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Accepting PayPal Native Payments

The PayPal Native Payments module in the PayPal SDK enables PayPal payments via a native UI experience in your app.

Follow these steps to add PayPal Native Payments:

  1. Setup a PayPal Developer Account
  2. Add PayPal Native Payments Module
  3. Test and go live
  4. After initial setup, Follow instructions here for Billing Agreements

Setup a PayPal Developer Account

You will need to set up authorization to use the PayPal Payments SDK. Follow the steps in Get Started to create a client ID.

You will need a server integration to create an order to capture funds using the PayPal Orders v2 API.

Add PayPal Native Payment Module

1. Add the PayPal Native payments to your app

Swift Package Manager

In Xcode, add the PayPal SDK as a package dependency to your Xcode project. Enter as the package URL. Tick the PayPalNativePayments checkbox to add the PayPal Native Payments library to your app.


Include the PayPalNativePayments sub-module in your Podfile:

pod 'PayPal/PayPalNativePayments'

2. Initiate the Payments SDK

Create a CoreConfig using an client id:

let config = CoreConfig(clientID: "<CLIENT_ID>", environment: .sandbox)

Create a PayPalNativeCheckoutClient to approve an order with a PayPal payment method:

let paypalNativeClient = PayPalNativeCheckoutClient(config: config)

3. Create an order

When a user initiates a payment flow, call v2/checkout/orders to create an order and obtain an order ID:


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
    "intent": "<CAPTURE|AUTHORIZE>",
    "purchase_units": [
            "amount": {
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "value": "5.00"



The id field of the response contains the order ID to pass to your client.

4. Approve the order using the Payments SDK

To start the PayPal Native checkout flow, call the start function on PayPalNativeCheckoutClient, with a PayPalNativeCheckoutRequest using your order ID from step 3:

let request = PayPalNativeCheckoutRequest(orderID: "<ORDER_ID>")
await paypalNativeClient.start(request: request)

Implement PayPalNativeCheckoutDelegate to listen for result notifications from the SDK. In this example, we implement it in a view model:

extension MyViewModel: PayPalNativeCheckoutDelegate {

    func setup() {
        paypalNativeClient.delegate = self

    func paypal(_ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient, didFinishWithResult result: PayPalNativeCheckoutResult) {
        // order was successfully approved and is ready to be captured/authorized (see step 5)

    func paypal(_ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient, didFinishWithError error: CoreSDKError) {
        // handle the error by accessing `error.localizedDescription`

    func paypalDidCancel(_ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient) {
        // the user cancelled

    func paypalWillStart(_ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient) {
        // the paypal pay sheet is about to appear. Handle loading views, spinners, etc.

For a working example please refer to PayPalViewModel in our Demo application

5. Inspect shipping details

⚠️ Only implement PayPalNativeShippingDelegate if your order ID was created with shipping_preference = GET_FROM_FILE. If you created your order ID with shipping_preference = NO_SHIPPING or SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS, skip this step.

PayPalNativeShippingDelegate notifies your app when the user updates their shipping address or shipping method details. You are required to PATCH the order details on your server if the shipping method (or amount) changes. Do this with the PayPal Orders API - Update order functionality.

extension MyViewModel: PayPalNativeShippingDelegate {

    func setup() {
        paypalNativeClient.delegate = self         // always required
        paypalNativeClient.shippingDelegate = self // required for `GET_FROM_FILE` orders

    func paypal(
        _ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient,
        didShippingAddressChange shippingAddress: PayPalNativeShippingAddress,
        withAction shippingActions: PayPalNativePaysheetActions
    ) {
        // called when the user updates their chosen shipping address

        // REQUIRED: you must call shippingActions.approve() or shippingActions.reject() in this callback

        // OPTIONAL: you can optionally patch your order. Once complete, call shippingActions.approve() if successful or shippingActions.reject() if not.

    func paypal(
        _ payPalClient: PayPalNativeCheckoutClient,
        didShippingMethodChange shippingMethod: PayPalNativeShippingMethod,
        withAction shippingActions: PayPalNativePaysheetActions
    ) {
        // called when the user updates their chosen shipping method

        // REQUIRED: patch your order server-side with the updated shipping amount.
        // Once complete, call `shippingActions.approve()` or `shippingActions.reject()`
        if patchOrder() == .success {
        } else {

If you want to show shipping options in the PayPal Native Paysheet, provide purchase_units[].shipping.options when creating an orderID with the orders/v2 API on your server. Otherwise, our paysheet UI won't display any shipping options.

6. Capture/Authorize the order

If you receive a successful result in the client-side flow, you can then capture or authorize the order.

Call authorize to place funds on hold:

curl --location --request POST '<ORDER_ID>/authorize' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_CLIENT_ID>' \
--data-raw ''

Call capture to capture funds immediately:

curl --location --request POST '<ORDER_ID>/capture' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <ENCODED_CLIENT_ID>' \
--data-raw ''

Note: Be sure that the endpoint you are calling aligns with the intent set on the order created in step 3.

Test and go live

1. Test the PayPal integration

Follow the Create sandbox account instructions to create a PayPal test account. When prompted to login with PayPal during the payment flow on your mobile app, you can log in with the test account credentials created above to complete the Sandbox payment flow.

2. Go live with your integration

Follow these instructions to prepare your integration to go live.