All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added the possibility to search with ASCII transliteration for titles, authors, tags and series with names containing non-ASCII characters, closes #333
- Suppress output of undefined publishing year in title list, fixes #293
- Change author search to use the name field for both counts and results, fixes #337
- JS dependencies for build
- Restructured PHP backend due to a lot of dependency changes and PHP 7.4+
- ChangeLog to
- Added workaround for PHP 7.4 and Aura Auth, see #348
- Ruby dependencies for build
- Merged Polish translation by @xro, #299
- Updated infrastructure
##[1.4.1] - 2017-11-28
- Updated MIME type for AZW3 download, #265
##[1.4.0] - 2017-11-08
- Enabled language processing für ES, GL, HU
- Merged code by @rand82 for showing series in author pages, #255
- Merged #260 by @ramsnerm, human readable filesize for book download
- Added forwarding-sensitive url generation to login middleware, #210
- Added Hungarian translation by @gersey, #202
- Merged #257 by @josefglatz, .htaccess for Apache 2.3+
- Fixed #262, added unicode handling for ID templates
- Integrated spanish translation updates by @Tocamadera, #223
- Integrated french translation updates by @Draky50110, #220, #222
- Corrected OPDS navigation links for series, fixes #215
- Search fields in panels will now get automatic focus on desktops, #183
- Added workaround to search for items with non-ascii names, #206
- Fixed #204, failing GD test in installation check due to new phpinfo format
- Fixed #208, Problems due to strict error handling in newer PHP versions
- Fixed #200, bad parameter tests for id templates
- Handled more edge cases for old or incorrect session cookies to make the transition easier
- Fixed tag resolution and easy mode, #190
- Merged fixes by @Chouchen for installcheck.php (Calibre library problem detection)
- Fixed authentication for OPDS request
- Fixed bad SQL for OPDS tag handling
- Merged improved counter handling for empty DBs by @OzzieIsaacs
- More SQL changes for QNAP users
- Correction for configuration loading in PHP 5.5+
- Added sorting by date to books view #116 #99 #50
- Added admin configuration to specify the kind of date used for sorting (timestamp, pubdate or modified)
- Added Aura\Session library to handle sessions properly, #173
- Users can switch between title and date sorting in titles view
- Updated layout
- Replaced outdated auth library Slim\Strong with Aura\Auth
- Added workaround for SQL statements due to outdated SQLITE libs on QNAP devices, #146
- Security changes: protection against SQL injection, see #175
- Added a switch for disabling the multi-user login requirement, #88
- Added icon for Apple home screens etc, #97
- Updated dependencies: Slim 2.4.3, Twig 1.16
- Updated jQuery Mobile dependency
- Added french typo corrections, #111 by @murdos
- Added pull request #102 (@jampot), all series in OPDS
- Added pull request #140 (@alexandregz), Galician language
- Modified book download, added headers for better Tolino compatibility
- Fixed issue #107, the app returns now 401 for unauthorized download requests via OPDS
- Added pull request #103 (@jampot), add series name/number to emailed files
- Clarified the requirements for the ap, #122
- Added pull request #104 (@jampot), set user roles in admin menu
- Fixes issue #101 etc. undeclared function "fnmatch" in configuration page
- Fixes issue #101 etc. incorrect display for URL reqriting in installcheck
- Included fix for issue #90 (@OzzieIsaacs), changing the clipping of image thumbnails
- Included fixes for searches with embedded apostophes (@OzzieIsaacs)
- Included deletion of thumbnails on library change (@OzzieIsaacs)
- Fixed issue #85
- Included fix for issue #68 (@janeczku)
- Included fix for issue #68 (@janeczku)
- Added author metadata handling (thumbnail, links)
- Added cache-control for admin pages, see issue #81
- Added ID links to title details and link management to admin section, issue #60
- Added dependeny slim/views, removed slim/extras
- Separated Calibre and BicBucStriim DB handling
- Replaced PHP mail support with more flexible SwiftMailer
- Add book languages to the listviews and title details page, issue #56
- The series index number is now displayed in the series and title details scrrens, issuea #58, #71
- Dropped download protection and added login system, issue #47
- Upgraded dependency jQuery Mobile to 1.4.0
- Upgraded dependency jQuery to 1.10.2
- Upgraded dependency Slim to version 2.3.1
- Upgraded dependency Twig to 1.13.1
- PHP mcrypt extension is now required? (php5-mcrypt)
- Added custom columns display to title details page, issue #33
- Added a global search, displaying the first X results for every category, issue #17
- Added link to installation check page if the admin page has errors, issue #28
- Added tag based download protection (@blowk, issue #39)
- Upgraded Javascript dependencies
- Fixed: display of back button, issue #31
- Fixed: database file was accessible (@janeczku, issue #45)
- Added sending books via e-mail (@janeczku)
- Internal DB will be created if it doesn't exist
- Fixed: Logging configuration (@janeczku, issue #34)
- new: app title is now configurable
- new: title search for OPDS
- new: installation check page, installcheck.php
- new: dutch translation
- changed: title entries now show available formats
- updated dependencies (jQuery 1.8.3, jQuery Mobile 1.2.0)
- security fix: issue #12, admin password was displayed in password dialog
- fixed issue #4, sort order of books in series now according to field series_index
- updated dependencies (jQuery 1.7.2, jQuery Mobile 1.2.0 alpha 1)
- new: french translation, thanks to Thomas Parvais
- new: display of book series, thanks to DarkHunter85 (
- new: pagination for titles, authors, series and tags makes navigation in larger libraries easier
- new: OPDS catalog support
- updated: added more details to list views, thanks to DarkHunter85
- new: admin section for configuration, no config.php editing anymore
- new: thumbnail support for book title listings
- new: author and tags listings show the number of books per item
- changed: removed the RedBean PHP dependency
- new: support for Calibre book tags, code donated by mapero (
- new: optional download protection (password)
- updated dependencies (Slim 162, Redbean PHP 3.2.1)