installed.- Working Kubernetes cluster.
Download manifests as mentioned in upstream docs.
curl -L https://git.io/getLatestIstio | ISTIO_VERSION=1.1.6 sh -
Install Istio on Kubernetes
cd istio-1.1.6
kubectl apply -f install/kubernetes/istio-demo-auth.yaml
NOTE: Above apply might sometimes give errors like unable to recognize "install/kubernetes/istio-demo-auth.yaml": no matches for kind "DestinationRule" in version "networking.istio.io/v1alpha3"
, this is most likely because the CRDs are not registered yet and apiserver will reconcile it. Try running the above kubectl apply ...
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/servicemeshinterface/smi-adapter-istio/docs/smi-trafficsplit
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/servicemeshinterface/smi-adapter-istio/master/deploy/crds/crds.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/servicemeshinterface/smi-adapter-istio/master/deploy/operator-and-rbac.yaml
kubectl create ns smi-demo
kubectl label namespace smi-demo istio-injection=enabled
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/00-bookinfo-setup.yaml
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/01-deploy-v1.yaml
Run following command to get the URL to acces the application.
echo "http://$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')/productpage"
It generally looks like following:
Visit above URL in the browser and you won't see any ratings
since the reviews v1
does not call ratings
service at all.
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/02-traffic-split-1000-0.yaml
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/03-deploy-v2.yaml
Verify that the traffic is still only sent to version v1
of the application even though there is v2
version deployed. Until you perform the next step no traffic will be sent to the v2
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/04-traffic-split-900-100.yaml
Refresh browser multiple times to see that the traffic is sent to version v1
of reviews micro-service 90%
of the time and to v2
, 10%
of the time. Verify that application works fine and increase the traffic for v2
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/05-traffic-split-750-250.yaml
Refresh browser multiple times to see that the traffic is sent to version v1
of reviews micro-service 75%
of the time and to v2
, 25%
of the time. Verify that application works fine and increase the traffic for v2
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/06-traffic-split-200-800.yaml
Refresh browser multiple times to see that the lesser traffic is sent to version v1
of reviews micro-service which is 20%
of the time and to v2
, 80%
of the time. Verify that application still works fine and now is the right time to send entire traffic to v2
kubectl -n smi-demo apply -f manifests/07-traffic-split-0-1000.yaml
Refresh browser and you will see that the traffic is sent only to version v2
of the reviews application.
kubectl -n smi-demo delete -f manifests/01-deploy-v1.yaml
kubectl -n smi-demo delete trafficsplit reviews-rollout