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This project contains two micro-services namely airports and countries which are running in container environment using docker-compose as orchestrator. It uses nginx container as reverse proxy to forward traffic to each micro-service through different endpoints.


  • Docker-compose


  • Clone this repo (Note : This repo contains jar files so it will take sometime download the repo depending upon internet speed)

# git clone

  • Once repo is cloned. Run below command to start the complete stack
#  cd nginx-java-microservice/

#  docker-compose up -d
  • Once the stack is up and ready run below command to check health status of microservice. Proceed to next step only when both microservice are in healthy state.
# docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                   PORTS                              NAMES
72b3e47b5778        nginx-java-microservice_loadbalancer   "nginx -g 'daemon of  "   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes             80/tcp,>8000/tcp     nginx-java-microservice_nginx_1
045310d17391        nginx-java-microservice_airports       "java -Djava.securit  "   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes (healthy)   8080/tcp                           nginx-java-microservice_airports_1
2fc0315ebbe3        nginx-java-microservice_countries      "java -Djava.securit  "   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes (healthy)   8080/tcp                           nginx-java-microservice_countries_1

  • As we can see both microservices are running in healthy state. Now we can access the microservice's endpoint. Use curl or POSTMAN to validate the endpoints or via browser


curl  localhost:8000/airports

curl  localhost:8000/countries



  • Nginx [frontend]

  • airports [backend-microservice-1]

  • countries [backend-microservice-2]

Port Access

  • Both microservices can be accessed via nginx only.

  • Nginx is exposing port 8000 which can be accessed externally.

  • Both microservices exposes port 8080 within the stack for reverse proxy.

  • For health check validation, port 8080 is being used from inside of the container.


Once the stack is deployed below endpoints are base endpoints that works as expected.

curl -I localhost:8000/airports

curl -I localhost:8000/countries

As mentioned in requirement other endpoints like /airports/EHAM for airport or /search/ISO CODE for countries microservice are working as expected.


As per requirement below mentioned endpoints are not exposed. This endpoints are used and available to identify container liveness and readiness

  • /health/live

  • /health/ready

  test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:8080/health/ready"]
  interval: 60s
  timeout: 10s
  retries: 3
  start_period: 20s

Above mentioned is the health check that has been added for both microservices.

Since we are using docker-compose, /health/ready endpoint is being used to identify container health. Although we can utilize both endpoints if we deploy this tech stack on kubernetes. i.e for container readiness use /health/ready and for liveness check utilize /health/live


For each service we have different dockerfile. Below are dockerfile names for respective service.

  • nginx - [dockerfile.nginx]

  • airports - [dockerfile.airports]

  • countries - [dockerfile.countries]

Refer to docker-compose.yml file for complete stack information.

Future Steps

  • Jeknins can be introduced as CI/CD tool to perform rolling updates to microservices.

  • This stack can be deployed to Kubernetes or any other container orchestrator as well.