the property is taken from the Implementation-Version of the manifest.

  • Docker Compose now supports multiple Docker Compose configuration files.

  • The auto-configured EntityManagerFactoryBuilder defines the native (e.g. Hibernate) properties as well.

  • Spring Integration’s TaskScheduler is now virtual thread aware, even if @EnableScheduling hasn’t been used.

  • The banner is now automatically disabled if using console structured logging.

  • @ConditionalOnAvailableEndpoint now has a value alais for endpoint.

Deprecations in Spring Boot 3.4.0-M2

  • org.springframework.boot.ResourceBanner#getApplicationVersion(Class<?>) in favor of spring.application.version property.

  • org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication#logStartupInfo(boolean) in favor of org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication#logStartupInfo(ConfigurationApplicationContext).

  • org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.ApplicationNameConverter in favor of org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.EnclosedInSquareBracketsConverter.

  • org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.expose.EndpointExposure#CLOUD_FOUNDRY in favor of org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.endpoint.expose.EndpointExposure#WEB.

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