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Core Git Extensions


gem install socialcast-git-extensions

Test the installation by running

socialcast authenticate --domain (your domain)

Where "(your domain)" would be the fully qualified domain name of the Socialcast community you will use for work e.g.

GitHub Token Installation

Some of the extentions provided make use of the GitHub Application Token. When using commands such as git findpr or git reviewrequest the extensions will accept the credentials of the GitHub account and then install the GitHub token for you. If the GitHub account has two-factor authentication enabled then a manual installation of the GitHub Token is required.

Manual GitHub Token Installation

Access the Application settings of your account and select "Generate new token" or use an existing Github Application token. Store the token in ~/.socialcast/credentials.yml. Example:

:password: supersecret
:scgitx_token: 030000e600000000000000aaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb

Test the token with the git findpr command.


  • --quiet: suppress posting message in Socialcast
  • config/scgitx.yml option share_via_pr_comments: Set to true to post reviewrequest and integration messages as pull request comments instead of Socialcast posts.

git start <new_branch_name (optional)>

update local repository with latest upstream changes and create a new feature branch

git update

update the local feature branch with latest remote changes plus upstream released changes.

git integrate <aggregate_branch_name (optional, default: prototype)>

integrate the current feature branch into an aggregate branch (ex: prototype, staging)

git findpr <commit_hash>

Find pull requests on github including a given commit

git branchdiff <base_branch (optional, default: master)>

List branches merged into remote origin/branch and not also merged into origin/base_branch

git createpr

create a pull request on github for the current branch, without assigning it for review.

git reviewrequest

create and assign a pull request on github for peer review of the current branch. See assignpr for additional options.

git assignpr

assign the pull request on github for the current branch for peer review.


Specify a Review Buddy mapping that will reference the local Github username and @mention a pre-assigned review buddy in the Socialcast Review Request message. Specify the mapping by creating a .scgitx YML file relative to the Repo Root: config/scgitx.yml with the following format:

    emilyjames: # Github Username "emilyjames"
      socialcast_username: "EmilyJames" # Socialcast UserName
      buddy: bobdavis # Buddy's Github username
      socialcast_username: "BobDavis"
      buddy: emilyjames

In this example, when Emily runs git reviewrequest from her local machine, @BobDavis will receive an @mention in Socialcast notifying him to review her branch. If Bob runs the command, Emily will receive a notice in Socialcast.

Additionally you can specify a specialty reviewer, such that you can notify individuals in your organization with a specific skill set. Like Security, or API's

    label: API
    command: (a)pi
    socialcast_username: JohnSmith
    label: Security
    command: (s)ecurity
    socialcast_username: KellyWilliams

git release

release the current feature branch to master

Extra Git Extensions

git cleanup

delete released branches after they have been merged into master.

git nuke <aggregate_branch_name>

reset an aggregate branch (ex: prototype, staging) back to a known good state.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2014 Socialcast, Inc. See LICENSE for details.