Build the cpp_client with bazel. The build process in this way relies on Adlik.
First, install bazel and some packages needed for building, refer to Adlik Build.
Then, build cpp_client.
cd Adlik bazel build //adlik_serving/clients/cpp:cpp_client -c opt
Build the cpp_client with cmake. The method can be built separately with minimal dependencies.
First, install grpc. Among them, the protobuf version is required to be 3.9.2, and the cmake version>=3.13.
Then, Compile and generate Adlik C++ grpc client source files.
cd Adlik/adlik_serving/clients protoc --proto_path=cpp --cpp_out=cpp cpp/adlik_serving/apis/*.proto cpp/tensorflow/core/framework/*.proto cpp/adlik_serving/framework/domain/*.proto protoc --proto_path=cpp --grpc_out=cpp --plugin protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin` cpp/adlik_serving/apis/*. proto cpp/tensorflow/core/framework/*.proto cpp/adlik_serving/framework/domain/*.proto
Last, build cpp_client.
cd cpp mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make