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Smithy Smithy Java

ci License

Smithy code generators for clients, servers, and shapes for Java.


This project is still in development and is not intended for use in production.

This repository contains two major components:

  1. Smithy code generators for Java
  2. Core modules and interfaces for building services and clients in Java

These components facilitate generating clients, servers stubs, and types for a Smithy service. The codegen directory contains the source code for generating clients.


This repository does not contain any generated clients, such as for S3 or other AWS services. Rather, these are the tools that facilitate the generation of those clients and non-AWS Smithy clients.

Getting Started

If this is your first time using Smithy, follow the Smithy Quickstart guide to learn the basics and create a simple Smithy model.

For a guided introduction to this project, see the Smithy Java Quickstart guide.

The examples are standalone projects that showcase the usage of Smithy Java for generating clients and building services. These examples can be used as a template for a new project using the Smithy CLI init command.



Smithy-Java only supports Java 17 or later. Older Java versions are not supported.

Codegen (Gradle)

To use the Smithy Java code generators with Gradle, first create a Smithy Gradle project.


You can use the smithy init CLI command to create a new Smithy Gradle project. The command smithy init quickstart-gradle will create a new basic Smithy Gradle project.

Then apply the smithy-base gradle plugin to your project.

// build.gradle.kts
plugins {
+    id("") version "<replace with version>"

Then add the codegen plugins as a dependency of the smithyBuild configuration to make the plugins discoverable by the Smithy build process:

dependencies {
+    smithyBuild("<replace with version>")

Now, configure your smithy-build to use one of the Smithy Java codegen plugins. For example, to generate a client for a CoffeeShop service we would add the following to our smithy-build.json:

// smithy-build.json
    "plugins": {
+       "java-client-codegen": {
+            "service": "com.example#CoffeeShop"
+            "namespace": "",
+            "headerFile": "license.txt"
+       }

Your project is now configured to generate Java code from our model. To execute a build run the gradle build task for your project. To compile the generated code as part of your project, add the generated package to your main sourceSet. For example:

// build.gradle.kts

afterEvaluate {
    val clientPath = smithy.getPluginProjectionPath(smithy.sourceProjection.get(), "java-client-codegen")

// Ensure client files are generated before java compilation is executed.
tasks.named("compileJava") {


Classes and API's annotated with @SmithyInternal are for internal use by Smithy-Java libraries and should not be used by Smithy users. API's annotated with @SmithyUnstableApi are subject to change in future releases.

Core modules and Interfaces


  • core - Provides basic functionality for (de)serializing generated types and defining Schema's, minimal representations of the Smithy data model for use at runtime.
  • io - Common I/O functionality for clients/servers.
  • auth-api - shared Authorization/Authentication API for clients and servers.
  • framework-errors - Common errors that could be thrown by the Smithy Java framework.


  • client-core - Provides protocol and transport agnostic functionality for clients. All generated clients require this package as a runtime dependency.
  • client-http - Client-side implementation of HTTP transport.
  • dynamic-client - Smithy client that exposes a dynamic API that doesn't require codegen.


  • server-core - Provides protocol and transport agnostic functionality for servers. All generated server-stubs require this package as a runtime dependency.
  • server-netty - Provides an HTTP server implementation using the Netty runtime.


  • codegen:core - Provides the basic framework necessary for codegen plugins and integrations to generate Java code from a Smithy model. Only codegen plugins and integrations should depend on this directly.
  • codegen:plugins - Aggregate package that provides all code generation plugins.

Codegen integrations that modify the code generated by codegen plugins can be found in codegen/integrations.


Smithy Java, like the Smithy IDL, is protocol-agnostic. Servers support any number of protocols and clients can set the protocol to use at runtime.


The rpcv2-cborprotocol is a generic binary protocol provided by Smithy Java that can be a good choice for services that want a fast, compact data format.

The protocol-test-harness package provides a framework for testing protocols.



  • server-rpcv2-cbor - Implementation rpcv2-cbor protocol.
  • aws-server-restjson - Implementation of AWS restJson1 protocol.


Codecs provide basic (de)serialization functionality for protocols.

  • json-codec - (de)serialization functionality for JSON format
  • cbor-codec - Binary (de)serialization functionality for CBOR format
  • xml-codec - (de)serialization functionality for XML format


  • jmespath - JMESPath implementation that allows querying a Document using a JMESPath expression.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information on contributing to the Smithy-Java project.

Pre-push hooks

Pre-push hooks are automatically added for unix users via the addGitHooks gradle task.

Note: In order to successfully execute the pre-defined git hooks you must have the smithy CLI installed. See installation instructions if you do not already have the CLI installed.


If you discover a potential security issue in this project we ask that you notify AWS/Amazon Security via our vulnerability reporting page. Please do not create a public GitHub issue.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.