Develop an API that moves a rover around on a grid.
- You are given the initial starting point (0,0,N) of a rover.
- 0,0 are X,Y co-ordinates on a grid of (10,10).
- N is the direction it is facing (i.e. N,S,E,W).
- L and R allow the rover to rotate left and right.
- M allows the rover to move one point in the current direction.
- The rover receives a char array of commands e.g. RMMLM and returns the finishing point after the moves e.g. 2,1,N
- The rover wraps around if it reaches the end of the grid.
- The grid may have obstacles. If a given sequence of commands encounters an obstacle, the rover moves up to the last possible point and reports the obstacle e.g. O,2,2,N